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Newark Mayor Ras Baraka confirmed in a statement that the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement, commonly referred to as ICE, raided a local establishment in the city on Thursday.

Baraka said agents detained undocumented residents as well as citizens, without producing a warrant.

“One of the detainees is a U.S. military veteran who suffered the indignity of having the legitimacy of his military documentation questioned,” Baraka said. “This egregious act is in plain violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees ‘the right of the people be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures….’”

The mayor went on to say Newark will not “stand by idly while people are being unlawfully terrorized.”

This raid comes just days after President Donald Trump returned to office. He has since signed a slew of executive orders to do everything from allow ICE raids in houses of worship to eliminating birthright citizenship.

During his campaign, Trump threatened the deportation of 11 million undocumented immigrants when he got back into the White House. More than 470,000 New Jersey residents are undocumented.

During Trump’s first term, the Department of Justice took the state to court about a state directive that limited how much New Jersey law enforcement can cooperate with federal immigration authorities.

>>1376739 (OP)
The state was often at odds with the Trump administration and frequently used the justice system to halt a variety of policies.

The threat of ICE raids during that time left many immigrant communities on edge.

Last month, the ACLU reported that private prison companies had submitted proposals to ICE would add about 600 beds at two facilities in New Jersey.

That organization found out about the plans through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. One would put more beds at the Elizabeth Detention Center, the last remaining immigration detention facility in the state, which is owned and operated by CoreCivic. The second, from the GEO Group, would create a new facility at the Albert M. Robinson Center in Trenton, a halfway house it used to own.

In August 2021, Gov. Phil Murphy signed a law barring New Jersey from entering into contracts with ICE to hold federal immigrant detainees. The law barred local and private jails from "entering into, renewing, or extending immigration detention agreements."

Within three months of the law going into effect, Essex, Hudson and Bergen counties ended their long-standing contracts with ICE.

>>1376739 (OP)
>Baraka said agents detained undocumented residents as well as citizens, without producing a warrant.
>They also asked him questions about his military documents
This is totally legal tho
Anybody can be detained up to 24 hours by law enforcement without a warrant or charges

How long was he held? Oh wait that's right it doesn't say because their intention is is mislead and lie by omission

This is common fucking knowledge and am attempt by the leftwing outrage media at turning something legal and not uncommon into a "an attack on democracy"
>>1376739 (OP)
How long were they detained? A couple hours while ICE validated identity?
Give me a fucking break, libshill, this is legal and this this is intended to be a political hit piece.

Let me know once someone decides to report how long they were detained, because that's the very important part of this story that all your sources seem to be conveniently ignoring
>this is legal
ICE cannot raid a location without a warrant retard. That's the main issue here; you can't arrest people for a single minute without proper cause, and you don't have proper cause to raid a place to arrest everyone inside without a warrant.
See >>>1376748

ICE cannot raid a location and detain ANYONE, FOR ANY REASON AND ANY LENGTH OF TIME without a warrant. Even an illegal arrested without a warrant can be released if it's determined they had no legitimate reason to suspect they were illegal.
>you can't arrest people for a single minute without proper cause,
You're right. Nobody was arrested without cause, were they?
Is it possible you're a foreigner and you don't know the difference between being detained and being arrested?
Educate yourself libbot shill.
Law enforcement requires a warrant to enter a residence. They do not require a warrant to enter a public business. They also do not require a warrant to detain someone for a period of less than 24 hours while they make a determination if an arrest is warranted.

Reflecting some of these Fourth Amendment constraints, DHS regulations provide that an immigration
officer may question an individual so long as the officer “does not restrain the freedom of an individual,
not under arrest, to walk away.” But an immigration officer may “briefly detain” an individual for
questioning only if there is reasonable suspicion that the person is “engaged in an offense against the
United States or is an alien illegally in the United States.” The information obtained from the immigration
officer’s questioning “may provide the basis for a subsequent arrest” (e.g., if the immigration officer
forms probable cause that the alien is unlawfully present in the United States
My local democrat municipality is freaking the fuck out on social media about ice. They are claiming it's illegal for ice to talk to anyone without a warrant and they are breaking the city laws by deporting people lmao
>the difference between being detained and being arrested?
Difference doesn't matter. No warrant means no probable cause means anything they do is violating the fourth amendment.
Heyo retards. They didn't raid a public business, they raided a workplace without a warrant. Private workplace + no warrant = illegal search under the 4th amendment.

Ironically you retards shouldn't be cheering this on, because any actual illegals arrested this way now have a decent chance of going free anyways. Should've waited for a fucking warrant.
>>1376739 (OP)
>newark, New jersey, far-left democrat
yeah no one cares just let em all hang.
don't taunt the shills, they can't learn

they're faggots that cheer on no warrant government raids that are allowed to detain anyone for 24 hours, no questions asked
They'll never bother to wonder why the employers never get raided, or fined, or touched by law enforcement at all, because they've been caught in corpo media bubbles.
The US constitution only applies to US citizens, and criminals have no legal recourse.
>>1376739 (OP)
>“One of the detainees is a U.S. military veteran who suffered the indignity of having the legitimacy of his military documentation questioned,” Baraka said.
Oh no. So what I go through every fucking time I go to the VA?
>ICE cannot raid a location without a warrant retard.
Police can perform a search or make an arrest without a warrant if they have probable cause.
Harboring illegal aliens gives ICE probable cause to search the premises and makes you a federal criminal.
Hiring illegal aliens makes you a felon. Failing to report a felony to the police is also a felony (misprision of a felony).
All of you are going into the gulags.
>Harboring illegal aliens gives ICE probable cause to search the premises and makes you a federal criminal.
You need a warrant to search a premises for illegal aliens. "I saw mexicans working there" is not probable cause.

