Anonymous Luigi Mangione Judge Married t(...) 12/24/24(Tue)03:23:01 No. 1370441 Luigi Mangione’s pre-trial judge is married to a former executive at Pfizer, according to a shocking report. Magistrate Judge Katharine H. Parker, who has handled Mangione’s pre-trial hearings, is married to Bret Parker, who stopped working at Pfizer in 2010. She also has hundreds of thousands in stock, according to reporting by journalist Ken Klippenstein. The judge holds between $50,000 and $100,000 in Pfizer, including stock in other healthcare industry companies like Abbott Laboratories, Viatris and CRISPR Therapeutics. Her husband still collects a pension from his former employer. Parker also has holdings in Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Microsoft, Tesla and Apple, amongst others. >>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)04:11:19 No. 1370447 Sounds like a recipie fo a mistrial - especially when combined with police abuse of suspect. Or better. An undeniable example of corruption within the legal system that prevents justice that could serve to inspire folk to do something about it. >>
fuck catholism, these are our (...) 12/24/24(Tue)04:41:27 No. 1370451 >>1370447 The COPOCRACY gonna crucify our guy. But St. Louey, like St. FLOYD, will be remembered.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)05:54:37 No. 1370460 pre trial judge though so what’s the problem? >>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)06:30:18 No. 1370461 >>1370441 voir dire that she's married to a CEO>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)07:18:24 No. 1370462 >>1370447 so what, it's not like anything is gonna happen>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)09:15:17 No. 1370467 >>1370460 The daily beast likes to take issues like this where they support or do not support someone accused of criminal charges, and then they come up with some conspiracy-tier story on some vague connection between the judge and someone not-really-but-kinda relevant to the case so that they can keep their readers thinking that it was unfair the whole time. They did this all the time with trump and hunter Biden, and probably others too, I just don't really read their rag so I wouldn't know any others besides what's posted here>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)10:04:46 No. 1370474 >>1370467 Ok trumptard. I was looking for an actual answer>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)10:30:23 No. 1370475 >>1370462 huge conflict of interest. Imagine if luigi gets found not guilty and healthcare companies are forced to treat their consumers as human beings at the risk of a copycat. That would mean their earnings drop drastically and as a result their share price. Not only does she have family ties to higher ups in the healthcare sector, her personal assets are involved one way or another so she's incentivized to be favorable to the prosecution.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)11:32:03 No. 1370490 UMC is a healthcare insurer Pfizer is biopharmaceuticals. They aren't even the same industry you leftist retards. >>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)11:51:24 No. 1370502 >>1370490 both are part of the Pharmaceutical industry you fucking retard. One affects the other>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)12:14:54 No. 1370511 >>1370502 You are objectively wrong. UHC is a health provider and health insurer. Pfizer is biopharmaceuticals and does not provide neither health care nor health insurance services. You are objectively and demonstrably wrong, and just because you want to conflate two lateral industries as the same industry because it's convenient for you to do so does not make you correct>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)12:19:46 No. 1370515 >>1370511 Consumer discretionary: Companies that make products consumers choose to buy, such as cars, electronics, and clothing. These stocks are sensitive to economic cycles and interest rates. Industrials: Companies that make and distribute products that help other companies operate, such as transportation, capital goods, and commercial services. Information technology: Companies that work in the information technology sector. Financials: Companies in the financial sector. Healthcare: Companies in the healthcare sector. Communication services: Companies in the communication services sector. Consumer staples: Companies in the consumer staples sector. Energy: Companies in the energy sector. Utilities: Companies in the utilities sector. Real estate: Companies in the real estate sector. Materials: Companies in the materials sector. Pray do tell me which sector they both fall into then you retard. yes they aren't the exact same company but they both fall into the healthcare/pharmaceutical sector.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)12:30:48 No. 1370524 >>1370515 Healthcare plans and biopharmaceuticals are as much the same industry as Walmart vs GE. One makes things, the other sells it. You fucking retard, but you know this.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)13:22:00 No. 1370549 >>1370524 cope>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)13:52:16 No. 1370561 >>1370515 UHC doesn't make any healthcare products, doesn't hire doctors. They just take and make money. All insurance is financial.