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The world’s largest hornet, an invasive breed nicknamed the “murder hornet” for its dangerous sting and ability to slaughter a hive of honeybees in as little as 90 minutes, has been declared eradicated in the US, five years after being spotted for the first time in Washington state near the Canadian border.

The hornets, which can be 2 inches (5 cm) long and were formerly called Asian giant hornets, gained attention in 2013, when they killed 42 people in China and seriously injured 1,675.

The news represented an enormous success and was achieved in part by residents agreeing to place traps on their properties and reporting sightings, as well as researchers capturing a live hornet, attaching a tiny radio tracking tag to it with dental floss, and following it through a forest to a nest in an alder tree. Scientists destroyed the nest just as a number of queens were beginning to emerge, officials said.

“I’ve gotta tell you, as an entomologist I’ve been doing this for over 25 years now, and it is a rare day when the humans actually get to win one against the insects,” Sven Spichiger, pest program manager of the Washington state department of agriculture, told a virtual news conference.
finally some good news
>were formerly called Asian giant hornets
They still are. They was only called 'muder hornets' in one place, and that wasn't an official designation.

>“I’ve gotta tell you, as an entomologist I’ve been doing this for over 25 years now
Then you should know better, or you know you've just lied. Either way, you've just proven unsuitability for role.

>finally some good news
But is it true? Have they searched everywhere for them and come up empty, or have they just clobbered a few things they know about and decided because they cannot see more, there are no more?
They weren't like, prominent, but at the same time it's better they got rid of the few there instead of letting them become an invasive species. This is a good thing but it's the kind of good thing where it's "We stopped something before it became a problem" instead of "We've finally addressed the problem", which is less notable even thought the former is objectively better.
Didn't stop it before it became a problem. Them being on your shore was the problem.

Thing is, you're really premature in claiming you've got 'em all. Especially when you've not actually looked everywhere it's possible for them to be. Before you consider other land massess closer than Asia they could potentially of gained a foothold that leave you within migrational range in the near future.

But you got the ones you've seen! That means they're all gone. You can relax happy. Don't worry about addressing any of the conditions that lead to this being possible initially, we've stamped on *a* symptom. It'll be good now.
Bro if they're not visible they don't have enough numbers to be invasive. Obviously they'll be looking out for if they spring up again but for now they don't have to worry about the population exploding.
>has been declared eradicated in the US
So now you got nothing to worry about.

Apart from any you didn't see already, having not looked everywhere it's possible for them to be, and having failed to address the initial conditions that allowed this to happen

But other than that, they're gone now.
bro it's an insect. "everywhere it's possible for them to be" includes literally every knock and cranny in the state.
Basically... Yes.

Now, until you've checked them it's a bit irresponsible to declare there are no more. Makes you look like a bit of a dick when they start surfacing again next year.

And supposedly the cunt claiming this is an entomologist - so if that's true, then they *should* know this. Meaning they've either just outright lied or they're disasterously and in this instance, dangerously underqualified.
>And supposedly the cunt claiming this is an entomologist - so if that's true, then they *should* know this. Meaning they've either just outright lied or they're disasterously and in this instance, dangerously underqualified.
jesus christ what is it with this board and deeming someone's entire professional career invalid because they said something that's only GENERALLY true.

>"Uh, ackchyually this tooth paste only prevents 98.5 percent of cavities. You're basically not even a dentist."
>deeming someone's entire professional career invalid because they said something that's only GENERALLY true.
No. I phear you misinterpret my stance. It's not the fact that what he said isn't authentic, it's the how and the where it's being done.

When the "pest program manager" decides there isn't a pest problem, you don't allocate approriate resources. Considering the exponential rate these fuckers will expand at, even one is a big problem. Especially as they don't tend to come in 1's.

Failing to address the initial conditions that lead to the event, failing to assure the area has been cleared, then declaring the problem done with...

What do you suppose happens next?

That's why I'm saying this is 'disasterous'. That's why I'm saying it's "dangerous". That's why I'm saying "he should know better". That's why I'm saying "if he does know better, he has demonstrated he shouldn't be in that position, and if he doesn't he's not qualified to be in that position".

But whilst you continue to accept this behaviour as 'normal' it will continue.
this is the only government sponsored mass killing I support.

fuck hornets and wasps, only bees get a free pass due to pollination of my garden and honey.

I hope they go after gnats and ticks next.
>Spichiger said Washington will remain on the lookout, despite reporting the eradication. He noted that entomologists will continue to monitor traps in Kitsap County, where a resident reported an unconfirmed sighting in October but where trapping efforts and public outreach have come up empty.
>“We will continue to be vigilant,” Spichiger said.

Stop playing keyboard public health manager jesus christ.
americans are the most invasive species of all, you barge into their land destroy their homes and now murder their species. How could you Americans deserve to be used as hornet seedbeds and suffer
Well. that falls back to my It's gone or it aint, innit?
I'm sure this won't be a problem next year. Trump will save you.
...wait I'm confused: what do you actually WANT them to do? You see the headline saying they were wiped out, you say it's premature. You see the actual part of the article saying they'll stay on the lookout despite initial success, you say they're being too indecisive.

Like what's your fucking issue? That they can't scan the area on a subatomic level to ensure not a trace of giant hornet remains?
>Like what's your fucking issue?
Don't say you've sorted the problem when you very clearly hasn't? It's not a big ask.
Holy smoke, land sakes alive
I never thought this could happen to me
Aha-ha, yeah
Aha-ha, yeah
I got stung by a well hung killer bee
Oh, what a feeling come over me
It started in my thighs, crept up to the head
Flew to my balls 'til I was stung dead
nothing of value was lost.
they hyped up an insect that generally nests away from populated areas and prefers mountainous terrain then, decide to wipe out one seasons worth of nests to say "ERADICATED!". They are oh so wrong. All beekeepers have to do is take measures to protect their hives like the japs do and they wont be a problem.
most likely the latter. Vespula Mardarina prefer to nest away from populated areas. Their presence in the US isn't a threat as much as news media says it is. The Japs have been taking measures to safeguard their beehives from these Hornets for ages. Are Americans too stupid to create hornet proof hives and use some glue traps? I think so.

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