Respect the fourth amendment, retard.
Fourth amendment still defends anon. You cannot justify breaking it retroactively. This is how cases get thrown out.

Sorry you love government overreach but this is AMERICA.
>"I saw mexicans working there" is not probable cause.
If you believe they are illegals, and you report them, that is probable cause.
Every citizen has a duty to report foreign invaders.
>This is totally legal tho

Supreme court case Brown V Texas does not allow you to detain people without reasonable suspicion of commuting a crime. Now I know you'll immediately pivot to suspecting them of being here illegally. In which case you should then look up a Terry stop which comes from supreme court case Terry V Ohio.
If it was reported, they'd have a warrant. Probable cause that doesn't rely on immediate line of sight will get you a warrant. They had no warrant, therefore no probable cause.

You cannot justify breaking a constitutional right retroactively.
We have a conservative supreme court anon. We'll just reinterpret the law.
>inb4 it's against the law
I don't care.
These people are here illegally. They are taking our jobs, our land, siphoning our wealth to other countries.
What law are you going to cite when half of blue collar jobs are taken by illegal immigrants? When ordinary Americans can barely afford a car, let alone gas or milk? Who do you think will follow you?
Something to keep in mind is that traitors are out of the tribe.
>Who cares about the constitution or the law, we can change it!
I think every american would rather lynch the guy trying to take away their inherent constitutional rights than the immigrant down the street trying to make ends meet.

You're a fucking traitor trying to tear down everything the founding fathers stood for.
Man you fell for Trumps lie big time. Every time he talked about it, it was a different amount of people. He can't even get the lie right.

Are they still eating pets in Ohio, or did we sort that out?
>I think every american would rather lynch the guy trying to take away their inherent constitutional rights
You don't even understand what a right is.
Natural rights are inherent. Constitutional rights are legal contrivances that can be taken away from you at any time.
Laws are simply tools meant to protect the inherent rights of the people. But if those laws infringe upon the rights of the people, they become illegitimate, and are subject to reformation.
What do you imagine might happen to a people who are willing to sacrifice the livelihoods of their countrymen for the safety of invaders? Who profess to care about natural rights, but only for criminals who come to rape and pillage our birthright?
You have been found wanting of what is required of you. That is why you are not like us.
So you support the riots and burning down the police station after George Floyd.
Someone so desperate to join your country they'd do work for half the price if it meant being able to stay there sounds like the opposite of an invader. And most importantly they're not trying to strip me of my right to not be unlawfully detained or searched like you are.

Come and take my 4th amendment, traitor. I'll fucking gut you before you step one foot in my house unlawfully.
You won't do shit.
You will sit there, in your comfortable American home, and watch as the world goes on knowing that the majority of America disagrees with you. And that a million, million homes will soon be raided with the explicit consent of the American electorate.
God willing, Trump's birthright citizenship EO will be allowed to persist. And when your ancestry is weighed and measured, and your mongrel genealogy is found to have been created by an unholy fusion of one or more illegal bean-pickers in 1850, every single member of your family will be retroactively classified as non-citizens. You will truly be a people without a nation to call your own. And then ICE will come for you, too.
Nice fanfic loser. Must help you cope.

Meanwhile, majority of america still believes in the constitution and would gladly take it over you.
uh given who the first rounds of arrests have been largely serial rapists murderers and even a wanted interpol fugitive that was sheltered by the local law enforcements. You are fucked, people only care about the constitution until its inconvenient, that's why leftists want to take away guns.
given how retarded the average american is I think we should start taking away citizenship and repossessing assets and properties from the pampered retarded manchildren. If they commit and convicted of a felony crime they should lose their citizenship and be dumped on a stranded island with 2 cans of spam and a coke.
>And that a million, million homes will soon be raided with the explicit consent of the American electorate.

That's blatantly illegal and will not occur. This isn't Mexico or Nazi Germany.

Trump said he would do it on day 1 and we're now at day 4. You were lied to. Just like you were lied to about building a wall from '16-'20 and Mexico would pay for it. You were lied to.
>the first rounds of arrests have been largely serial rapists murderers

>>1376739 (OP)
>ICE arrests Veteran and US Citizens, violates 4th amendment (whoops)

That's right; "oops". They didn't do it on purpose and this wouldn't have happened in the first place, if we didn't allow America to be flooded with a bazillion fucking illegal aliens.
the average NYC cunt would disagree with you given the mass homeless crisis and crime wave in the city. If a large chunk of the most liberal countries disagree you are fcked and obviously red states are all for it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1YhpsuxODY&t=0s [Embed]
here ya go its an ongoing story.
>That's blatantly illegal and will not occur.
You haven't actually read Trump's mission statement, have you. Or even understand what the People's Veto really means.
Pure conjecture.

>here ya go its an ongoing story.

FoxNews is not a credible news source. They have admitted in court more than once that they are entertainment only and not to be taken as legitimate news. They also voluntarily gave Dominion 787,500,000 million dollars for lying about the 2020 election AKA fake news.

You dont know about brown v texas or terry v ohio or the 4th amendment, do you?
um the raids already began, Nazi germany blamed the jews because the country was poor, america will blame the illegals
idc you're a retard with reddit spacing who refuses to look at reality.
You just showed why you're an uneducated loser and shouldn't be taken seriously.
>Pure conjecture.