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)14:24:21 No. 1370564 >>1370561 "The healthcare sector consists of businesses that provide medical services, manufacture medical equipment or drugs, provide medical insurance, or otherwise facilitate the provision of healthcare to patients." UnitedHealth Group (UNH) is a healthcare company that operates in the managed healthcare insurance industry: Industry: Managed healthcare insurance Sector: Healthcare Exchange: NYSE Would you like to argue about the NYSE's classification now too>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)14:30:00 No. 1370565 >>1370561 here's the S&P 500 index for healthcare here's the S&P 500 index for financials You can see for yourself UNITED HEALTH GROUP isn't under financials that's basically banks credit cards and investment groups. Its under healthcare >>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)14:51:05 No. 1370567 >>1370441 I'm sorry, but the whole TDB cope of "the trial is rigged because the pretrial judge is married to someone who works in the pharmaceutical industry and the guy murdered someone who worked in the health insurance industry" is quite frankly bullshit and huge pre-cope for his eventual conviction>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)15:08:20 No. 1370570 >>1370567 so hypothetically if the judge owned stocks in united healthcare and knows for a fact if he doesn't end with a conviction it'll lead to her savings being siphonned would you say its a conflict of interest. its down 16% since the shooting.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)15:32:44 No. 1370572 >>1370564 >>1370565 shills sure are riled up no one really cares about industry leeches>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)15:36:35 No. 1370573 >>1370572 that's your comeback after you got BTFO and proven you were objectively wrong? Ok i accept your concession you're welcome for the lesson>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)15:38:15 No. 1370574 >>1370573 >hur hur your technakly wrong ok shill keep gagging on corpo dick>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)15:43:23 No. 1370576 >>1370574 you're objectively wrong, its literally on different stock indexes retard. Not technically OBJECTIVELY you literally don't know shit. You thought a fucking healthcare provider wasn't in the healthcare sector HAHAHHA>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:03:47 No. 1370577 >>1370576 >STOCKS say its HEALTHCARE okay buddy, keep rageplying Insurance is Insurance, regardless of the type, all Jew run gambling. Pfizer, CRISPR, the other companies mentioned? They're actual healthcare companies involved in making medicine and medical tools.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:10:48 No. 1370578 >>1370577 isn't that what ur doing. you think you know better then the stock indexes. God how does someone grow to be this ignorant and stupid. here's a lesson for you retard if you're involved in healthcare insurance you're in the healthcare sector, hard thing to understand i get it. You're so smart. kekeke>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:12:30 No. 1370579 >>1370570 Anon, hypothetically if the judge was regularly banging the CEO it may make a difference, because just like in your example the judge would have a material interest in the outcome. The judge is married to a former worker of another corporation in another lateral industry. The levels of leftist cope in this thread are unreal. He's going to be convicted of murder because he's a murderer, not because the pretrial judge is related to someone in the biotech industry>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:17:10 No. 1370580 >>1370579 > another lateral industry. pfizer and unitedhealth are both on the S&P 500 healthcare index. so you're objectively wrong about that. Right and you know what the point of the court is? to make sure he gets a fair trial and now you have a judge who has a monetary interest to rig it in the procecutor's favor and a mayor whose publicly denounced him as a terrorist before he's even had a trial. Do you understand what due process means >>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:24:37 No. 1370581 >>1370580 >pfizer and unitedhealth are both on the S&P 500 healthcare index Do you even know what an index is anon? Pfizer is on the sp500 pharmaceutical index, and UHC is not, while UHC is on the Sp500 health care index, and Pfizer is not, so by your logic you are objectively wrong about them being in the same industry. You cannot deny without lying that UHC is a medical care provider and insurer, while Pfizer is biopharmaceuticals. Yes, they are both related to health. They are *LATERAL INDUSTRIES*>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:26:48 No. 1370582 this is a major Daily Beast cope thread lmao. Dudes going to get convicted because he's a murderer and the leftist mainstream outrage conspiracy theorists need to take their meds. >>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:30:12 No. 1370583 >>1370580 >Both Pfizer and UHC are on the sp500 large cap index, therefore they are the same industry This is why you sound retarded. Index bundle things according to commonalities. Like market cap or industry. Depending on how you cut things Pfizer and UHC can be marked in the same, or different indexes. Yes, they are both health, but thats where the commonality ends. They operate in different market sectors and since they do not compete (one sells insurance the other sells pharmaceuticals), they are by definition lateral industries>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:34:04 No. 1370584 >>1370581 >Sp500 health care index, and Pfizer is not you are wrong on that. pfizer's on there too. Ya but you'll agree that if united health and similar companies see their earnings tank because their ceos are scared of getting shot then the healthcare sector as a whole will see a decline.>>1370583 > they do not compete (one sells insurance the other sells pharmaceuticals) Uh actually they're closely related you don't think its a coincidence that medication prices are vastly inflated with 0 influence from healthcare companies right. Healthcare companies make its partners to up their prices to force consumers to buy healthcare or literally die in debt.>This is why you sound retarded. >Index bundle things according to commonalities,Like market cap or industry No you fucking retard it's not by market cap it's by fucking Sector. >>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)17:02:39 No. 1370585 >>1370582 He's going to get the death penalty. Hopefully Trump televises it. Gonna love guzzling libtard tears lol. Maybe he'll schedule the execution of the same day they repeal Obamacare. That would be amazing.