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Democrats are claiming Elon Musk and Donald Trump hacked voting machines in Pennsylvania to rig the election
Democrat Calls for Investigation of Donald Trump's 'Vote Counting Computers' Remark

ADemocratic congressman has called for an investigation after President Donald Trump described Elon Musk's knowledge of Pennsylvania voting machines as the reason he won the state in the 2024 election.

The remark prompted some opponents of the president to speculate if he was admitting to rigging the election.

Newsweek has contacted the White House for comment via email.

Why It Matters
Trump, well-known for his voter fraud allegations, notably claiming Democrats stole the 2020 election, has not challenged the results of the 2024 election, which he won. This makes his recent remarks, highlighting his ally's deep knowledge of voting machines during Tuesday's speech, particularly unexpected.

What To Know
During a rally in Washington on Sunday, Trump said Musk had an advanced understanding of the voting machines used in Pennsylvania, a swing state that was key to Trump's victory in November.

"He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers," Trump told the crowd. "And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide."

While Trump did not explicitly claim vote tabulation was manipulated, the comments were quickly seized upon by anti-Trump viewers, who considered it an admittance to using Musk's tech knowledge to commit voter fraud.

The following link is to the speech that leftists are flipping their shit over: https://www.youtube.com/live/ZJR8YzV-Wgc
It begins at 3:28:30
"Did Donald Trump just say that Elon Musk helped him rig the election?" journalist David Leavitt asked.

Democrat Representative Jasmine Crockett of Texas also took to X to ask if Trump was "confessing to yet another damn crime." Another Democratic congressman, Daniel Goldman of New York, also called for an investigation.

Pennsylvania uses multiple types of voting machines, according to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania website. As of June 2020, according to its official website, all 67 counties had voting systems that produce voter-verifiable paper records and "meet 21st-century standards of security, auditability, and accessibility."

However, during the 2024 election, a software malfunction in Cambria County gained national attention after voters were unable to scan ballots, which were later manually counted by the Board of Elections. Ultimately, Trump won the state with 50.4 percent of the vote.

A report released last week by the non-profit Smart Elections found that there are "serious concerns" that votes may have been tampered with in the 2024 election.

"There are very serious concerns about the 2024 election results focused on unnatural data patterns that are emerging daily," a summary of the report reads.

The report also suggests someone may have installed code on certain tabulators to shift votes after counting 400 ballots, avoiding detection in small recounts. However, the reports are unverified.
>>1376543 (OP)
What People Are Saying
Democrat Representative Jasmine Crockett, on X: "So Trump is rambling on about he and Elon rigging the election?! Am I missing something or is he confessing to yet another damn crime?!"

Democrat Representative Daniel Goldman, on X: "Vote counting computers?" Not voter analysis software. This needs to be investigated."

What Happens Next
There is currently no investigation into voter fraud in the 2024 election. Trump won. Get. Over. It.
>>1376543 (OP)
>Trump claimed Democrats cheated previously
Republitard hypocrites don't have the right to have opinions
They need to get over never winning again lol. This is soon to be a one party state, our party.
So, this means that conservatives get to arrest Democrats for 'election denial' correct? That's how this works right, or is this just Dems being hypocrites as usual.
Another, democrats don't have standards
Damn, that's crazy, dems spent four years telling us that votes were completely inviolable and couldn't be manipulated in any shape or form.
>"There are very serious concerns about the 2024 election results focused on unnatural data patterns that are emerging daily," a summary of the report reads.
Sounds like exactly the kind of evidence that was previously completely dismissed out of hand when Biden 'won.'

Now suddenly the worm has turned and we need to be investigating anomalies? I don't think so, faggots.
Rightard hypocrites don't have the right to have opinions
>Trump claimed Democrats cheated previously
And democrats claimed Trump cheated in 2016. Hell they even rioted all over the place about it (I'm surprised they didn't this time... must've ran out of energy).
All of these. Good posts
Actually, this post is dumb. it's not a good post.
Sorry, still pretty early in the morning for me.
Go back to redddit
>>1376543 (OP)
I like how none of the MAGAts in this thread are actually addressing what Trump said and how shady it sounds.