Yeah man, these ICE cops _purposely_ decided to arrest a guy they knew is a legal American, because....
>You dont know about brown v texas or terry v ohio or the 4th amendment, do you?
So I was correct. You don't know what the people's veto is.
All political power in America is derived from the people. Not from congress, SCOTUS or POTUS.
If enough people started killing migrants in the street, the state could do nothing to stop them.
The US constitution is just words written on paper. The willingness of the populace to follow them is what grants them power. Refusal to do so completely destroys the system of law.
Enough people are fed up with your shit, with the constant immigration and censorship, that the constitution is of secondary importance. What only matters now is the safety of our people and our nation, which democrats can no longer provide.
>reddit spacing
you know before reddit or 4chin there was a thing called forums and hitting enter between thoughts is common structure. the idea that you immediately go to that is a bad look for you. im not a zoomer like you and i havent been here all summer.

>um the raids already began
You cannot provide a credible source of this happening.
>So you support the riots and burning down the police station after George Floyd.
So you support the riots and burning down the police station after George Floyd.
"fuck trump, you feel me, yo biden forever, bro!, thank obama for everything he's done for me, bro!."
-Haiti illegal alien with 17 convictions.
Shows him in the video but i guess you'll bury your head in the sand of literal video evidence.

what are we even doing here get off the internet you're on par with sovereign citizens for how unreasonably stupid you are.
That was the state enabling brownshirts and threatening anyone who defended themselves. That was the opposite of the people's veto.
But, we now have Trump back in charge.
It is the Don of a new era.
NTA but no i don't because they're a minority domestic terrorist group that don't have my interests at heart and I don't think people should be worshiping a criminal with a meth issue.

ICE on the other hand is different its a government entity and has the support nationwide of the majority of americans. Most sanctuary states have massive crime problems and well deserved after they decided to defund the police. Look up NYC and how many retailers are closing its doors along with the spike in crimes, they just remobilized a large chunk of their street cops to the subway so there's another major crime wave in retail stores
Assuming you are the person I replied to initially...

Your first claim was that it's illegal to detain an American citizen without a warrant. You then got blown the fuck out as I posted a congressional document clearly stating that it is completely legal to detain an American citizen without a warrant to validate their citizenship status.

Now, after being utterly assblasted, you move onto the claim that it wasn't a "public business" (whatever the fuck a public business is, businesses are private) and now use that as your excuse.

I'm assuming you just simply can't read because you're foreign, and by "not a public business" you mean that it was not a "public area in a business" which is what the Congressional document allows immigration to enter without a warrant.

So now that you've coped on your second argument here, show me some sort of proof that actually suggests they were not in the public portion of the business, because that's not in the article and as of right now you are literally just making it up because you keep getting blasted on every lie you tell
>charged with rape, let go by sanctuary state
God I miss hitler. That guy used to cheer me up every day.
I wish trump left the sanctuary states for last and started rounding up criminals in red states, then offered free transportation services to places like NY and Cali.
You'd have literally floods of rapists violent criminals and gangs flooding into those states.
Then give it a year or two and everyone there will either change their mind on immigration or be shanked.
the video is not from a credible news source. I laid out for you why it is not. your reading comprehension is poor.

>That was the opposite of the people's veto

>I don't think people should be worshiping a criminal with a meth issue.
someone earning minimum wage called police thinking he used a counterfeit 20 dollar bill.
nice sealioning, what an insufferable retard you must be irl. Glad you agree you're a loser who can't bear to face reality.
at no point did i do that. you claimed something happened, apparently it's rampant and a big deal, but all you have is a single FOXNEWS link. sad. many such cases.
you're a stupid sealion who thinks a mainstream outlet literally recording the person saying stuff as they're arrested is all doctored fake news. what a fucking retard. Its incredible how much of a insufferable bigot your type is, before that you kept screeching about whataboutism when people called you out for hypocrisy. Ya its sad people like you get to live and have an opinion
sure is gayniggerfaggot in here
>you're a stupid sealion
>what a fucking retard
>insufferable big your type is

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.
>majority of america still believes in the constitution
The majority voted for Trump.
And I'm sure you think it's a larp. You haven't bothered to read Trump's EO.
Every son or daughter of a non-citizen immigrants no longer has birthright citizenship.
Note: Trump did not amend the constitution to say this. Instead, he interpreted it to mean that this is how it always was.
The 14th amendment was created in 1868. Which means that if this was always the case, then no descendant of illegal immigrants rightfully has citizenship status. And neither do their progeny.
I hope you've got your family tree in order anon.
there is no debate when you're argument is ree i don't like that news outlet they aren't reliable x infinitum.
you're a clown and an bigotted loser. This isn't a debate this is a mockery.
>You haven't bothered to read Trump's EO.
>You haven't bothered to read a habitual lairs EO that he probably didn't read himself.
>there is no debate when you're argument is ree i don't like that news outlet they aren't reliable x infinitum.

listen nigger this is /news, not pol or b. FOXNEWS is not a credible news source and that's been the general consensus around here for a long time.

maybe you dont belong here.
maybe you should return to reddit you're too stupid for a discourse outside of your echochamber.
yap yap ive been here for like 20 years, take your reddit card and bend on knee with hat in hand and fuck off. you got outplayed, you cannot into a source beyond FOXNEWS which is not accepted on this board. You. do. not. belong. here.
you literally refuse to look at a clip of the actual suspect being taken away because you hate the channel its recorded on. That's on YOU sealioning bigot. you do not belong anywhere in a discussion you are too fucking stupid.

Its like a fucking teen saying haha up yours lalala i can't hear you in the middle of a debate, you're should not be HERE retard.

