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Elon Musk's Nazi salute sparks widespread Reddit revolt

Hundreds of subreddits consider banning links to X, formerly known as Twitter. Others acted faster.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX and the owner of X, gestured with his arm out and palm down during the inaugural parade inside Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 20, 2025. Neo-Nazis online quickly celebrated the move.After Musk sparked a wave of ire with back-to-back Nazi salutes at an Inauguration Day event in Washington, D.C., on Monday, the bans quickly swept across Reddit. Such a move is not unheard of — moderators can ban links to specific sites, meaning that posts and comments including X links are easy to block.
>>1376522 (OP)
>Musk's a nazi. Hitler & co. were racist, , homophobic, antisemitic, bigoted white supremacists
>>1376522 (OP)
Every site should've started banning x links after they made the fucking site impossible to use without an account.

The fuck is half the point of a link if it's literally as good as a screenshot, potentially worse if the tweet is NSFW and is thus completely blocked unless you're locked in.
>>1376522 (OP)
>arm out and palm down
Literally every politician does this gesture. It's a reaching out to the crowd gesture. The controversy was that he touched his chest first, but then again he did say "from the heart"... Idk what to think guys. Is Elon a secret nazi sending coded messages to the fascists?

Check it out and you be the judge:
Anon politicians wave or point at things. That was not what he was fucking doing.
Lol that was closer to a dab
Who the fuck sig heils with their arm parallel to their body pointing to the right
Good post
Elon: "say, yes men, on SNL, I say I'm gonna pull my cock out, and I'll pull a rooster outta my pants". Yesmen: "N'yuck N'yuck Bossman, Elon, very funny, do it"( Lorne Michael's says NO!) Elon : "say, Yesmen, I'm gonna do a nazi salute, in my speech,but pretend it's a heart felt sign." Yesmen:" N'yuck N'yuck boss man, very funny, do it!!" NO Lorne Michael's around, so the immature autie does the Nazi salute. ..."gee whiz, why all the fuss, it was just a TROLL, like they do on 4ch". I hope the autie eats shit for this
Walz waved after touching his heart not saluted.(Although WALZ is a German name and he appearsto be smarter then Musk in interviews....hmmmmm?)
>Good post
Walz definitely waved, but then, he is smarter than Musk.
BossmanJack was once rich - to the tune of $185,000 - and spunked it all away in 72 hours being a degenerate gambler. No Austin, you are the rats. And then he was an imprisoned zombie.
This Retard-in-Chief is basically Chris-Chan with unlimited tugboat. Yet, $400 billion in fuck-off money can't buy him credibility. BossmanJack spunked his away online. Chris-Chan spunked his away in his mom. No Elol, you are the nazis.
And then Muskrat was a Lolcow zombie. On a Soviet Path too, Exile is you. And everyone pointed and laughed at the tard.
Autism. Not even once.
>Who the fuck sig heils with their arm parallel to their body pointing to the right

Literally Hitler:

https://youtu.be/qDRYi1IYI2o?t=35 [Embed]
That's a true story about His appearance on SNL. Here the autie brags about it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bl5vdxBKtOI [Embed] all his yazbossman asslickers are laughing, afraid to cringe. I suspect he demonstrated the heil salute in front of them, and not one had the balls to say. DON'T! Or maybe they laughed on purpose to encourage him, thinking of how the fool would look. If I was one of his ass kissers, I would've said" hilarious troll on the far lefties, bossman, go for it!"
>Who the fuck sig heils with their arm parallel to their body pointing to the right
>Literally Hitler:
Imagine being so fucking stupid that Musk thought he'd get away with it, by saying "from my heart to you". Someone showed the autie the Walz video, and Musk, being autistic, didn't clue in that Walz finished the arm raise in a wave.
He doesn't want to get away with it, he just wants to confuse, troll, outrage, and intimidate.
>finished the arm raise in a wave

Walz didn't wave his hand at all. His hand was perfectly still. Right hand over the heart directly straight out and perfectly still. That's a nazi salute.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CbHtwAzmH0 [Embed]
I knew he was weird right from the outset. Very creepy.
lol. this does look bad.
That palm is forward. You're not fooling anybody with that.
>the palm is forward

KEK fuck off. now you retards are critiquing the hand angles? that's a full fucking nazi salute.
bro. watch it again.
No u.

what the fuck are you linking? def not clicking that.
holy fucking newfag
>>1376522 (OP)
lol sweet
They’ll try and persuade you that the gun they're pointing at you isn't actually a gun and if it is a gun, it's just a joke,stop overreacting, and they'll continue to do so even after lodging a bullet in you.
That's one way to... trigger someone.
he knew what he was doing, why he was doing it and it's working perfectly. double speak is old news. double gesture is the shit now. and he probably also had a bet going with zuck or bezos.
>double speak is old news. double gesture is the shit now.
You people are insane
Gun scopes by Carl Zeiss have the best optics on the planet. Musky's shot himself in the foot with his.
Have you noticed how this board has been overrun by insane people in the last few months?
No. The insane leftards have been here much longer than the last few months, they've just been exhibiting more outward symptoms lately as their mental breakdowns are progressively fueled by reality.
How many insane leftards do you think come here?
>>1376522 (OP)
>Hundreds of subreddits consider banning links to X, formerly known as Twitter
>3.4 million subreddits
>0.3% of subreddits
This is how much of a minority you people are.
A vocal minority with disproportionate representation amongst journalism outlets, yes. But a tiny minority regardless
>Have you noticed how this board has been overrun by insane people in the last few months?
Yes. They're called rightards.
The election fully broke a lot of people, especially the /news/ posters that were 100% convinced Trump was going to be in jail around this time.
bots aren't people
Most major ones have a ban already lol. And not even as a knee-jerk from the mods; they literally put out polls asking the userbase and got 80% affirmative responses.

Vox populi, vox dei. Or whatever the fuck Musk himself says.

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