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WASHINGTON — With just a few hours remaining in office, President Joe Biden issued a slew of pardons Monday morning to preemptively protect people President-elect Donald Trump had threatened.

Biden pardoned former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, Dr. Anthony Fauci, members and staff on the committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol and U.S. Capitol and D.C. Metropolitan police officers who testified before that committee.
why pardon them if they haven't committed any crimes?
Sorry vaxxie, no refunds
I beg your pardon
I never promised you the rose garden
Along with the sunshine
There's gotta be a little rain sometime
When you take, you gotta give
So live and let live or let go, whoa-whoa-whoa
I beg your pardon
I never promised you the rose garden
So Trump doesn't go after them with bullshit charges the same way dems went after Trump.
In the right wing reactionary mind, they have committed crimes against humanity. GENOCIDE J'Biden has committed crimes against humanity. But the GOP is complicit, so I beg your pardon, we never promised you the (Whitehouse Rose garden)....have some rain(and Mondays always get me down)
But trump actually committed crimes, felonies even.
Democracy in action folks.
>>1375477 (OP)
Fucking insane. I don't think presidential pardons were meant to protect your family and your political cronies from any crimes they may have ever committed
And General Milley committed treason multiple times. He's part of the reason why 13 soldiers got killed during the evacuation.
>multiple times
Source? Magats are well known for just making shit up, so I'll have to see some evidence for your claims.
>calling China, our rival, and telling them he will give advanced warning if we attack isn't treason
>trying to prevent Trump from firing nukes, and then informing China isn't treason
>telling Pelosi that Trump can't carry out powers he actually does have isn't treason
>lying to Trump that he's going along with the troop withdrawal from Syria while still having them engage in combat isn't treason
>refusing orders by Trump to appear at meetings isn't at least insubordination
>lying multiple times to the House Armed Service Committee isn't treason
None of that is treason. Try again, and maybe with some actual sources.
Communicating with our enemies and letting them know if we'll surprise attack them isn't treason? Yeah shut the fuck up faggot.
The absolute state of this country. Isn't there a prion disease that can spread and irreversibly fuck anyone who catches it down a descending dementia-riddled spiral of doom? Please let that shit kill us all and be done with this world
China is a near-peer, but not yet an enemy. In fact, they're one of our top trading partners. Just take a look at the tag on your overpriced maga merchandise.
Milley had a responsibility to not follow unlawful orders, and starting WW3 with China unprovoked is pretty unlawful. If anyone is guilty of treason, it'd be the orange baboon selling classified intel to China and Russia from documents kept in his bathroom in Mar-a-lago.
Anon trying to stop your retard from starting WW3 or martial law isn't treason. He's legally required to disobey presidential orders that go against the law and constitution.
>muh ww3
Trump wasn't planning on going to war with China, but the fact that we have a general who is in communications with China, without Trump's knowledge or approval, and is promising to tell them in advance if we'll attack them - espionage - is clearly treason. I can't believe this retarded conversation I have to have on 4chan about this.

Name another country on the planet where that country's general tells a potential enemy (that they're constantly posturing against) they'll be warned of an attack - which would obviously cost soldiers their lives - and going against their leader, and this isn't considered treason by that country. Go ahead I'll wait.
Who the fuck is promoting war with China? Actual war, not tariffs.
Nobody, that's who.

Just another example of fart huffing Dems imagining things to he upset about
>calling China, our rival, and telling them he will give advanced warning if we attack isn't treason
>trying to prevent Trump from firing nukes, and then informing China isn't treason

Did you forget about this?
they have committed crimes thats why the biden monster pardon them, biden the traitor to the country has shat out more pardons than all other US presidents combined, yes the democrats have been such insane criminals that this was needed, the pardons should be removed and the entire democrat party hanged for this
>biden the traitor to the country has shat out more pardons than all other US presidents combined
And he issued his son the single most extensive presidential pardon for a single individual ever in the history of the country. No other person has ever been pardoned by a president to the extent that Hunter Biden has been pardoned... A pardon spanning 10 years, all crimes known and unknown.
Trump never planned to use nukes. Gen. Milley thought that Trump mightuse nukes on Jan 6th, so he moved to prevent him giving that order if he did. And then called China to let them know they won't be nuked.