Ya gratz outplaying someone by going lalala i can't hear you. Amazing.

you can find out >>1376842
you're full of shit here with a simple google search. but i guess that's too hard for a sealioning bigot. lmao
>you literally refuse to look at a clip of the actual suspect being taken away because you hate the channel its recorded on. That's on YOU sealioning bigot. you do not belong anywhere in a discussion you are too fucking stupid

It's not a credible news source. Your reading comprehension is poor.

FOXNEWS DOESN'T COUNT. IT'S NOT A SOURCE OF CREDIBLE NEWS. It's like showing the Sun or some tabloid, it's fake, it's not real, it is not to be acknowledged.

>you're full of shit here with a simple google search. but i guess that's too hard for a sealioning bigot. lmao
Cannot provide a source still all these comments later yet angry. Amazing really.
right because they doctored every video they've ever made even if its live reporting.
Great argument amazing incredible you're so smart, so good. pfft
They're by self admission fake news. It's bizarre you can't seem to accept that.
Found the Murdoch apologist
>Every son or daughter of a non-citizen immigrants no longer has birthright citizenship.
lmao it already got shot down by a judge and not even this supreme court can read the constitution as otherwise without opening up similar interpretation of their beloved 2nd amendment.

also that's not even what it says retard.
Heyo retard, that doesn't mean the raid was valid, you're the one who mentioned public businesses, and any detaining without probable cause is actually illegal.

Police nor ICE can just break into a house/business and detain people without probable cause. If they didn't have a warrant, they had no probable cause, thus they can't legally detain anyone even if they found any illegal activity. I hope the veteran and US citizens they harassed sue them for violating their constitutional rights.
>>1376739 (OP)
>building full of illegals
>some citizens were also there
oh no, they were questioned due to proximity to criminals.
You need a warrant to raid a building retard. The police can't break into every home until they find someone that committed a crime and use that as a retroactive excuse.
>that doesn't mean the raid was valid, and any detaining without probable cause is actually illegal
Heyo retard. Are you illiterate? Did you not read the citation I provided and/or the Congressional PDF I linked to that proves you wrong on both points?

You aren't acting like a rational person, anon. Rational logical people read something like this, and look at the federal citation and realize they are wrong and re-evaluate their stance rather than coming up with an alternative cope that validates their belief
>One of Trump's previous election platforms: 'Lock Her Up
>Hillary still not in an Iron Bar Hotel to this day
Did Elvis's manager Col. Tom Parker have the right to exist in the US?
So are they going to go after white illegal immigrants as well? You know what you'll be admitting if your answer is 'No'. Hitler was an illegal immigrant in Germany
Rightard Hypocrisy. It's a hell of a drug. It's also a hell of an opinion destroyer
From your own source:
>While an immigration-related arrest generally requires an ICE warrant, INA § 287(a)(2) lists two circumstances when an ICE warrant is not required for an immigration officer to arrest an alien for a suspected immigration violation:
>DHS regulations allow ICE to conduct the inspection at the employer’s place of business with at least three business days’ notice.
>But some lower courts have ruled that detaining employees during such questioning, without permitting them to leave, is unconstitutional absent reasonable suspicion.

Unless they're confronting an individual on the side of the street, they need a warrant. Fourth Amendment, retard.
>Mirroring the Fourth Amendment’s restrictions, DHS regulations provide that an immigration officer conducting an inspection may not enter the non-public areas of a business, a residence, a farm, or other outdoor agricultural operation (excluding private lands near the border) to question the occupants or employees about their immigration status in the absence of a judicial warrant or the property owner’s consent.
You conveniently ignored the very following paragraphs that discuss the lower court rulings and state currently department policy.

Why would you do that? Oh wait, that's right, it proves you are wrong.
>may not enter the non-public areas of a business
There's no indication anyone entered a non-public area of a business here is there? I mean, you're saying it because you defaulted to it after being shown you were wrong and that was a potential cope, but that isn't listed or discussed anywhere in the article is it?

In other words you are just claiming they must have entered a non-public part of a business because it's convenient for your argument and it's a baseless claim
You mean like >>1376942 ?

You need a warrant to raid a non-public area. Cope.
>>1376739 (OP)
Conveniently this article completely ignores how long the individuals were detained for, and where they were detained from, both critical factors for a reader to understand if in fact the actions were legal or not

I wonder why they would not report this important information?
>You need a warrant to raid a non-public area
You need a source to claim it's non-public, because you're just imagining it because it's convenient for your argument. Imagining things that are convenient for their argument are not what logical or rational people do in public discourse.
Cope, retard.
>In other words you are just claiming they must have entered a non-public part of a business because it's convenient for your argument and it's a baseless claim
You're the one claiming they raided a public part. As per the Newark mayor, this was a fourth amendment violation and they should have had a warrant. Until ICE themselves can provide evidence they had legal justification, which they have yet to, I have to go with that version of events. And that version of events says it wasn't a public area.
>You need a warrant to raid a non-public area
Can you provide a single source stating that they rated a non-public area of a business?
The article doesn't even say what was raided. It doesn't say it's a church, a business, a home, or if they just were talking to people on the street.

You were literally just making baseless assumptions that are convenient for your prejudices
It's an active investigation retard. ICE is unwilling to release that info, part of which is likely because someone on the chain realized they fucked up and violated constitutional rights.
Oh hey, we got an update just recently:

So unless all eight of these workers were in the front part of the business, they did in fact go in the back warrantless and demand papers, which is illegal as per your own pdf.
>So unless all eight of these workers were in the front part of the business
So once again you're making a baseless assumption that's convenient to your argument? The article refers to the business as "a market" so I can only assume it's a public business that people walk in and out of all day long, meaning it was legal for them to enter it without a warrant as well.