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)17:34:32 No. 1370586 >>1370584 You are never going to convince me that a trial is going to be thrown by a pretrial judge who is married to an ex pfizer employee has a conflict of interest on a case where a dude assassinated a guy who worked for another corporation in a different but "related" sector. But hey, youve got the daily beast balls deep down your throat, and you seem to love being outraged by the potential conspiracy they are peddling you, so don't let me stop you>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)18:22:17 No. 1370587 >>1370586 sure thing libshit, keep hallucinating. Ignore the nonstop conflict of interests though especially when it involves their personal assets. You're the fucking retard here supporting the far-left oiligarchy. Fuck yourself and i hope you get into a car wreck too and spend ur time in debt to some greasy white freak.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)18:23:18 No. 1370588 >>1370586 convincing a moron like you that ur wrong is harder then winning the lottery so why would i ever need to>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)18:37:53 No. 1370590 >>1370586 This is going to be a show trial to intimidate the plebs. Don't think it'll work though. The myth of elite untouchability has been shattered.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)18:44:17 No. 1370591 >>1370590 >>1370588 >>1370587 >A murder is going to be convicted of murder, oh no! Deal with it. The CEO got what was coming to him and so will Luigi>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)19:39:04 No. 1370598 >>1370591 you deserve to be next for simping for that corporate dog.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)20:09:47 No. 1370599 >>1370598 Should have bought or taken a job with better health insurance. They have tiers for a reason. The system is working as intended and filtering out failures.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)20:17:03 No. 1370600 >>1370598 Whatever you weirdo. Happy holidays.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)20:17:57 No. 1370601 >>1370599 Always brings a smile to my face when I see denial rates. This is the weak and dumb getting what they deserve.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)20:20:52 No. 1370603 >>1370600 merry chrismas>>1370599 the claim denial is the issue they drag you through courts until you literally die then take whatever you owe off your deceased body.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)20:22:38 No. 1370604 >>1370603 Again, better plans don't get denied. It's only the shit plans with extreme deductibles they do this to.>>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)20:25:23 No. 1370605 >majority of anons on here defending current healthcare system I thought the conservative argument was that it was shitty because of Obamacare and regulations, not "it's cool, and this bad thing is actually good because people die.">>
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)20:41:24 No. 1370606 >>1370605 Republicunts have always been corporate ballwashers. Of course they'd fall right in and demonize someone who dared to kill a CEO>>
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)10:50:00 No. 1370698 >>1370606 uh actually that's libshits too, didn't you see what eric adams the nyc mayor said.>>
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)11:07:16 No. 1370703 >>1370698 How many years of far right indoctrination did it take before you started using words like "libshit"?>>
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)11:15:33 No. 1370706 >>1370703 non because i wasn't radicalized by the far-right i was radicalized by the far-left. Please kill yourself.>>
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)11:18:22 No. 1370707 >>1370706 When did you first start noticing the libshits everywhere around you?>>
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)11:21:26 No. 1370709 >>1370707 when did you get access to the internet?>>
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)14:23:45 No. 1370756 >>1370604 >It's only the shit plans with extreme deductibles they do this to. Does this not count as fraud?>>
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)15:04:44 No. 1370761 >>1370605 All of them are hypocrites. Part of the reason why conservative Christianity is a joke.>>
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)16:31:20 No. 1370766 >>1370709 1991>>
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)01:10:05 No. 1370821 >>1370585 That'll put the unwashed masses back in their place, won't it. The CEOs hiding their pictures was pretty funny though.>its-afraid.jpeg >>
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)05:46:34 No. 1370840 >>1370766 Newfag.>>
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)05:50:34 No. 1370841 >>1370585 >Hopefully Trump televises it. Yeah. 'cause then the next one won't be found a week later still holding the weapon, several sets of ID and a manifesto. As that's clearly where this went 'wrong'. And the only way to stop a next one is to cease unfair treatment - keep rolling that dice. You'll get a six. It *will* happen.>>
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)08:46:00 No. 1370850 >>1370841 >'cause then the next one won't be found a week later still holding the weapon, several sets of ID and a manifesto. As that's clearly where this went 'wrong'. >And the only way to stop a next one is to cease unfair treatment - keep rolling that dice. You'll get a six. It *will* happen. When were you radicalized on the internet?>>
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)19:06:26 No. 1371101 >>1370585 CEO bootlicking faggot . You’re next.
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