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The Income Tax Department has issued a clear warning to taxpayers about a growing number of tax refund scams. These scams involve fraudulent calls and pop-up notifications, especially on social media, falsely claiming eligibility for a tax refund.

Taxpayers are being urged to be extra careful when dealing with any communication that seems to come from the Income Tax Department.

It's crucial to double-check and verify any messages or emails before responding. Under no circumstances should individuals share sensitive information like credit card details or bank account numbers in response to such messages.
>>1376654 (OP)
New Facebook friend pokes you:Hello Sarr, it come to notice that you get real good tax refund. Go to US.gov.mumbai and give SS# and Bank info for good refund.
>>1376654 (OP)
>The Income Tax Department
This name sounds like a scam. Are they part of the IRS or something?

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