Please do try to think on your own
>ICE is unwilling to release that info
If only there were people involved in this that weren't ice, like maybe some sort of military veteran they talked to or something. It should be illegal for ICE to use the MIB memory wiper flashing device on these poor people after talking to them
Your own assumption that they were all in the front of the establishment is baseless. I doubt all 8 workers on shift were in the front part of the business (the only part of the business they can question people in without a warrant), and I have the word of the mayor to go off of with nothing from ICE to counter it.
>The article refers to the business as "a market" so I can only assume it's a public business that people walk in and out of all day long
I've seen pictures and it's pretty much a large building that sells seafood. There's a bunch of the fridge and freezer units with doors and you just walk in and pick out what you want and buy it.
>“I was confused; they took three people who did not have any documentation on them,” Janota said. “I asked [the agents] what documentation they were looking for, and they said it was a license or a passport. I thought, ‘Who walks around with a passport?’
>“One of the guys was a military veteran, and the way he looked to me was because he was Hispanic. He is Puerto Rican and the manager of our warehouse. It looked to me like they were specifically going after certain kinds of people—not every kind, because they did not ask me for documentation for my American workers, Portuguese workers, or white workers,” Janota added.

So, profiling (already illegal) and we're actually not even sure if any of the people they detained were actually illegal. Only that they didn't have documentation on them.
Markets have employee-only areas. ICE cannot legally enter those without consent or a warrant. Owner didn't consent, and they don't have a warrant.
>Your own assumption that they were all in the front of the establishment is baseless
I'm not assuming anything. I'm telling you that your claim that they entered a non-public area of the business is baseless. I have not claimed they have or have not done that.

You are not thinking or acting like a rational person, anon, you are now imagining things that were never said because it supports your prejudiced viewpoint.

From the beginning I have only questioned the claim that it was constitutionally illegal based upon:
1) detaining someone without a warrant, which I hace proven to be DHS policy and I provided a congressional document stating exactly that
2) there is no evidence available claiming where they made this arrest, even now the only evidence presented shows that it was at a public market, which is legal, there's no evidence showing it was in any sort of private section of the market
>Markets have employee-only areas. ICE cannot legally enter those without consent or a warrant
Oh cool so you must have a source stating that the ice employees entered the non-public section of the market right? Because so far all you've provided after being pestered is a source saying they entered a public market
> I have not claimed they have or have not done that
You literally just did
>even now the only evidence presented shows that it was at a public market, which is legal

Public markets have private areas. You have no evidence showing these questionings happened in a public area, and the statement by the mayor calling this a violation of the fourth amendment outright contradicts that idea.
It's great how after being completely btfo from the original claim that it's illegal to detain someone to verify their identity, the libbot shill silently ignored that and started arguing that where the arrest was made was illegal, and now they are scrambling for something to back up their argument
I have the mayor claiming it's a 4th amendment violation. You, on the other hand, have nothing to suggest they kept exclusively to the public areas of the business.
>You literally just did
I guess you were somewhat right. You provided evidence that they entered a public market, and I shifted my claim from being "there's no evidence of where they entered" to "there's evidence they entered public market"

What you're failing to understand is the fundamental claim you made is that they entered a building illegally for the search. You have yet to provide anything that says they entered something that was not a public portion of a business
Per your own source, you need probable cause. They had no warrant and no probable cause beyond detaining any mexican employees, which as we now know included a US veteran.

Per the owner of the business, one of the people they detained and left with was a US veteran.
>I have the mayor claiming it's a 4th amendment violation
Oh man why would a democrat mayor lie and say that detaining an individual to verify their citizenship is a fourth amendment violation? It's already been proven in this thread that that is federal policy.
>you need probable cause
To enter non. public. portions. of a business.
Per your own source they entered a public market.
You just keep digging your hole deeper here.
At least you gave up on your original fallacious claim that it's illegal for them to detain someone to verify their citizenship
So now you're insisting that one of the only sources on this is just lying?

Sounds like admitting defeat because you can't handle that all evidence suggests they violated the law through this search.
They entered a public portion of the business. That does not give them the ability to enter the private portions.

Likewise, it is actually illegal for them to detain someone without probable cause. And "You're mexican" is not probable cause.
>So now you're insisting that one of the only sources on this is just lying
Well yeah, I provided a congressional document showing he's wrong. I mean why would a politician just go and say something like that about his opponents?
>That does not give them the ability to enter the private portion
It also doesn't give them the ability to enter someone's home, someone's bathroom, someone's brothers house, someone's bed at night, but yet there hasn't been a single source claiming this ever happened.
The only source provided says they entered a public market. Fact.
I can pretty safely assume he knows more about the situation than you do lol.
>Likewise, it is actually illegal for them to detain someone without probable cause
Congressional Research Service 4
Routine Questioning and Brief Investigative Detentions
ICE also has authority to conduct interrogations and brief detentions as part of an investigation into
possible immigration violations. INA § 287(a)(1) states that an immigration officer may, without a
warrant, “interrogate any alien or person believed to be an alien as to his right to be or to remain in the
United States.” But the exercise of this authority is subject to constraint under the Fourth Amendment.
The Supreme Court has declared that law enforcement officers do not violate the Fourth Amendment by
merely questioning individuals in public places. Therefore, in INS v. Delgado, the Court held that
immigration officers did not violate the Fourth Amendment by entering factory buildings (which the
Court treated as “public places” because the officers had acted on either a warrant or the employer’s
consent) and questioning employees about their citizenship, even if there were armed officers stationed
near the exit doors. The Court reasoned that the questioning was “nothing more than a brief encounter”
that did not prevent the employees from going about their business.
Only source says the people were working at a business. How do you know they were in the public portion? Do you assume the staff of a building exists only in the parts you can enter?
You can paste that segment all you want. If they weren't in the public part of the business, ICE cannot ask them a damn thing without a warrant. And considering ICE has yet to refute the Mayor's statement that they violated the fourth amendment, I'm inclined to believe they went further than the public portions.

