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Translated by notebookLM
The entry into force of a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas, initially scheduled for today at 8:30 local time, has been delayed as Hamas has not yet submitted the list of hostages to be released during the day, as requested by Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had "informed the army that the ceasefire, which is supposed to come into effect at 08:30 (local time), will not begin until Israel has the list of hostages that Hamas has committed to providing," according to a statement.
Hamas, for its part, had said in a statement that it was fully committed to respecting the agreement, but acknowledged a delay "in providing the names of the hostages to be released": "For technical reasons on the ground."
The agreement, reached by mediators on Wednesday, a few days before the inauguration of new US President Donald Trump, has fueled hopes for a lasting peace despite Netanyahu's umpteenth warning. The prime minister, in fact, has warned that the agreement is "a temporary ceasefire" and that his country maintains "the right to resume the war if necessary and with the support of the United States."
According to the terms of the agreement, hostilities must cease and 33 Israeli hostages must be released, in a first phase spread over six weeks. In exchange, Israel will release 737 Palestinian prisoners, according to the Israeli Justice Ministry, while Egypt reports that "more than 1,890 Palestinian prisoners" will be released during this first phase. The Israeli government has announced that the hostages will be released on Sunday, without specifying the number and date.
Net n' yahoo is showing tRump whose the boss, and that tRump can be FIRED.
>>1375341 (OP)
Hey antisemites, you voted in a president who is pro-Israel & pro-Jew.
You really do get the government you deserve.
>>1375341 (OP)
Why is a random Italian press agency the only one reporting this?
>Hamas didn't release the 30 hostages they never had
news suppressing it so all the NPCs can believe the war is over but Israel can keep up the genocide until all the land is theirs.
>>1375341 (OP)
I call it a jewish ceasefire.
Gosh I hope palestine comes to our aid when Trump starts sending us leftists to concentration camps
>>1375341 (OP)
I call it a jewish ceasefire.


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