Come on man, at least give a "uh, he has Asperger's!" like you did with Musk's hitler salute.
Losing the popular vote really hurt them. They are now convinced that more than 50% of Americans are actual nazis and this made them too scared to riot.
>what Trump said and how shady it sounds
Doesn't sound shady at all lmao. This is why it's a baseless conspiracy theory. You have to do mental gymnastics to make it sound like he admitted to a crime during the speech.

Elon did not hack voting machines with satellites lmao you retard.
>how shady it sounds.
This is the bed you faggots made, live with it.
>Nobody could ever subvert the American election system -Every elected politician
Last election didn't have the winner brag about how much his key ally knew about vote counting systems lmao.

Trump and company literally spent the last 4 years demanding access to vote counting machines, getting it, then finding nothing. And half the time they spent so long finding nothing the machines had to be replaced. But I'm sure that's nothing, right?
it seems a lot more plausible just based on what the man himself said than any of the crock shit the people orchestrating an authoritarian takeover using the right tried to push when he lost the first time
Name one person who's ever been arrested for election denial. J6'ers don't count, they were arrested for criminal acts like vandalism, not denying the election results.
>I like how none of the MAGAts in this thread are actually addressing what Trump said and how shady it sounds.
Which quote, specifically, do you have an issue with?
It doesn't sound shady unless you're desperately trying to come up with any explanation about why you failed besides the obvious.
>"He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide."
What did he mean by this?
It means he stumbled his way through trying to say Elon Musk is smart. I like how you think Trump gets up and admits to voter fraud and Musk gets up and does a Nazi salute. In front of millions of people. Just for fun.
Anon, your never going to be able to talk sense into a TDS or EDS patient
Honest to God, it sounds like his usual rambling. I'm hearing it in his voice now:
>We have the best computers. Best in the world. Better than anywhere else - nobody knows computers like we know computers, okay? They're very smart computers. They're not like the computers made in China. Those computers are losers and we have the best computers. Y'know I know a lot about computers, they say Donald you're very smart with computers, you're a brilliant guy. You should be teaching us how to build our computers over there.
Why mention vote counting computers specifically though?
Pretty much, those retards are even trying to equate a few randos on the internet questioning Trump's weird wording to a full fledged 60 lawsuit attempt to overthrow an election with no evidence.
Trump supporters should be too dumb to live, but we're still burdened with them.
>>1376543 (OP)
>President Donald Trump described Elon Musk's knowledge of Pennsylvania voting machines as the reason he won the state in the 2024 election
You have to admit, that was a bizarre thing to say even for Trump.
Sidney Powell, Rudy Guiliani, Jenna Ellis, et. al.
Poor little retard.
You don't even know why those people were prosecuted because of your media bubble.

'conspiring to intentionally interfere with the performance of election duties' doesn't equate to election denialism though.
In the mind of people like the one you are replying to that is absolutely what Trump and Elon would do. They think those two are so cartoonist evil that Trump would go on stage to brag about cheating in an election.

There is no cure for TDS, unfortunately.
Didn't they get arrested for either slandering voting machine companies by saying they were in on it, poll workers by saying they cheated with zero evidence, or both?

You know you can't just make up crimes someone committed and then threaten them with 0 evidence, right? Especially when you have an army of MAGAts screaming for their heads as a result.
>They think those two are so cartoonist evil that Trump would go on stage to brag about cheating in an election.
Not really. More his sundowning mind lets slip that Musk did some shit with voting machines. It wouldn't be the first time he rambled his way into a freudian slip.
No I don't.

YOU have to admit you've utterly destroyed your credibility by spending years making mountains out of molehills, blatantly false accusations that disappear as soon as the bad PR is no longer needed, and actual lawfare like deciding misdemeanors are felonies and then turning them back into misdemeanors after you ran one specific person through a kangaroo court or rounding up over a thousand people, violating their due process rights and throwing them in jail when there were only a dozen in the pile who actually got out of hand.

YOU have made it crystal clear how much you hate us.

YOU have made it crystal clear the lengths you will go to to destroy us.

