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Trumps already starting his legacy of not doing shit that he said he was going to do, untarnished by victory


House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) had vowed to raise flags at the United States Capitol building to full staff for Donald Trump's inauguration.

However, the Wall Street Journal's Olivia Beavers brings word that this plan has hit a bit of a snag as "the cords are frozen" on the flagpoles due to cold temperatures, thus making raising the flags more difficult than initially expected.

The flags were lowered to mourn the passing of former President Jimmy Carter, who died late last year at age 100.

However, after Trump complained about the optics of flags being lowered to half staff during his second inauguration, Johnson announced that he would be returning them to full staff on January 20th.

As of this writing, the current temperature in Washington D.C. is just 24 degrees and Trump last week decided to move his inauguration indoors to avoid being exposed to frigid temperatures.
You both lost, losers . Oh, the weather outside is frightful
But the inside is so delightful
Since we've no place to go
Let the blowhard blow, let him blow, let him BLOW!!1
>>1375561 (OP)
>invoking god
Something is gonna hit you.
tRump's old shroom-chode always Flys at 1/2 mask. This is why he don't like to be reminded of it, so all flags FULL MUSK!1.....urrr..FULL MASK1!1
you're homosexual.
america lost
israel won
>>1375561 (OP)
God is protecting Trump from degenerate leftists who want to kill him for doing what is right.
he's right. queer

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