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1. Post the article
>Nyeh it's not in the rules
It is the cultural rule of this board. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
2. I don't think there's any confirmation of her death (I didn't read the article because you didn't post it) and some literal who posting on Twitter is not a news source.
>1. Post the article
The Sun. It's not worth following the link, Zero tangible data. Certainly nothing that supports the overly sensastionlist headline. The most productive data being:
"The suit claims that, collectively, the plaintiffs suffered damages of more than $151,000 after the collapse of the memecoin.

One investor from Brooklyn, New York, allegedly lost $70,000, while another lost $18,500."
Which explains why this non-event of someone not posting to jewtoob is somehow in the 'news'. A bunch of spastics sank a load of money into a shitty memecoin and lost it.

>2. I don't think there's any confirmation of her death (I didn't read the article because you didn't post it) and some literal who posting on Twitter is not a news source.
Yeah. Don't waste your time. Aint nuttin in there. Like between OPs ears.
>the memecoin crashed
yeah, they all do that lol. surely nobody was too surprised right? this memecoins thing has been going on for a while now.
I saw the hawk tuah girl on a Jimmy kimmel skit last week. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LR9wVf4rpg4&pp=ygUQaGF3ayB0dWFoIGtpbW1lbA%3D%3D I personally would rather have her pee on my penis. She ain't dead, as she still has 5 min.left in her 15 min. of fame
Meme coins crash but surely anyone with more than 2 brain cells to run together realized that this wasn't just a meme coins, but a country girl with minimal tech literacy whom is only known for simulating the sound of spitting on a dick during a blowjob has no legitimate desire to develop a crypto currency and any attempt at doing so would be for no other reason than an ed ed n Eddy style get rich quick scheme
She's the daughter of a Jewish billionaire. There's photos of her before the rhinoplasty.
Why would the daughter of a billionaire be working manual labor at a fucking bed spring manufacturer
she is an industry plant
not in the rules tranni boi. I don't post the text because I do not respect you
You aren't the OP, he wasn't talking to you.
how would you know, tranni boi?

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