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Bill Gates and President-elect Donald Trump may seem like an unlikely duo, but their recent three-hour dinner proved to be an engaging and unexpected meeting of minds. Gates, who had backed Kamala Harris, opened up about their private conversation, which covered everything from global health issues to driving innovation, to complex algorithmic large language models.

"I did an analysis using a malleable logarithmic of the ways that past POTUS have managed their ways of getting their policies across, and my data shows that president elect Trump shows a very high degree of what we in the tech industry call Technical comprehension characteristic innovation.


Donald Trump Launches $TRUMP Meme Coin—Token Hits $9 Billion Market Cap
A new meme coin launched by President-elect Donald Trump on Friday has a market capitalization of about $9 billion—after hitting a peak of over $15 billion early Sunday—marking Trump’s latest venture into cryptocurrency and merchandise sales in the lead-up to his inauguration.

Trump is just a puppet and everyone wants their hands on a string. All you have to do is stroke his ego. Gates doesn't have to *like* trump, he just needs to make trump feel good and then he can get support for his humanitarian projects that more cognizant repuglicans would scoff at
Gates like tRump now, because he's a real billionaire now. tRump has discovered the world of the bitcoin pyramid scheme, and has gotten in on the ground floor. This was tRump's plan all along, to use POTUS to make $. This was why he was so angry after losing the 2020 election, as his grift hadn't taken root yet
lol Trump is making America great again
Threatening allies, punishing Americans with tariffs, but at least we get our China app back! Let's Go Trumb!
Have fun seething for the next four years that you can't pretend you're a woma
You forgot the "n", igger.
>Threatening allies
They aren't our allies. They're the dems allies and dems are treason.

>punishing Americans with tariffs
We don't want or need foreigners. We don't want to buy from foreigners. If there is something we need, we take it.

>we get our China app back
Perfect move from Trump. Now he has the zoomer support on lockdown, which will be necessary when we start needing to build up for our conquest of Mexico and Canada.
rethuglicans and imperialist fascism, inseparable
>They aren't our allies. They're the dems allies and dems are treason.
>America no longer has any allies other than Isreal and the Jews because everyone else is a traitor

These next 4 years are going to be so fun to watch. America and Isreal vs China, the EU and the rest of the world will be grand
nah, we got a Trump rugpulling scam before GTA 6

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