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Biden leaves Trump a disaster. On the first day of Trumps second term the US debt ceiling will be breached and government agencies will begin austerity measures.
Biden did everything he could to leave trump the biggest garbage fire possible.
Yellen: Treasury 'extraordinary measures' on debt limit start Jan. 21

Treasury secretary Janet Yellen, in one of her final major acts in office, warned Congress late Friday that the Treasury will need to begin "extraordinary measures" on Tuesday to avoid hitting the debt limit.

Why it matters: The first full day of the Trump 2.0 presidency will see the government scrambling to move money around, increasing the urgency of the problem he's demanded Congress address.

Driving the news: Yellen warned Congress about three weeks ago that measures would be necessary sometime this month unless they acted to raise or suspend the debt ceiling.

On Friday, she indicated those measures were now necessary as of Jan. 21.
The debt limit was suspended by legislation in 2023, but went back into effect on Jan. 1 of this year.
President-elect Trump wants the debt limit abolished entirely, but equally wanted that done before he took office.
Zoom in: Yellen outlined a variety of steps the Treasury would take, including freezing certain investment activities for civil service and postal retiree benefits and suspending debt issuance.

What she's saying: "The debt limit does not authorize new spending, but it creates a risk that the federal government might not be able to finance its existing legal obligations that Congresses and Presidents of both parties have made in the past," she wrote.

"I respectfully urge Congress to act promptly to protect the full faith and credit of the United States."
>>1375847 (OP)
>Biden leaves Trump a disaster.
PHD in covering up Trumps own problems.
Republicunts decided to leave this landmine for themselves back in December, and were too lazy to be prepared Day 1 like they thought they would.
Trump starting in failure mode is expected.
>Trump starting in failure mode is expected
Trump fixing the problems biden left for him is going to be viewed positively by the public
more like any faith left in mass media will dissolve through your incessant pathological lying
I'm only one man, anon, I can't change the world. It's the fault of the mass media itself people are losing faith in it. They have a history of misinformation and its no wonder people would prefer to investigate the primary source themselves

Speaking of which, I have a photo of an AP article reporting that when Guglielmo Marconi showed his latest invention, the radio, to Mussolini, it was in fact an invisible weapon and the AP reported planes falling from the sky and cars become inoperable in the vicinity.
They have a history of lying like this.
tRump 2.0 will be a repeat of 1.0. Without us having to worry about a buffoon in charge of Covfefe. 90% of his time playing golf,bragging and trolling on Twitter, watching cable TV, and eating slop, and the 10% giving the rich tax breaks.He'll make a show of deporting a few illegals. The dummy's here on news do a better job of trolling than tRump. His target audience with his trollsbis so easy though, midwit middle class suburbanites. tRump did 1 good thing in his first term, he put Fauci partly in charge of covfefe, but the baboon failed to wear a mask as an example, and didn't close down enough and so caused 1 million excess deaths. This will be his legacy. He killed 1M more Americans than needed to due.
>>1375847 (OP)
Simple solution: bump up the debt ceiling. Of course, Republicans are allergic to this measure, so...
>Of course, Republicans are allergic to this measure
Only when democrats are in office. Since trump is in office just keep printing money! Republitards set themselves an alarm for January 20th, 2029 to wake up and start freaking out about the debt again.
>>1375847 (OP)
Damn. Is Greenland still for sale?
Oh my. Lots of lefties having melties in this thread, I'd say it's about at Fukushima levels
No. It's time to cut spending and start paying down the debt. Uncle Samantha needs her credit cut off.
i thought you hated the clintons
Imagine if Ross Perot won in 1992.
And then someone reasonable after him.
And then Ron Paul.
keep buying that silver anon, any day now
>>1375847 (OP)
Janet Yellen is not a government employee. She works for a privately owned corporation that isn't publicly traded. The Federal Reserve Bank is a privately owned for profit bank that is not part of the US government.
>>1375847 (OP)
i hope and pray that trump murders all democrats and pardons the heros afterwards.
Ok she's also not a capybara. What's your point?
>>1375847 (OP)
>Day 1 of Trump The Amazing's day in office where everything will be glorious.
>Already crying and blaming anyone possible