Oh, and by the way, one of the ones they detained AND took away was the veteran. So his rights were still trampled over solely because he forgot his ID that day.
>How do you know they were in the public portion
Its amazing you keep asking this, I have not said they were *only* in the public portion, only that the source provided says they entered a public market.

It's on you to prove they broke the law by entering the non public portion.

Even what I cited above specifically says they can enter things such as a factory, so I suspect the interpretation of "non-public" is pretty narrow since customers don't come into a factory

You haven't proven anything except you don't have a source to back up your initial claim
>You can paste that segment all you want
I will, because it btfo's you every time lmao.
They entered a public fish market, prove otherwise anon lmao
>This egregious act is in plain violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
Your claim is the unfounded one. Unless you're trying to say "uh, the mayor who was actually briefed on this is lying!", which is pure cope.
say, lawyer, where'd you get your degree? tRump university? N'YUCK N'YUCK
>Why would a politician ever lie!??
Lol. Lmao even.
He's right, he cited federal policy, and the mayor does appear to be lying.
Deal with it, tard
Damn anon, can you please post your credentials about how you know more about this raid's circumstances than the mayor of the city it happened in?

You've literally acknowledged there is a scenario where this raid is illegal. That is the scenario the mayor is claiming happened. Until you can find evidence to the contrary, I'm going with his version of events.
>You've literally acknowledged there is a scenario where this raid is illegal.
Anon, there are a million scenarios where an ice sweep could be illegal and a million more where it would not be.

Yes, I'm saying that a democrat mayor made an statement that is unfounded by the evidence which has been presented. It is in fact legal and long standing department policy to detain someone to verify citizenship, and there is no evidence that ice was anywhere they should not have been in a public fish market.

The democrat mayor is making stuff up to score political points from retards like you.
If you actually show something that states the ice agents were accessing private residences, or non public areas of a business, I will change my mind, but the original claim that it's illegal to detain someone to verify their citizenship is patently false and was throughly disproven earlier in the discussion.

Deal with it tard.
>that is unfounded by the evidence which has been presented
Please point to the actual evidence of a legal raid. Not evidence a legal raid is possible, actual evidence they kept to public areas.

Oh wait, while we've been having this conversation, we actually did get more evidence. And it goes against your fucking fanfic.
Per the lawyers of the people they harassed, they blocked off entrances and exits, searched through bathrooms, and blocked their delivery area (which is a private area btw). We have video of them shutting down the place from outside, which, per your pdf, they cannot do without a warrant.

This raid was illegal, the mayor was telling the truth, and you're a fucking bootlicker.
Trump gives ICE the authority to terminate parole status for 1.5 million aliens. Through programs like the CBP1 app, the Biden administration had given many illegals in the country a protected “parole” legal status. This bureaucrat red tape made it slower to process certain illegals for deportation, but now that ICE is given the authority to terminate this status, they may be deported with ease.

Mississippi DA has put forward a bill to create a bounty hunter program offering a $1,000 reward for each successful deportation they help facilitate. The bill has not yet passed, but fingers crossed it does.

Several unconfirmed reports on social media of heavy traffic on highways leading back to Mexico, as many illegals are choosing to self-deport. For any illegal that might be reading this right now, do us all a favor and deport yourself now. Because if you self deport, at least you get to determine what you can take back home. But if you're forcefully deported, its only with the clothes you have on your back.
>Mississippi DA has put forward a bill to create a bounty hunter program offering a $1,000 reward for each successful deportation they help facilitate. The bill has not yet passed, but fingers crossed it does.
This sounds like a very good way to encourage harassment of random actual US citizens. Why not just report everyone you see, getting everyone harassed by ICE and the like. And sometimes if you're lucky, you get 1k.

Oh, except this kind of program tends to tie up resources and stop law enforcement from actually getting the people they were supposed to detain.
We all know what an illegal immigrant looks like anon.
I don't want to shock you anon, but an illegal immigrant can actually look like anyone of any race or ethnicity.

Take Elon Musk for example, who got in on a student visa and immediately dropped out to work illegally.
In retrospect, you're correct. We should deport all of the browns instead of some of them.
>I love deporting US citizens
Gotta love it when they just admit this is about not liking brown people instead of any of the excuses about "stealin muh job".
I'm willing to deport you too if that makes you feel any better.
Sure, but we need to start somewhere, and that somewhere’s going to be the most obvious and egregious people who shouldn’t be here right now. Illegals with extensive criminal backgrounds, illegals who can barely speak english and function in society, etc. We’re trying to triage the situation right now, and once these are all dealt with, then we can go back through and start deporting the ones we missed.
Yeah and I'm sure a tipline that will immediately get flooded with useless shit will really help that.