Again, no indication by Trump he was going to attack anyone. Gen. Milley just took it upon himself (coordinating with Pelosi this time) to undermine his Commander in Chief. Which is treason.
What about all Trump's pardons lol
An unapproved nuclear strike is treason lmao. According to his own oath of office, Milley was doing the correct thing.
>An unapproved nuclear strike is treason lmao.
Which Trump never planned? (I swear you people are retarded and/or deliberately ignoring this)
>According to his own oath of office, Milley was doing the correct thing.
Wrong. Even if Trump was planning an attack, Milley's role is to execute it. He's not in a position to second guess the Commander in Chief.
>>1375477 (OP)
Biden also pardoned his whole family, including Jim Biden, his corrupt brother.
>Wrong. Even if Trump was planning an attack, Milley's role is to execute it.
You're the one that's wrong retard. Trump would first need to consult senior officials and declare a sufficient reason for a nuclear strike. Per the depart of defense, any nuclear strike without sufficient reason would be an illegal order, which Milley is sworn to disobey per his position.
Donald Trump pardons vs Joe Biden pardons



It’s impressive how Joe Biden has given us so many “imagine if the parties were reversed” moments by doing all the things they accuse Trump of doing.
Good post
again retarded moron biden pardon more people than ALL OTHER US PRESIDENTS IN ALL OF HISTORY COMBINED

Retarded faggot.
You're on fire today, anon. But you're arguing with brainwashed retards. It's like trying to herd cats.
Heyo retard, look at actual official policy.

Meanwhile, even in your own fucking article:
>Now, if POTUS ordered a nuclear first strike out of the blue against China or Russia, there would be questions about legality.
What was he threatening to do again? Oh yeah, randomly strike China because he lost an election.
>What was he threatening to do again? Oh yeah, randomly strike China because he lost an election.
And where did he say he was going to nuke China because he lost the election?
the easiest solution to this blatant corruption is trump ordering the alphabet clowns to kill them all be it in secret or in the open and then pardon them, with that justice would be served and trump would still have waaay less pardons than biden ever did.
Why did Milley need to warn them? What legitimate reason would we have to strike china on 1/6?
I'm asking you that faggot. Trump never planned to use nukes, yet Milley took it upon himself to disarm Trump. And you don't call that treason. Fucking hang yourself.
Why would he need to warn about a strike anon?
Beats me, because there never was a plan to nuke China on Jan 6th. Now can you explain how disarming your commanding officer without a reason isn't treason?

Of course you can't faggot.
Warning about a potential illegal order isn't treason retard. If any reason for a strike is invalid, than warning about it is effectively within his position.
Can you explain how disarming your commanding officer without a reason isn't treason?
how did he disarm trump by telling china he would warn about an illegal strike?
>d..dude a military bastard warning your countries enemies i..isnt treason dude

all democrats must die
Can you explain how disarming your commanding officer without a reason isn't treason?
>preventing ww3 isn't treason
If China thinks we're about to nuke them and nukes us first because of Trump's retardation, it is absolutely within the interests of the US at large to make it so they don't.
Miller had a reason. tRump has the potential to crack up under press ure, even more cracked than his usual self
>we need to disarm the president and keep him from firing nukes because China is about to fire nukes at us

Retarded traitor.
>i make up excuses in my head that have nothing to do with reality

you are scum and you are literally claiming ww3 on the only president who didnt start new wars all while literally defending treason and the democrat party who started new wars and got us closer to ww3 than at any other point in human history, you honestly deserve death
ok now how is he preventing Trump from firing nukes if they aren't an illegal order?
>Beats me, because there never was a plan to nuke China on Jan 6th. Now can you explain how disarming your commanding officer without a reason isn't treason?

>Of course you can't faggot.
>An unapproved nuclear strike is treason lmao.
No it fucking isn't. The president has the power to nuke whoever he wants. Trump should fire off some big firecrackers just to put everyone else on edge. Maybe he'll put one right in the heart of Ontario. Wouldn't that be based?
>>1375477 (OP)
There are options to get justice, two ways to go about this, the easy way would be:
Pardons only affect old charges, just make new charges and hang them.