This is going to be so much fun to watch.
Biden left trump a disaster. Day 1 was already pretty great. Honestly it's just another 1,459 great days ahead to look forward to
No one believes this.
Yeah. It's going to be 1459 days of Trump/Vance, and then another 2920 days of Vance/Trump, and they're all going to be terrific
Let's check in, in 1200 days and see how this is working out and who you decide to blame then lol.
Are you paid to shill for the billionaire class or do you do it for free?
I'm paid in good vibes
Of course they do if for free. These simps would even pay for the right to genuflect for their oligarch billionaire overlords. They beg for the chance to bend the knee and kiss the ring real special so maybe a crumb or two falls in their direction.
>>1375847 (OP)

Reminder: TRUMP OPPOSED THE DEBT LIMIT DEAL IN DECEMBER. He WANTED a government shutdown until he took office.
Just because Trump wanted it, Musk demanded it, and the GOP majority house voted for it, doesn't mean that it isn't Democrats fault.
They should have been the adults and stopped Republicunts from being so fucking stupid.
Probably because he's trying to address it by tariffs, import taxes and spending cutbacks instead of just ignoring it and raising the debt ceiling, retards
So in shill world, this is Bidens fault because Trump wanted it to happen this way exactly?
And Trump is going to fix high prices by increasing the prices Americans pay for everything?
Any other dumbass takes from the retard brigade that Real Americans should know about?
Do you really think Trump is going to raise tariffs on broad swaths of imported goods without other countries doing the same? Are you really going to enjoy electronics and many manufactured items suddenly shooting up in price while you sit waiting for US companies to start producing those things domestically? Also note that the US used to be a major exporter of food, but now you import the majorty of it. So not only will costs of domestic foods go up because the immigrant basically slave labor used to produce it are about to be deported, then you'll be paying tariffs on everything else.
Tariffs and import taxes are going to raise our prices anon. You put those out, we get them in return. And there's a fair amount of things we can't/don't make ourselves, never mind actual supply to meet demand.
Yep. I don't think Trump will actually impose the tariffs, it's just more random talking out his ass, but if he does actually have the balls then overnight pretty much anything that has a microchip, plugs into a wall, uses batteries as well as those batteries with shoot up 30%‐%40. Everything that's imported will be more expensive by default and the ones that aren't will quickly adopt the new import prices as the baseline.

It's that way across the board. Both imported food and domestic food will get far more expensive once tariffs are in place and there are no immigrants for cheap labour. The US also imports a ton of natual resources from Canada, like oil and lumber so those building costs are going to go way up. Trump talks about drilling for oil, but as usual after oil prices initially spike they won't come down once the heavy pumping begins again. Oil is a finite resource and the billionaires who own the companies want to control it as much as possible, this is all part of that.
>Tariffs and import taxes are going to raise our prices anon
But minimum wage increases do not? I'm interesting to see how these mental gymnastics play out in your response
>anon doesn't know he already signed the executive order creating the ERS
We're either getting the tariffs or an agency that does nothing.
Anon let me spell it out for you.

When we put tariffs on someone, it increases the amount they need to pay for EVERYTHING from us. Therefore, they do the same in return to try and break even on the resulting extra price.

When you implement minimum wage increase, you increase how much a company has to pay THEIR EMPLOYEES. It is their decision if they want to make up for the increased price through raising prices on all their products or by say, giving their CEOs a slightly smaller wage.

