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Feds offered Epstein a plea deal for dirt on Trump.
“He said, ‘They told me they’d let me plead out something small, and I’ll do just a couple of years in a camp, if I can give them something on Trump to get him impeached.’

“He says, but the government told me I don’t have to prove what I say about Trump, as long as Trump’s people can’t disprove it,”
Epstein apparently had nothing, but considered “making stuff up” to save his skin.
Feds offered Jeffrey Epstein a deal for incriminating dirt on Trump, ex-cellmate says

Jeffrey Epstein was offered a sweetheart plea deal by federal prosecutors in return for incriminating information that would lead to President Trump’s impeachment, according to the late pedophile’s cellmate.

Ex cop and convicted killer Nicholas Tartaglione, Epstein’s bunkmate at the Correctional Center in Manhattan weeks before his death in August 2019, said the disgraced financier dished on the dirt-digging expedition after a confab with the feds.

“He said, ‘When you were a cop, what do you know about proffers and cooperating?’ I said, ‘Jeff, it’s pretty simple, the prosecutors, they caught a fish — you. They’re not gonna let that fish off the hook unless you give them a bigger fish,'” recalled Tartaglione in a call with Jessica Reed Kraus, a California-based self-described journalist who recorded the conversation and later posted it to her Substack.

“He said, ‘Yeah, well, that’s what they said. He said, ‘They told me they’d let me plead out something small, and I’ll do just a couple of years in a camp, if I can give them something on Trump to get him impeached.’

“He says, but the government told me I don’t have to prove what I say about Trump, as long as Trump’s people can’t disprove it,” Tartaglione said Epstein considered “making stuff up” to save his skin.
>>1375363 (OP)
>The feds
>Who would've been working for Trump

Also if this is true, this makes Trump the single most likely person to have Epstein killed.
>the single most likely person to have Epstein killed
Epstein is in Israel right now living under an assumed identity under protection of mossad
> feds
> working with Trump
Everyone knows the feds have been working to undermine and sabotage Trump, and this story is just more proof of that. Hopefully now he’s learned not to trust these people and will just go in and purge their ranks.
the only people loyal to Trump were the people he appointed and most of them were GOP recommendations that ended up being loyal to the GOP and not Trump.
>>1375363 (OP)
Sooo... This 100% confirms the "Trump had Epstein killed for knowing too much" theory, right?
I mean, Trump DID rape a 13 year old with Jeff Epstein in 1996, the only way to keep that buried is to:
1. Silence the only other primary source (Epstein)
2. Force Katie Johnson to sign an NDA, with the implied threat that she can disappear far more easily and quietly than Epstein can if she tries anything.
3. Run a massive online disinfo and censorship campaign to keep anyone from talking about Johnson.

Well Epstein was silenced under Trump's watch, Johnson has been forced into an NDA and went to ground to avoid getting "suicided", and there is demonstrably a massive campaign to bury the Katie Johnson allegations, so.... 2+2+2=?
Great head canon.
Still seems more likely to me that the Zion don returned an Israeli intelligence asset to Israel rather than ordering his own federal agents to investigate himself and then kill Epstein when he didn't cooperate
Trump is the head of the GOP so this post doesn't make any sense.
Did you forgot the whole 2016 "never trump" thing? The political landscape changed quite a bit since then. Much of the gop was not happy that trump won the primary, they just don't rig their elections like the DNC does when an outsider is competing and gaining an advantage
You’re probably not an American, so you’re not aware of the nuances of our politics, but the GOP establishment despised Trump when he first entered the scene, because he was an outsider to their system and said things they didn’t like (remember that Trump was a New York City Democrat all his life before running for office). Hence why we had movements like the Lincoln Protect trying to rid him from the Republican party, and both sides of the aisle working to undermine his first administration.
And this affects 2019... how?