The funny way:
Counter it the same way, trump orders a hit on all the biden pardoned criminals and then trump pardoning the hitmen, can all be done in secret as well if necessary.
Tadaa i solved it.
>>1375477 (OP)
democrat retards are now twisting themselves into brezels to defend treason to such a point that they would have to argue that during ww2 our military should have gone behind the presidents back and told hitler all our attack plans and help him win to "prevent ww2" lol even lmao you might think you are a edgy chud but you will never ever be such a nazi as democrat voting retards trying to defend treason.
Are presidents even allowed to preemptively pardon people? The thought you had to be convicted of a crime first before you could get pardoned. None of the people Biden pardoned have been convicted of crimes (they should be investigated they weren’t) so couldn’t Trump just prosecute them anyway?
>Are presidents even allowed to preemptively pardon people?
Yes. It does not require a conviction to pardon someone.
The question which has not been asked or answered is whether a President can pardon an unlimited number of unknown and unspecified crimes (such as the time range Joe gave in his pardon of Hunter). The simplest way to bring this question to the courts is to ignore the pardons.
Good post.
Agreed. I was actually surprised to see someone post "good post" besides myself.

Anyone have the link to the .gov website where the actual pardon documents are, I want to read the text
I think it's somewhere on justice.gov but I can;t find it
>FOR ANY OFFENSES against the United States which they may have committed or taken part in arising from or in any manner related to the activities or subject matter of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol
Lmao. Wow. Not good optics pardoning the crimes of a committee used to persecute a former president for political reasons.
what I can't understand is how the one for his extended family is the only one that specifies
>For any NONVIOLENT offenses
All it does is lend fuel to the fire that the committee was not just a farce, but was a conspiracy driven to defraud the United States and an abuse of power and authority against its citizens.
>what I can't understand is how the one for his extended family is the only one that specifies
Good catch. Odd discrepancy, isn't it
>Just ignore Trump saying he'll prosecute them on false charges
>Just ignore something that didn't happen.
>my family didn't do any crimes, trust me
You've had 9 years to give proof, but there isn't any.
>t. Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden was convicted of several felonies, and then his father pardoned not just Hunter but his entire family for any crime they could have committed over the last decade.
But if they're innocent nothing will come of the trials. So...
>>1375477 (OP)
>Mark Milley
illegal communication and promises to China where he promised China he would betray Trump if nuke order
>Dr. Anthony Fauci
illegal gain of function research and general perjury. probably some financial crimes too.
>lawful orders
an order from the president to withdraw all troops from Syria is lawful.
>But trump actually committed crimes, felonies even.
This is true. But future REALLY WOKE generations will see tRump as a clown that the people voted in because they were so fed up with the clown show. Genocide J'Biden will be judged even worse than the presidency of Andrew Jackson (1829–1837) and his successor Martin Van Buren (1837–1841), for the genocide of 1st nation peoples. More harshly,because we were supposed to be a more civilized world.
Like dems did to Trump?
>It's only okay when WE do it!
>typical democrat
Remember back in his first term when Trump pardoned people convicted of lying and witness tampering on his own behalf? Sure, *now* all of a sudden the pardon power is being abused. Right.
>ass-blasted leftbot can't understand the difference between pardoning someone for a very specific case of a crime for which they've been convicted and sentenced and pardoning someone for any and all offenses they may have committed over the course of an entire decade
If you pardon all the people who help you obstruct justice how does it not amount to the same shit?
>Sure, *now* all of a sudden the pardon power is being abused. Right
Remember how just in the last few months Biden pardoned more people than any president ever, combined, including his entire family and all of his political cronies? Right.
Good post
Aside from Carter, technically he pardoned everyone who dodged the Vietnam draft
Because we can look at Manafort and Stone and know what they did and how it was done and what the results were, and everyone knows about it. There are millions of highly dubious dollars sloshing around between the bank accounts of the Biden family that will now never be accounted for, we'll never know what decisions they bought, we'll never know what the repercussions were.
NTA you clearly get his point, and even in that case you could point to the crime of draft dodging.