I know you love the idea of getting paid 1k to be a good boy reporting illegals, but the reality is authorities will spend so much time investigating false leads from that, the deportation rate will actually go down.
You're not even american
>immediately get flooded with useless shit will really help that.
US Tradition
https://youtu.be/dwYtFt4agqo?t=77 [Embed]
Cope. This will be the most successful mass deportation ever seen in the history of this country, regardless if Dog the bounty hunter get’s involved or not.
I was told it started on Wednesday. Its two days late.
How can it be the most successful when its two days late?
Save your judgements for the end of the next four years. There’s still a lot more to go.
eisenhower is laughing at you and your diaper shitting president from the grave
Why are you disparaging Biden like that? Don’t we all have “poopy days” from time to time
>it's okay when our guy shits his pants
repuiblicans, everyone
https://youtu.be/XLgHwn5pLf0?si=LpwQsvq17_OqvOxH [Embed]
Here’s evidence of Biden bravely pooping his pants on the beaches of Normandy, now where’s your evidence of Trump doing brown in his trousers?
missing: Everyone else sitting down right after. There's a reason they only show you 10 seconds of the clip.
Care to present the whole clip then?
Yep. Here:
Literally just getting ready to sit down.
It's so fucking funny to me how Magats screeched over that one Trump koi clickbait and then fell for every single similar clickbait of Biden for four years straight.
Local shill is having a bit of a melty
Must be a shame to have to try to shill for Repulicunts while not having anyone on the Democratic side to attack
For every argument we lose, we will deport ten more immigrants.

This is your fault.
you're not american, but you sure are a loser
Improper punctuation, no capitalization. Twenty points from Gryffindor.
thanks for proving to us that you're not american. enjoy your tenure at /news/, bottom grade shill
The reason deportations won't work is because already millions have been granted legal status of sorts with bullshit asylum claims
why don't you update your american cultural capital, shill. harry potter is ancient
Hey anon you might wanna start checking on those deportation flights; they're coming back.

Turns out trying to deport non-Mexicans to Mexico will get you a pretty annoyed reaction from Mexico, who doesn't want them either.
Free helicopter tours!
Only in America can you have a labor shortage and decide the solution is not to make immigration easier, but to kill all the people willing to fill that void.
Who the hell wants planeloads of illegal immigrants with criminal records?
It's amazing biden's official policy was to keep letting them in.
As soon as the border states started sending them to Blue states to let them deal with them, not even blue States wanted them
There is no labor shortage. That's what the oligarchs are arguing. But they are also the ones who import indians/mexicans, force them to pay a percentage of their income to the company and treat them like slaves.
>There is no labor shortage
They're definitely is a shortage of qualified engineers to perform certain technical work in generative AI industry. Don't get me wrong, there are no shortage of engineers applying for these jobs, most of them I interview are idiots and I'm not sure how they managed to graduate a grad level CS course
Well if Mexico didn’t want non-Mexicans being sent back into their country then they shouldn’t have let them cross their border and travel all the way up here in the first place. But that’s ok, resistance is to be expected. And Trump has 101 ways he can leverage US power over Mexico to make them take these people back, so the illegals will be kicked out of the country one way or another.
Good point, lol. If they don't want these people in their country they shouldn't have let them come into it to begin with. Sounds like Mexico just needs to send them down to Guatemala and let Guatemala deal with them
>Turns out trying to deport non-Mexicans to Mexico will get you a pretty annoyed reaction from Mexico, who doesn't want them either.
Honest question here. If Mexico let them travel through their country heading north, why is Mexico now refusing to let them come into their country to go back home south?
Because they are criminals and rapists.
I mean this unironically. They fled their countries in the hope that they could find purchase here in America. And not just America, but Canada and the UK too. Their host countries warned us about the type of migrants that they are.
They also know that whites in general have been conditioned to accept multiculturalism and have out-group favoritism. This conditioning has been so effective that ethno-nationalism is anathema to them, and they will openly lie to protect the criminal behavior of minorities.
If you want an example of this happening in real time, google the debacle around the Southport Killer.
>Because they are criminals and rapists
Why the hell did Biden let them in?
Redistricting. The total size of a state's delegation to the House depends on its population. Whether or not the migrants are violent criminals doesn't matter because Biden and his family can leave America whenever they want.

Biden's immigration initiatives will affect the distribution of House seats for decades to come. That was the purpose of leaving the border open. To retain power.

If you think you hate democrats, you don't hate them enough.
Can this even be blamed on Biden tho? Every article I read post-election regarding democrats losses was about what donors wanted them to change to start winning again.
Biden was senile af and literally had problems remembering where he was and how to speak properly. I unironically don't think he's really at fault for this, democrats put him in charge because he would agree to whatever they wanted.

The Biden from two decades ago when he ran for himself had totally different policy positions than what he approved while president
Biden was the one who revoked Trump's EOs that controlled mass migration. He, with the help of Obama and the Clinton institute, are also the ones who keep trying to shovel as many migrants into the US interior as possible.

