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Caimen is 21 now, but the first thing visitors see in the trailer he shares with his dad is a coffee-table-sized resin model of characters from the Dragonball Z anime show. Dozens of smaller models fill a living room display case. Still more line the hallway. Sibrina ordered the figures and they would assemble them together. Some came all the way from Japan and cost thousands of dollars.

“We decided to kind of just enjoy it as we went, instead of trying to have a bunch for retirement or our older age,” Jerry said. Given what happened, “I’m kind of glad we did.”

One of the display cases now holds Sibrina’s urn.

good thread
Smart family. These thingies will become collectors items and when that big boy is a 60 yr old virgin, he can sell them & buy a house & move out of the trailer & get himself a wife. It will be kinda depressing though, seeing mom's ashes beside the collectibles.
Bro they had a shared hobby they all enjoyed. She worked because she wanted her kids to be happy because she didn't have a lot growing up.

Fuck off OP.
They need to make the urn stylized as the Mafuuba pot.

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