What crimes did any of the people Biden pardoned today commit? We'll never know.
If it's serious problems for the country they can set up another congressional commission, right? I assume that's what they'll do in any case.
> George Bush (2001-2009) 200 pardons
> Barack Obama (2009-2017) 1927 pardons
> Donald Trump (2017-2021) 237 pardons
> Joe Biden (2021-2025) 8064 pardons
There’s some numbers to put in context the blatant corruption.
Source? I'm not disagreeing, I'm legit curious about those numbers.
Biden’s score hasn’t been updated on this one so see the other

Trump just today pardoned 1500 Jan 6ers though.
>On October 6, 2022, Biden pardoned all those convicted of what was previously the federal offense of simple possession of marijuana, totaling 6,500, via Proclamation 10467.[89] This excluded non-U.S. citizens and those who were considered illegal immigrants at the time of their arrest.[90][91]
>Trump just today pardoned 1500 Jan 6ers though.
OK, he's still got another 6500 to go though
> Trump just pardoned 1500 Jan 6ers
Nice. I was wondering how many Jan 6ers would be released. I had heard rumors earlier that he was Trump was originally only planning to pardon a select few Jan 6ers, but after learning about Joe’s blanket pardon of his family and loyalists it might of pissed him off enough to issue is own blanket pardons. Funny how things worked out that way.
> George Bush (2001-2009) 200 pardons
> Barack Obama (2009-2017) 1927 pardons
> Donald Trump (2017-2021) 237 pardons
> Joe Biden (2021-2025) 8064 pardons
> Donald Trump (2025-present) 1500 pardons
Happy now?
>pardons for people you personally incited to riot using false statements to stop an official proceeding
>pardons for weed possession randos
>these are in some way on the same level
>Trump just today pardoned 1500 Jan 6ers though
No, weed possession is materially a crime, or at least was at the time those people were convicted. The Jan 6 protestors were just American taxpayers entering a building they paid for.
you're a faggot
>pardons his criminal son after he's found guilty, a military traitor, and the guy responsible for the draconian COVID lockdowns and restrictions
Suck a cock.
how many felonies does trump have again? remind us of your double standard anon
>Just ignore the assaulted police, theft, breaking and entering, threats...
You mean misdemeanors that got transformed into felonies thanks to the same lawfare that democrats are afraid Trump will use, hence Biden's pardons?
thanks for proving you have no consistency or accountability
Yeah talk more about double-standards faggot.
>a potential illegal order

>illegal order
A military leader undermining his commander in chief, in service to a foreign adversary, is pretty close to a literal coup.

There's nothing to suggest that Trump was going to go to war with China. But a general letting China know that one of Trump's military advisors was going to disobey him if called to action put the United States at risk.
If there is no legal scenario where a strike on China would be justified, then a random strike that would start WW3 would absolutely be considered illegal.
Imagine telling Kennedy in the 60s during the Cuban Missile Crisis we can't arm the nukes in preparation to strike Russia because it's not justified. It's illegal. Shut the fuck up you traitorous cunt. I swear to fucking god I can't describe what I want to do to you without catching a ban.
Cuban missile crisis had justifiable military incursion reasons. Unless China was actively doing military action against us, any order to strike them would be considered an illegal order under the department of defense' laws.
>any order to strike them would be considered an illegal order under the department of defense' laws
Oh really? Cite the fucking law then faggot.
Uniform Code of Military Justice articles 90 and 92 both cover the consequences for disobeying an order, and both say it only applies to lawful orders. A solider of any rank and any level is allowed to disobey an unlawful order.

Declaring WW3 out of the blue would be considered an unlawful order.
>Declaring WW3 out of the blue would be considered an unlawful order.
Declaring war is done by Congress tho. And by definition it's legal in Congress declares war.

