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A defeat for Chuds. Don't let them bury it.


“Moana 2,” originally conceived as a television show for streaming, is officially a billion-dollar box office smash.

The animated sequel has generated $445 million domestically and $567 million internationally, bringing its grand total to $1.009 billion globally after eight weekends of release. “Moana 2” is Disney‘s third 2024 release to join the billion-dollar club following “Inside Out 2” and “Deadpool & Wolverine,” capping off a stellar 12 months for the film studio. None of its rivals fielded a single $1 billion release in 2024, though Universal was closest with “Despicable Me 4” ($969 million).

“Moana 2” opened on Nov. 28 and cemented a Thanksgiving box office record with $225 million over the five-day holiday frame, obliterating the previous benchmark set by 2019’s “Frozen II” with $125 million. Despite mixed critical reviews, the film benefitted from positive word-of-mouth among moviegoers and remained in the top five on domestic charts for seven consecutive weekends. Now it its eighth frame, “Moana 2” landed at No. 6 with $6.1 million over the weekend and $8.4 million over the extended Martin Luther King Jr. holiday stretch.
>>1375520 (OP)
Not siding with the "IT'S WOKE!" crowd, but this has gotta be the most successful movie that no one ever fucking talks about.
What's wokism got to do with this film? It's about psuedo native Hawaiian Polynesian mythology, mixed with pop songs, aimed at kids and families . If I had kids, I'd watch it with them and give Disney more $. Cynics gotta poo poo. I watch family & kids films with kids, porn with my same sex husband, and intellectual films alone
>>1375520 (OP)
Welp, it's over.
Is it good, should I watch it? I liked the first one. Good songs.
""No one"" talks about it because it's not a racebait remake or some joke adaptation, so it's not going to run the online rage circuit.
The only time i here chudtypes mention moana is to say "yeah fine, do more of that instead of blackwashing"
>Nope. They cheaped out on everything and made it mid.
>Good songs.
They got a new person for the songs lol
Not even in a ragebait way. Like, there is no discourse about this movie. No "look at this iconic scene", no specific praise for any of the songs. Not even that much "here's what Moana 2 did wrong". It's like no one wants to discuss this film after watching it.
>>1375520 (OP)
Only good Disney sequels that come to mind are Toy Story 2 and Extremely Goofy movie. I also love Aladdin 3, but I'll just stick to 2s.

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