By that point the GOP had fully focused itself behind Trump.
Can you not imagine a petty employee who hates their boss but will do the bare minimum to stay in their good graces while secretly plotting ways to screw him over?
None of this is actually true though. It's campaign slop from 2016 which was directed at low info voters.
you're definitely not american
What kind of cope is this? I'm a lifelong American, not that it matters in the slightest.
so you're indian?
You're retarded. Trump's entire first presidency was so weak because half the GOP was against him and most of the term was spent fighting fake russia propaganda. He couldn't even do the bare minimum without EO
No I'm a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, but that doesn't have anything to do with every 2016 GOP candidate bending the knee to Trump.
You're twice as retarded as you think I am. Once Reince Preibus left the GOP Trump installed his own people and it's been his party ever since.
you suck at lying
Good thing I'm not lying then.
Then sounds like you’re an idiot who just started paying attention to our politics yesterday
>>1375363 (OP)
More like whatever weird headcanon you're quoting has no basis in reality.
he's not american
Or a libtard shill
I'm not showing you my social security card, dingus.
Yes I'm a libtard for pointing out Trump installed loyalists to head the GOP after he won. Do you even listen to yourself?
Trump installed many people recommended to him by the GOP and other establishment cronies, and being new to politics with no connections or understanding of what he was getting himself into, he took in people to turned out to be subversive to his agenda. But don’t worry, this time will be different, and Trump won’t be as nearly as nice as he was last time.
Cool headcanon, but here's what really happened
>McDaniel, who is the niece of retiring Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), first captured Trump’s attention when she held the role of chair of the Michigan Republican Party in 2016. Trump rewarded McDaniel after his historic win in the state by installing her as RNC chair.
> Conflating a figurehead of the RNC to actual cabinet members in the administration.
The head of the RNC is not a part of the executive branch of government. When we talk about people subverting trumps administration, we’re talking about people in critical positions of authority like Secretary of Defense, FBI director, Homelamd Security, etc. You know, the people of actual consequence who are supposed to carry out Trumps agenda, but instead did everything they could to create friction to undermine it. Also,
> Article goes on to reference the “very fine people hoax” as fact.
Your source is fake news. But you already know this because you’re a disingenuous lier.
Good post
I don't understand what this attempt to rewrite history is supposed to get you. The head of the RNC is not a figurehead and Politico is not fake news. Good luck getting help with those delusions.
>President-elect Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that Michigan GOP chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel is his choice to succeed incoming chief of staff Reince Priebus as chair of the Republican National Committee.

>McDaniel, the niece of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and a Priebus ally, is expected to take on the role next month, when the 168 members of the RNC hold a leadership election during the committee’s winter meeting in Washington, D.C. Until that time, McDaniel will hold the title of deputy chair.

>She will become the first female to hold the RNC chairmanship since the 1970s, when Mary Louise Smith oversaw the committee.

>“I’m excited to have a highly effective leader in Ronna McDaniel as RNC deputy chair and I look forward to her serving as the Party’s chairman in 2017,” Trump said. “Ronna has been extremely loyal to our movement and her efforts were critical to our tremendous victory in Michigan, and I know she will bring the same passion to the Republican National Committee.”
>Trump picked this one inconsequential person to be in charge of the RNC which has nothing to do with his how his administration is run or the function of government, therefor no one is his cabinet could have possibly been planted there to undermine his authority or had loyalties elsewhere.
Non sequitur you libtard.
I worked for the Federal government from 2011 to 2023, when Trump became the President the GS-15 at my USGS office in San Diego called a meeting of the 116 PhD scientists in the office. The GS-15 presented the office with a large white board that was placed in the middle of everyone’s cubicles in the one common meeting area, on the white board he wrote “Drumph”, he wrote nothing else, he told us that we were all good people and that he and the government had our back and that counselors were available for everyone. Between 2016 and 2020
That white board stayed right there and people would come in and write down words and phrases like, “grab them by the pussy”, “covfefe”, and “orange clown”, that’s all it was there for, to make fun of Donald Trump.

I could think of no way to erase this board without being caught on camera etc. and subsequently fired or abused, so instead I did what any logical adult man would do and I scanned my cock on a photocopier after work one day. On the physical photo copy I wrote Hillary voters love cock and scanned it again, this time to a digital version, I sent it to the entire office. This digital hillary cock caused quite the stir in the office, it resolved nothing and the white board was still there when I changed agencies in 2021, over a year after Trump stopped being President.
Good post anon.
you misspelled "liar"
naw dood u rong u the rong one 4 reel and Trump Gon pay dood NO DAT.
naw u the rong 1 dood and Trump eval he Gon pay we gots plans dood NO DAT.
>Trump is the head of the GOP so this post doesn't make any sense.

Just because a new President gets into office, doesn't mean the entire federal government bureaucracy is swapped out for loyalists, in fact only the top people in government change with 99% of the functionaries remaining from administration to administration.

The Dems absolutely hated Trump but even the Reps were undermining him throughout his four years in office, as he was an outsider and a loose cannon they couldn't control.
Good post
Nobody’s perfect.
The feds don’t work for Trump, legally speaking
>The feds don’t work for Trump, legally speaking
Your killing my vibe man
If Biden is the head of the DNC why does Bernie sometimes disagree?
Everybody knows it was Bill Gates. He outed himself in that interview were he said he was very proud of what he did, a good job he said.
Bernie isn't technically a democrat.

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