Are you talking about the president ordering a military strike? That would not be illegal
>Declaring WW3 out of the blue would be considered an unlawful order.
How? Explain how Milley would know better than the president and legally could tell him (or her) no.
Funny how you're bringing up the UCMJ with all the articles Milley has violated during his time under Trump: Articles 103, 89, 87, 92, 88, 94, 131, 103, 107, just to name a few. I don't fucking see you saying shit about the legality of having an insubordinate general, you fucking faggot.
Not during wartime. In addition, active dialogue that includes no US state secrets is not espionage.
Doesn't apply to unlawful orders and Milley never engaged in direct contempt.
Is about moving with aircraft/ships/units, doesn't apply here at all.
Already covered.
No derogatory language used while under Trump's command.
Again, only applies to lawful orders.
No perjury committed.
You listed it twice retard.
again see 131.
>Trump pardons his cronies
>Trump threatens to jail his political enemies on trumped up(heh) charges when he wins
>Biden pardons Trump's political enemies
Gee it's almost like Trump knew Dems were cowards who wouldn't do more than slap anyone on a wrist but President Biden knew Trump was a vindictive douchebag
>Not during wartime.
Not required.

>Doesn't apply to unlawful orders
Which Trump did not give.
>and Milley never engaged in direct contempt.
Yes he did. Several times.

>Is about moving with aircraft/ships/units, doesn't apply here at all.
Failure to report. Trump ordered him to be at locations and he refused. Again, you take no issue with such blatant insubordination.

>Already covered.
See 87.

>No derogatory language used while under Trump's command.
Telling Pelosi that Trump doesn't have the powers he clearly has is contempt.

>Again, only applies to lawful orders.
And again, Trump didn't give an unlawful order. Therefore insubordination.

>No perjury committed.
Lying to the House Armed Service Committee over the Afghanistan evacuation, over troop counts, communications with Biden, readiness of Afghan military, equipment on bases, withdrawal timelines, undermining the chain of command, etc.

>You listed it twice retard.
Sorry it's hard to keep track of all the fucking laws he broke, that you don't give a fuck about because orange man bad.

>again see 131.
Again see HASC report.
>Which Trump did not give.
If Trump didn't give any orders at all then he didn't disobey shit.

>Trump ordered him to be at locations and he refused
>Telling Pelosi that Trump doesn't have the powers he clearly has is contempt.
>Lying to the House Armed Service Committee over the Afghanistan evacuation, over troop counts, communications with Biden, readiness of Afghan military, equipment on bases, withdrawal timelines, undermining the chain of command, etc.
Source on these?
>If Trump didn't give any orders at all then he didn't disobey shit.
And yet Milley still maneuvered to remove Trump's ability to use nukes, even though Trump never said he would nuke anyone. So this general is disarming the president and usurping his authority without a justified reason, correct? Yes or no, answer the fucking question.
Did he actually take away Trump's ability to use the nuclear button? No? Then shut up. All he did was use his position to assure China our own increasingly unstable leader wasn't going to randomly start WW3.
>Did he actually take away Trump's ability to use the nuclear button? No?
>Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley took steps to prevent then-President Donald Trump from misusing the country's nuclear arsenal during the last month of his presidency, according to a new book by The Washington Post's Bob Woodward and Robert Costa obtained by NBC News.

So you need to shut the fuck up. Then un-shut the fuck up and ANSWER MY FUCKING QUESTION NIGGER and then shut back the fuck up and kill yourself.
Did he fucking take the ability away, or did he just ensure that Trump couldn't give illegal orders?

If Trump could have still given the order in a lawful scenario, he didn't take away shit. And him being unable to give the order in an unlawful scenario is Milley's duty to enforce.
chuds angry that their orange retard couldn't start a nuclear war because adults hid it away
>Did he fucking take the ability away
>And him being unable to give the order in an unlawful scenario is Milley's duty to enforce.
Fucking wrong. He wasn't even in the god damn chain of command for a nuke launch you dumb nigger.
>That account is of far more concern to some former officials who spoke to CNN on the condition of anonymity and outside analysts, who see it as the chairman of the joint chiefs – whose role by statute is advisory, not a command authority – inserting himself inappropriately into the chain of command.

Talking with you is a waste of my god damn time, but I'm going to try one more angle just for shits and giggles, and to prove how much of a TDS faggot shill you are: When Biden ordered the evacuation of Afghanistan, Milley was against that (like he was against Trump) and leaked to the press that Biden was acting against his advice and that he'll be responsible for terrorist attacks in the U.S. Is this insubordination? Yes or no?