The feeling is now mutual.
I haven't done anything, but you certainly like to assume a lot.
Your side does the same thing when it comes to defending Israel, retard.
Republicans threw american citizens in jail because they protested Palestine and covered up the fact that the IDF used an Apache to kill American citizens during oct 7th.
This is a man who cries cheating every single election no matter what the facts may be to normalize some kind of moral leverage. (And it works!) I wouldn't put it past him at all to have some concepts of normalizing "fixing things" for the midterms or something. If you actually believe your opponent cheats as a rule why wouldn't you eventually cheat back?
>we're gonna fix it so good you're not gonna have to vote anymore
Its how those retards can justify being horrible people.
They imagine that an invisible horde of 'libs' are out there doing whatever they need, who cares about actual reality.
To reiterate: When they make these edgy jokes or "fumbles" or what have you, they are not doing it for fun. They are doing it for permission.
>>1376543 (OP)
time for trump to find everyone making these accusations and make an example out of them for fake news. Democrats in 2020 assured me every election is legit and there was absolutely no tampering involved, except in 2016 muh russia.
you're going to be locked in jail for being an electional denial Kamala simp, you're going to have a wonderful time being raped to death there.
because 99% chance it was taken out of context and warped to come up with another demented leftist scheme. You've done this for the bloody past 8 years don't expect anyone to take far-leftists terrorists seriously anymore.
woosh he's talking about you fcking dipshit TDS doesn't mean trump fans.
cry more faggot
>out of context
you lost and you're the faggot so how does that even work.
sure he did, if someone goes to a bar drunk and mumbles about buying a nice kitchen knife do you immediate assume he's a serial killer. cause that's on par with what you're doing.
There is zero evidence of large spread election fraud. Meanwhile, Kamala getting almost 20 million fewer votes this cycle would statistically prove fraud for the Democrats last time
Get it correct. If he talked about how good it was at cutting human flesh, not other kinds of flesh. Yeah THAT is on the level of talking about voting computers, not other computers.
>if someone goes to a bar drunk and mumbles about buying a nice kitchen knife do you immediate assume he's a serial killer.
If someone mentioned fucking kids while coming out of anesthesia, I'm calling the police, retard.
You can absolutely be held accountable for the shit you say while acting retarded, what the FUCK are you talking about
>if I keep saying it, its real
>Not to mention the extensive statistical analysis from 2020 that heavily suggested fraud had occured
Foreign rightard hypocrites have less right to have opinions.
Actually, there's some really odd vote splits between Harris and the dem candidates for senate and the like. Probably nothing, but surely after four years of bitching about elections you wouldn't mind a quick check, would you?

or do elections only become secure when your candidate wins?
>>1376543 (OP)
What's the difference between a democrat and a pizza
oh because someone inventing a secret drone satelight to digitally hack every voting machines from out of orbit is definitely not conspiracy level nonsense.
no one said anything about pedophilia retard, they're just talking about their beautiful knife or new gun. you make the immediate leap that they're some kind of sociopath and meant to brag about this and that.
a pizza is loved, a democrat is not.
>oh because someone inventing a secret drone satelight to digitally hack every voting machines from out of orbit is definitely not conspiracy level nonsense.
Where did he say that? All he did was mention Musk knowing voting machines for some reason.
exactly and these far-left retards are saying that he magically rigged the machines somehow to win trump the election.
Nah, you're just saying that hyperbolicaly and getting angry at your own fake news.
Its pretty sad
Why would he mention it in the first place? We know he goes on rambles and lets shit slip.
>Democrats are claiming Elon Musk and Donald Trump hacked voting machines in Pennsylvania to rig the election
learn to fucking read you retard
he's an 80 year old great grandpa who spends all day shitposting on twitter you expect them to be coherent. Guy's probably got a habit of mumbling out loud random stuff. I remember seeing him say something about how trials were going on about that fishtank cleaner chemical and could do great things to fight covid as sort of a time passer. then some retarded elderly couple took that seriously and injected it into their veins.
>Guy's probably got a habit of mumbling out loud random stuff.
So either it's a freudian slip or he's got dementia. Either way, very reassuring.
your grandparents don't yap on nonstop and you don't have the heart to tell them to stfu?
poor little zoomzoom shill can't actually read
they see a headline, and ignore that the first two lines of the article negate the headline entirely

