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File: GiA3k7sWYAAxrr7.jpg (220 KB, 976x1175)
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Isreal has been caught red-handed violating the ceasefire agreement with Syria

"Under the terms of Israel's ceasefire agreement with Syria in 1974, the IDF is prohibited from crossing the so-called Alpha Line on the western edge of the AoS."

Location: 33°14'06.1"N 35°49'06.0"E
>>1376735 (OP)
They do this literally every single time, I don't know why anybody would be surprised.
>>1376735 (OP)
The real crime here is OP not pasting the article text
The Syrian government doesn't exist, therefore all agreements with all countries don't exist anymore.
>>1376735 (OP)
Actually, Israel is innocent and dindu nuffin, stupid libtard.
>>1376735 (OP)
The Syria of 1974 doesn't exist today. What's next you're gonna reference the Articles of Confederation?
yeah ngl, I don't really think you can hold israel to treaties made with governments that have been ousted.
You say that like it's acceptable
It is because the signature was via the sad regime, which is no longer in power.
>>1376735 (OP)
As if the Kikes would ever be trusted, besides. They can do whatever they want, they control the world. Time to bull doze more Palestinians.
>they(Jews) control the world
If that were true, they wouldn't be getting expelled, massacred, etc every century...

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