It wasn't a mistake that 12m+ illegal immigrants came here during his administration.
Don't care
>It wasn't a mistake that 12m+ illegal immigrants came here during his administration
Yeah your right on that
Shut up, npc
>>1376739 (OP)
>Mayor Ras Baraka
NJ is now electing actual aliens, huh?
And this alien is complaining about nothing.
>I think every american would rather lynch the guy trying to take away their inherent constitutional rights than the immigrant down the street trying to make ends meet.
>Anybody can be detained up to 24 hours by law enforcement without a warrant or charges
Pretended you wouldn't be pissed if you were detained like they were.
I'm not saying I wouldn't be mad, I'm saying the claim that it's illegal is an outright lie
found the ostridge, bury ur head in the sand more
>while not having anyone on the Democratic side to attack
because literally every democrat is a retard it's harder to find someone whose competent and not an absolute laughing stock
Don't care, fuck illegals, fuck newark
These retards are cheering while every single American loses more and more of their rights. But it's owning the libs so its good!!!!!!!!!! Stupid bitch.
My free speech is already stomped down by economic and legal repression, I'm already silenced. So I'm not at risk from secret police. I already have to live under a totalitarian government, elections here are fake. The secret police will now go after you too, not just me. So that's better. I'd rather have the CCP stomping on us down instead of you stomping me down. This way you lose too and you are my enemy so that's a good thing. At that point I don't lose more, because I've already lost.
no American has lost a single right under trump. brandon and obongo wanted to ban guns and speech
Unless you're LGBT. But they don't count i guess.
they literally aren't people or Americans. Also I'm totally in favor of trump holocausting all the fags and trannies because the faggots and troons can't stop posting their dicks in what is supposed to be solo female and lesbian porn.
Man it's really easy to claim no americans have lost rights when you just disregard everyone who has.
the majority of Americans don't care if troons are genocided
What are your thoughts on those who were arrested for protesting Israel?
they are dems so its funny if they get gassed over fucking palistinians
>muh rights
>except the right to free speech
Looks like you don't get to complain about being censored anymore.
nah, I just don't give a shit about democrats getting their skulls smashed or dying. I will not waste effort defending gun grabbers
>muh rights
>except the right to live
Keep digging that pit deeper. See how far it gets you before you end up burying yourself.
again, I care about my rights, not the rights of troons and commies
The state is infringing on your rights retard. Not your neighbors.
you're the biggest faggot here, why would you want him to do that to you
the feds aren't. only the democrat state government is, faggot
turn your monitor on
>the feds aren't.
You're a fucking idiot if you don't know who the ATF are.
i see your faggoty posts, my monitor must be on already
What right did they lose?
trump is hanging the atf
nah, only fag here is you, turn your monitor on
they aren't allowed to cut kids dicks off anymore
you lead a humiliating life, shill
turn your monitor on.
be a less obvious and repetitive shill. and do you not get days off? you never seem to stop posting
I haven't posted on /news/ in a while, you retard. you work for the nations of india and israel to post communist propaganda and also you have no dick
ice arresting illegals is based and harms no Americans. ice should also hang the illegals
lgbt isn't a right, I can't get a cult and claim i have the god given right to mutilate kids
Oh, and btw, Trump also wasted a few hundred thousand dollars on big deportation flights to mexico (at least one of which got sent back because the people they were sending back weren't actually mexican).

And before any of you retards start posting about "deportation flight good", that's not the argument. He used specifically military planes to do it, which cost 800k. Standard deportation flights use normal planes and only cost 8k.

Imagine bitching about how much immigrants are costing the economy yet spending 100x more than you need to on them.
Well shit anon, maybe if Biden didn't let 12 million of them illegally cross the Mexican border to begin with, we wouldn't be in this predicament of trying to send them back to the country they were in before the illegally crossed into America.

Idgaf if Mexico doesn't want them. Let Mexico send them back to Guatemala. And let Guatemala send them back to El Salvador or Honduras.

Biden made them our problem and now we have to deal with them. These aren't even the good ones, these are the criminals we are trying to get rid of. Build some catapults and launch them into the Gulf of America, idgaf
If your only defence is that it's 'technically legal', you have no real reason behind it.
> Let Mexico send them back to Guatemala.
and Mexico's response is "They got into our country illegally too. Let the US sort them out".

Also illegal immigration by itself is just a misdemeanor. Not worth the fucking death penalty you psycho.

Besides, the real issue is complaining about how much they cost then spending much more than you need to on them. Almost like the real point of this is to put on a big show for retards.
>Trump also wasted a few hundred thousand dollars on big deportation flights to mexico
Democrats pretending they care about government spending lol
You still want universal healthcare? Retard.
You're the ones bitching about how much these migrants cost the US only to turn around and spend 100x more than you need to deport them.

It's like complaining about the price of groceries and then going to a luxury supermarket instead.
Universal healthcare is a basic human right, unlike gun ownership.
>You're the ones bitching about how much these migrants cost the US only to turn around and spend 100x more than you need to deport them.
We spend $150 to $180 Billion dollars annually on illegal migrants.
>This chaos is also imposing record costs on Americans. Last year, FAIR published a report entitled the Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers. The study strives to illustrate the myriad of ways Americans pay for illegal immigration. Our estimate, which is a conservative one, is that Americans now pay $150.7 billion dollars annually due to illegal immigration. This figure represents a net cost. In terms of gross expenditures due to illegal immigration, we estimate that Americans pay $182 billion. Approximately $31 billion is received from illegal aliens in taxes, only 17 percent of the costs they create.
Who cares if some Americans get camped/deported? This is a war. There will be collateral damage. As Trump said, there's going to be some American citizen who goes missing and turns out he was sent to Peru and the media will make a big deal out of it because they hate Trump, but who seriously gives a fuck? It's going to happen. Get over it.
they should just shoot the illegals, bullets are cheaper
also if mexico won't take the illegals they need to be blockaded and all ships in or out of mexico sunk
slavery isn't a right, retard
Most of the people on here would rather have camps and chambers.
wow 800k so much money, you do realize thats next to nothing right, but i guess you'd rather have another 9/11 by having prisoners hijack the plane.
americans aren't human
Americans are the only humans. everywhere else is third world
Being gay or lesbian is a right protected under the 1st amendment. Freedom of expression.
Stop huffing paint and actually learn the laws of the land
Top fucking kek these two posts together are hilarious
Imagine thinking govt agencies are competent enough to handle an immigrat operation of this size
Imagine blindly trusting govt agencies to do the right thing
Anyone calling themselves right wing and claiming they're a Trump supporter is a conservacuck. Cattle, NPCs, masses of protoplasm with credit cards.
you're a retard no one's stopping you from acting gay, but freedom of expression doesn't extend to the world revolving around your mental illness. what a pathetic cope lmao muh freedom of expression lmao.
americans are subhuman swine and wretched horrible human beings that deserve to go extinct.
so you're an anti-law anti-government sovereign citizen great another far-left loser.

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