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31,000 people must evacuate as new infernos torch fire-ravaged Southern California

President Trump is threatening to withhold federal disaster aid for the Los Angeles area if California doesn't change the way it manages water in the state.

Mr. Trump said he plans to head to Southern California on Friday to visit the communities affected by the fires. In an interview that aired Wednesday on Fox News, Mr. Trump threatened to potentially withhold federal funding, blasting California's water management and Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom. The president told Fox News' Sean Hannity that he doesn't think the federal government should give California "anything" until it sends more water down to the southern part of the state.

"I don't think we should give California anything until they let water flow down," the president told Fox News on Wednesday.
>>1376653 (OP)
say, ALL CAPS CAMPFIRE COMBUSTIONER, I knew it was a mistake, when gruesome Newsom enacted Cal. Bill 79684446835346853462266.6536778 7A, that stated that all fire hydrants and firetruck pumps in Commifornia had to meet new low water flow specs. The fireperson got so frustrated with these things, that she'd pull her pants down, part her vulva, snd urinate on the blaze, and do a better job at it. Our guy, King LEER(you know who) was right all along. The fucking windmills even fanned the flames. Tear them all down!@
>implying GOOD
>>1376653 (OP)
>President Trump is threatening to withhold federal disaster aid for the Los Angeles area if California doesn't change the way it manages water in the state.
Sounds like trump is the only person who cares to resolve the issue, desu
sounds like you're a shill and a faggot
Wait wasn't it more the fault of the pipe system locally than SoCal as a whole running out of water? Also OP mixed up his links.
States Rights retard. Withholding federal aid until policy changes is effectively taking control from rightfully elected officials.
>>1376653 (OP)
good california should burn, especially crunchyroll's hq, it's the cesspool of america, NYC's migrants will handle the other cesspoll then america will be great again. They should blockade and keep californians inside with the flames.
check out the weeaboo rage above me
I agree, and tRump, unlike Biden, needs to make these poor S. Carolinas, and others move their houses from near rivers and low lying areas, and coastal areas before his gov. gives a god damned penny to these type of beggars. Fuck California, S. Carolina, Fla., Texas panhandle pandhanders, etc. Like tRump says, BBB, build back better.....jack..(I like big black butt's too, N'yuck N'yuck.
My outdoor electrical outlet starred smoking after I plugged in a cheap dollar store garden light. I pulled out my fire hose and passed in it. The electricity traveled up my urine stream, and shocked my penis. No really damage done, just a lingering numbnessfrom nerve damage. True story, I swear on my mother's memory(she's dead, r.i power, mommy). And I ain't even lyin'(this time). Moral of this story...don't put out an electrical fire with water(or piss)
Pissed, not passed. I want to piss on my phone autocorrect spelling.
yeah, water pressure tends to drop when you open up as many faucets as possible to blast water to as many places as possible at once

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