Or don't bother because it's another simple yes or no question that you can't answer because it shows how much of a retarded faggot you are.
I bet you think whistleblowers should be prosecuted too you fucking bootlicker.

Also, unless Milley literally physically stopped Trump from having any access to nuclear codes, then no, he didn't take any ability away.
The shill is also ignoring that, since Milley was criticizing democrats, he had 100% support from Republican toads and propaganda so they all clearly didn't think it was insubordination at that time.
Of course, its convenient for the shills argument to pretend it wasn't, so the selective memory kicks in and they're feigning outrage now.
That's what I thought. You can't answer any questions because it blows up your narrative. I'm done with you, trash. Fuck off back to plebbit where you belong.
In case you couldn't assume, I don't think any criticism of the leadership is insubordination, bootlicker.

Likewise, your inability to explain how Milley trying to prevent the start of ww3 and smooth tensions with China is somehow equivalent to Trump being cutoff from any lawful nuclear launch authorizations.
>>1375477 (OP)
The pettiness wars begun they have.
It's also worth mentioning that accepting a pardon is also a legal admission of guilt, and that pardons must be introduced in court proceedings. So how someone is supposed to admit to guilt of an undiscovered crime that they’re not in court for is unclear. It will be interesting to see who actually accepts Biden’s pardons, since it’s admitting to crimes against the US. I can expect his family, low level staffers and sycophants to take the pardon, because what have they got to loose? But for someone like General Milley to accept the pardon and to admit to guilt to everything, that’s a serious decision he has to make. He can take it and avoid criminal charges, but he will still be dishonored get discharged and possibly loose his pension. Or he can not take the pardon and defend his actions of subverting the chain of command to communicate with China, which is a big risk too. Sounds like he’s screwed either way.
>It's also worth mentioning that accepting a pardon is also a legal admission of guilt
No it isn't lmao.
According to the supreme court case Burdick v US it is, you fucking midwit.
Lorance v. Commandant, USDB says otherwise. The only thing Burdick gives is the ability to refuse the pardon on the grounds it may APPEAR as an admission of guilt.

Lorance v. Commandant, USDB specifically says acceptance of a pardon does not constitute admission of guilt.
Well I mean logically you can't be pardoned for a crime you didn't commit. I suppose these very broad pre-emptive immunity orders should be called "exemptions from prosecution" but that phrasing doesn't scan so well with the electorate.
That decision came from the lower 10th circuit court, does a lower court’s decision override the supreme court’s? Not likely. At the end of the day it will depend on how this gets adjudicated, or if there’s a will to adjudicate it at all. But the supreme court’s decision stands until then.
Burdick doesn't determine guilt retard. It only concedes the idea that acceptance of a pardon may lead to the appearance of guilt. There is no supreme court ruling on if it works as an admission of guilt, so until there is we have to go off of the lower court ruling, which is Lorance, which says acceptance of a pardon is not admission of guilt.
What's your 'win' here? You shitpost things that are wrong in this thread, you double down on being patently wrong over and over, and then.....? What's in it for you? You cannot make me mad, if that's your goal.
is it just to keep going long enough for people to give up talking to you, so then you can say to yourself "well that's a win by technicality", and add it to the scoreboard?
Anon "pardons are not an admission of guilt" is objectively correct though. Until the supreme court does deliver a proper ruling, there's only the lower court ruling on Lorance v. Commandant, which clearly states accepting a pardon is not an admission of guilt.
Get used to it, because you’ve got four more years of this to go.
>In case you couldn't assume, I don't think any criticism of the leadership is insubordination, bootlicker.
Unfortunately for you, the military disagrees. See Generals Mitchell and MacArthur for more details.
>>1375477 (OP)
Literally the worst president we've ever had. What an absolute crook.
This. 8064 pardons in one term, but everyone wants to cry ORANGE MAN BAD. Hypocrites.
How the fuck does a blanket "pre-emptive" pardon even work? Don't you need to be charged with a crime first to receive a pardon? I'd imagine this shit would be struck down by the Supreme court real fast. Fuckers acting like this shit is literally a Monopoly get out of jail free card.
because they all did high treason
Well for one, trump is a fucking blithering retard, so nearly everyone who has a track record of not being a retard would know nearly everything better than trump (the retard)

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