its okay though, they're too dumb to see anything except one sentence and believe it applies to all democrats
this is why i hate the uneducated trustfund babies that make up most of the far-left. people like you are so fucking stupid. you have 0 self-awareness of how stupid you
If my grandpa started yapping and mentioned he robbed a bank I'd be very fucking concerned. Especially if I knew he suddenly came into a lot of wealth recently.
Damn anon couldn't even read past the first two sentences of that post.
your grandpa robbing a truck is more likely then elon using a satellite powered drone to hack every swing state's machine to let trump win.
Where is the satellite powered drone part coming from? The main thing is Trump bragging how Musk knows election systems.
>A new rumor has emerged on the left as part of this collective sensemaking process. Social media users speculated that Starlink, a satellite-based Internet provider owned by Elon Musk, was used to alter election results in Trump’s favor.

Now they're bring it back up because using trump saying that musk knows about election systems to insinuate he rigged it using a satellite.
I might've gotten the drone part mixed up i thought i saw the conspiracy theorists bring up some randomly floating drone sightings near election sites as proof of election fraud but i might've misremembered about the drone
>Article adds random twitter speculation about starlink
>as opposed to the actual discussion about Trump bragging about Musk's knowledge of election computers
You literally fell for clickbait.
>falls for the made up grift about rigged election computers
>someone brings up leftists bring up using starlink to rig the machines
>nooo lmao that's just a random twitter speculation, but trump oh man pay attention every single word he said they mean so much

So how'd elon rig the machines smartass? did he warp reality using the power of money, does he have a futuristic super computer that can modify data targetting specific machines from the other side of the country.
Good post
Anon if I say "hey someone might've stolen something from you", and some random guy suggests "WhOA! What if he's a GHOOOOST and PHASED THROUGH THE WALL", does that discredit the original idea of "Someone might've stolen something"?
>did he warp reality using the power of money
This is the most likely answer
American leftists are the single greatest source of misinformation in America right now.
>Take legitimate concern over a weird statement
>Add random schizo speculation from twitter as one of the explanations
>pretend legitimate concern no longer exists
You are so fucking susceptible to propaganda
I'm replying to myself here.
Considering all things over the last few years, I'm highly suspicious that foreign governments known for disseminating conspiracy theories in the us, such as russia, consistently distributed amongst both sides of the political spectrum in the US according to what is most strategically valuable at the time.
I'm also highly suspect that the previous administration and the members of the intelligence community who were leaking such information to news media over the last years, were intentionally choosing only to publicly release one side of the situation in order to crate a biased public narrative.
Anon, I'm not the AP press, I didn't report this. I'm letting you know it is in fact a conspiracy theory being circulated amongst the left, despite you acting like a retard. Oh, and believe me, you do act like a retard.
And the "conspiracy theory" part belays the actual concern. They literally added on that the primary speculation was some bullshit about satellites, instead of the truth of the primary speculation being what the fuck Trump was talking about randomly connecting Musk to voting machines in the middle of a conversation about how he won.