If CEOs can keep affording to give themselves pay increases, they can absolutely afford to give their workers additional minimum wage. And as a further counterpart to that argument, allow me to present how minimum wage has been the same since the 1970s but prices have universally gone up. So what's the worst that could fucking happen that wouldn't happen already?
Not him, but minimum wage increases put that money back into the economy because those people spend their money on goods and services. Taiffs just suck up money to give to the government, which would be good if the money then gets used for social programs, but Trump has vowed to cut those. So what it goes to is increasing profits for investors which is the goal, to siphon money upwards. Meanwhile anyone not in the investor class sees all their costs of living go up while minium wage remains the same. That makes for an extremely strained lower class which isn't good for anyone except the corporations that run the for-profit prisons that have already given the US by far the highest prison population on earth.

Soon you'll be having people committing crimes just to get sent to jail where they will at least have a roof and some shitty food to eat.
>but minimum wage increases put that money back into the economy because those people spend their money on goods and services
Tariffs put more money back into the economy both directly via revenue and other means like increased employment domestically required to meet demand
>Tariffs put more money back into the economy both directly via revenue and other means like increased employment domestically required to meet demand
lol we don't have the infrastructure to replace those expensive foreign materials, and we won't for several years. Even the factories we have rely on foreign imported materials that will greatly increase in price.

Trump literally cited McKinley's tariffs as his golden example... which did the exact same thing everyone is warning about. They massively increased prices and lost the republicans the next election by a landslide.
The increased employment domestically is going to take years to set up for anything electronic which is one of the main places where much higher prices are noticeable. The US would have to start building factories to produce all those chips first and who is going to do that? Are you waiting on some tech corporation to start building plants? They give no fucks, they're just raking in profits no matter what. Do you want the government to mandate that chip factories get made so Americans can buy domestically made electronic products only? That's some communist Russian shit. So honestly, where do you think these cheap American goods will suddenly start being made?

And that's just goods. Remember that the US now imports more food than it exports. Combine that with immigrant labor no longer working the fields and take a look at reality. Someone needs to go stand in the hot sun all day under shittt conditions picking peppers and right now they're mostly paid sub minimum wage because they're essily exploited immigrants. So either you have a situation where masses of Americans are working for bare minium wage with no benefits or your peppers start to cost five bucks a pop and eggs tripple in price.
>Do you want the government to mandate that chip factories get made so Americans can buy domestically made electronic products only? That's some communist Russian shit.
Well that would be the goal at least. It's just we are NOT surviving the massive price increase long enough for it to happen, plus we don't have anywhere near the amount of resources to back production without relying on imports... which, you know...
>Well that would be the goal at least.

Pretty fucking funny that after all this, what they want is a communist government controlling the economy. My sides are in orbit.
Obviously the intent is to get US companies to invest in the US... even though they'd be making much less off of exports and would be better off just waiting until we break and stop tariffs.

Hmmm, how interesting that we've found all the issues in this in one little conversation but it's been 4 years and Trump thinks this is still a good fucking idea. Republicans have no one to blame but themselves the minute any of these get passed.
you're dealing with dumb faggots who have no idea what they're talking about and "won" by believing lies told to them. i guess internet era strategy better combat such issues
Bwa ha ha that's beautiful. If you live in the US and pull in less than at least 100k a year get your seat belts ready, this is going to be a zany ride for y'all.
>Hmmm, how interesting that we've found all the issues in this in one little conversation but it's been 4 years and Trump thinks this is still a good fucking idea.

Trump knows it's a bad idea. He has no intention of trying to make the economy for most Americans better, his intention is to keep funneling as much wealth to him and his billionaire friends as possible. Of course the tariffs will totally fuck over anyone not at least in the upper-middle class, that's not a bug it's a feature. He is a self described fascist and one of the main ways fascism tries to hold poweris by making the lower classes miserable and scared.
Trump solution yet again.

Lower Taxes on the already rich so they can get another mega yacht. - No wonder Elon is happy.

Raise taxes on Ameripoors.

Republican Party - It's only okay to raise the debt ceiling if they do it..

Then America spirals into even more debt

The price of things do up due to tariffs.

The rich can buy up everything and drones will be as good as guns to defend themselves from everyone who is currently under 100k who will be pissed.

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