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Jury convicts man in bold scheme to steal $700,000 from Michigan casino
Ed WhiteAssociated Press

Detroit – A Chicago man has been convicted in the theft of $700,000 from a Michigan casino, a brazen scheme in which an employee was tricked over the phone into stuffing the cash into a designer bag and driving 85 miles (137 kilometers) to deliver it.

“This case underscores the need for businesses, organizations and citizens to be diligent and cautious about phone and internet scams,” U.S. Attorney Mark Totten said.

The crime occurred in 2023 at the Four Winds Casino in Hartford in southwestern Michigan, which is operated by the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians. The FBI said a key employee who handles cash received a phone call and text messages directing her to immediately gather $700,000 for a tribal official.

No one stopped the employee as she filled a Michael Kors bag with bundles of cash, walked out of the casino and drove away.
>>1376306 (OP)
Probably happens more often than we think.
>>1376306 (OP)
>The FBI said a key employee who handles cash received a phone call and text messages directing her to immediately gather $700,000 for a tribal official.
Prolly was just a phone call too, wasn't even "AI" spoofing the tribal chief or w/e.

Like any other heist, the issue isn't actually taking the money - there's ways and means there, the easiest being making them give it to you - but actually keeping it long enough to spend.

>The crime occurred in 2023
>Probably happens more often than we think
That gives me an idea.
>>1376306 (OP)
>The FBI said a key employee who handles cash received a phone call and text messages directing her to immediately gather $700,000 for a tribal official.
So bribing tribal officials is something they do regularly, then?
It is a tribal casino. It's sole job is enriching the tribal mob bosses
Somebody has to account for the money, don't they? Even if it's a tribal casino giving money to a tribal 'official' - why wouldn't you get a check made out for $700,000 instead of taking it over in cash, unless the point is that the money can't be tracked?
>So bribing tribal officials is something they do regularly, then?
tribes are literally independent nations. They rule themselves. The tribal official is basically their nation's royalty.
>unless the point is that the money can't be tracked?
they don't pay taxes, they're only tracking for their own benefit.
Shouldn't somebody at the casino be keeping track of where money is going, or is accounting not part of the native American culture?

Also if this happened on Indian land, was this guy convicted in a US court? How do they have jurisdiction?
>Also if this happened on Indian land, was this guy convicted in a US court? How do they have jurisdiction?
Chicago isn't Indian land. Most democrat led states have laws that allow Indians to open casinos not just on tribal land, but Indian owned land. A member of the tribe can buy land in the middle of the city and turn it into a casino. It is still under jurisdiction of the local municipality because it's not federal reserve land
I don't know why everyone in this thread is acting like this could've only happened at a native casino. Someone literally did this at Vegas last year

Turns out when you're at a business that involves collecting a shit ton of paper bills, the idea of a higher up asking for a suitcase full of it to be delivered to them isn't actually that unusual.
Well, if you're a cash-based criminal organization that doesn't bother with basic accounting, why are tax dollars being spent investigating and prosecuting somebody when you get ripped off?
>cash-based criminal organization
It's a casino anon.
>>1376306 (OP)
>happened in 2023
So what's newsworthy here? The conviction? And yet you dont even say how long he's staying in jail.

Bullshit clickbait thread, not clicking that link

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