Trump's statement deserves scrutiny.
you're accusation is that he fixed the election by rigging the election machines. this isn't oh someone walked up and stole from you, this is literally on the levels of reality warping conspiracy theory, you should be in an asylum.
>>Take legitimate concern over a weird statement
so how'd he fcking do it retard, you aren't saying the establishment is rigged you're literally saying 1 person has the power to control the election machines of 7 swing states.
>maybe with his satellite
My god this is so retarded,
So what the fuck is Trump rambling about? Why randomly bring up how Musk "knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers" in a conversation on how you won a swing state?
cause he's an 80 year old man rambling on in a state where he had Elon personally go and campaign for him.
>The way they presented the conspiracy theory isn't accurate. The actual conspiracy theory is... because... and that's why...
Spoken like a true conspiracy theorist
Based on the Reddit threads I'm inclined to agree. They talk like they're in a fucking Marvel movie.
Literally does not surprise me given that nearly 60% of all white male liberal voters have been told by a health professional they have a mental health disorder
>He's just demented and doesn't know
Yeah really assuring defense.
>grandpa says a joke
>omg grandpa commited genocide and hid it all using the power of Elon's futuristic reality warping technology.
>quick get the tin foiled hats we need to stop him!!
Anon if someone wins an election and then starts bragging about how one of his key allies (who is also the richest man on the planet) knows vote counting computers, I'd get a little suspect.
for 1 state, where the guy's a tech guy who trump asked to campaign for him there. its a nothing burger the only people thinking he rigged the election machines are far-left conspiracy nuts. the guy's just an engineer not a wizard.
He admitted it.
Why are we even having this conversation?
The guy isn't an engineer. But he IS the richest man in the fucking world with immense personal investment in Trump winning. Did this somehow slip your mind?
Personally I think Trump meant that because Elon is so good with tech that liberals couldn't cheat this time
It makes more sense than thinking Trump is a super villain bragging about how he stole the election (that he would have won without that swing state)
Rigging a election only to find out that you didn't need to is funnier though so I hope that's what happened
What makes more sense then either of those is Trump sundowning and it turning out that, le gasp, the richest man in the world might've meddled with an election. you know, that thing people keep accusing soros of doing for some reason and not the guy worth like 5x more than him.

Musk isn't even good with tech lmao. He hasn't programmed a thing in decades. Just buys his way into companies and forces other people to do it. The only thing I can think is his brainchild is the cybertruck, which is so awfully designed it could've only been made by someone with 0 experience.
he didn't admit shit you're literally hallucinating and making a conspiracy theory that he can magically hack machines.
Wow and I must've missed the part where money had the power to bend reality. Are you fucking stupid if money was enough to commit impossible acts of sorcery then why didn't george soros and bill gates just reverse time to pre election and magically swap every ballot from red to blue.
Am i talking to some retarded kids here, your whole conspiracy is built around what an 80 year old mumbled incoherently, you ever see someone talk in a presentation and mumble repeatedly uh like uh like like like like. Same shit.

You can't make a fucking conspiracy theory and say oh he was rich he can bend fucking reality. YOU LOST GET OVER it unless you want to admit you rigged the election in 2020.
I don't think Elon is good at tech I was offering an explanation of what Trump was saying
Trump is so retarded he snitched on his own campaign cheating is a extremely dumb explanation
Elon "interfered" with the election by buying twitter donating to trump and campaigning for him not by paying people to rig voting machines
>Now they're bring it back up because using trump saying that musk knows about election systems to insinuate he rigged it using a satellite.
The most likely explanation to me seems like he mentioned it in passing because he knew it would cause unhinged libshits like you to have a mental breakdown.
...or, you know, he just paid people off. You're acting like someone with a lot of money is actually just like, completely powerless.

Meanwhile, let's say you're right and this is Trump mumbling incoherently; that's still bad, you realize that right? That a man currently in charge of nuclear payloads having dementia is a bad thing?
If you thought the election wasn't legitimate you should have litigated.
>>1376543 (OP)
whole thing was rigged. Bunch of bullshit. The investigations were fake. Deep state coverup.
Nope. You didn't do it when I lost and I'm not doing it now that you lost. You made the rules
You got your Cyber Ninjas investigation. You got multiple attempts to prove it in court where you couldn't produce evidence. You got multiple recounts and inspections. But now you won't allow the same courtesy?
I like how they don't respond because they have no good excuse
>But now you won't allow the same courtesy?
Nothing stopping you from hiring your own private investigators, just don't expect any taxpayer money or anyone to care.
Don't you believe in science? Trump's investigations proved that mere statistical anomalies don't necessarily indicate meddling. Why prove it again?
That's... not how this works anon.
>Don't you believe in science?
I believe the trans-fairy turns men into women and vice-versa. So yes, I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!!!
sippy bippy
How does it work
Too bad for trump the red flag statistical abnormalities were all in Michigan, and not Arizona lmao. Maybe Michigan should have let him investigate the anomalies.
Oh wait, they didn't because they don't care about statistics or math lmao

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