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Axel Rudakubana today admitted the murders of Bebe King, Elsie Dot Stancombe and Alice Da Silva Aguiar during a Taylor Swift-themed dance class

Rudakubana was further charged with attempting to murder eight other children, who cannot be named for legal reasons, and two adults, Leanne Lucas and John Hayes, who were also stabbed during the incident but survived the attack.

He was meanwhile charged with additional offences of production of a biological toxin, namely ricin, and possession of information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, namely a PDF file entitled "Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants: The Al-Qaeda Training Manual", in October

>>shit! So he was a terrorist?!

Counter Terrorism Policing have not declared the mass stabbing a terrorist incident.
>>but wasn't there a mass of stabbings?

Chief Constable Kennedy said of this: "The matter of which Axel Rudakubana has been charged under the Terrorism Act does not require motive to be established. For a matter to be declared as a terrorist incident, motivation would need to be established."
>>the training manuals etc aren't terrorist shit?

>>I wonder if something else is making it this way....
>>1375533 (OP)
It's entirely possible to use terrorist tactics while not actually doing it for a terrorist cause anon. The legal definition of terrorism is so fuckin blurry around the world unless the dude was directly associated with a terror group (as in, actively receiving orders from their leaders directly) they usually don't bother.
>>1375533 (OP)
Should have posted his mugshot rather than that stupid DC comic, op
>Should have posted his mugshot rather than that stupid DC comic, op
Children, today. What are we going to do with them? Anyway, the US and UK governments ( and the people that voted them in)are responsible for these and all "terrorist" attacks. The oppressors call it terrorism, and the oppressed call it war. This stabber is a POW, and according to the Geneva convention(The Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War (POWs) is a set of rules that outline how POWs should be treated. The convention was signed in 1929 and went into effect in 1931. The 1949 version of the convention, known as the Third Geneva Convention, was adopted after World War II."

POWs must be treated humanely and protected from violence, insults, and public curiosity

POWs cannot be tortured or subjected to medical experiments
POWs must be provided with adequate food, clothing, and medical care
POWs must be released after hostilities end
POWs can only be prosecuted for war crimes, not for lawful acts of violence
POWs must be questioned in a language they understand
POWs must be issued with identity cards

Who does the convention apply to?

Members of armed forces
Volunteer militias, including resistance movements
Civilians accompanying the armed forces
In other words, this stabber, and Hamas, and other true downtrodden semitic freedom fighters. Luigi is a P.O.W., but in a different category.
terrorism is illegal violence for political gain. Legal violence for political gain is war or police.

but you're correct the laws are poorly written to include everything.
How can he be charged under the Terrorism Act for a crime that's not being considered terrorism
>>1375533 (OP)
>Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants: The Al-Qaeda Training Manual
>Axel Rudakubana

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