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President Donald Trump lashed out on Wednesday at the bishop who had delivered a pointed plea directly at him on behalf of immigrants and LGBTQ+ children during a service at the National Cathedral a day earlier.

In a post on Truth Social, Trump called the Episcopal Bishop of Washington, Mariann Edgar Budde, a “Radical Left hard line Trump hater” who is “not very good at her job.” He said she “brought her church into the World of politics in a very ungracious way” and demanded an apology.

Budde’s sermon may have been the only critical words Donald Trump heard during his first full day in office.

As Trump sat in the first pew of the National Cathedral on Tuesday during a traditional prayer service, Bishop Budde asked Trump “to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now.” Trump glared and shifted uncomfortably as she spoke.

“There are gay, lesbian and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and Independent families, some who fear for their lives.” In his first hours as President, Trump signed an order recognizing “two sexes, male and female,” and saying those are set at birth and cannot be changed. He also ordered immigration officers to ramp up deportations of people in the country without authorization.

Budde said in her sermon that those being targeted for deportation “may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues, gurudwaras and temples.” She added, “I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away.”
Since her sermon drew national attention on Tuesday, Budde tells TIME she has “heard from many people who are grateful that someone was willing to speak on their behalf” as well as those who “have said they do wish me dead, and that's a little heartbreaking.”

Budde has served as bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington since 2011. She was also critical of Trump in 2020 when he ordered racial justice protestors to be forcibly removed from Lafayette Park and the courtyard of St. John’s Church and then posed there for a photo while holding a Bible.

In an interview with TIME, Budde described her reaction to the blowback and Trump calling her out. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

TIME: Are you comfortable with being this well known nationally?

BISHOP BUDDE: I hope that a message calling for dignity, respecting dignity, honesty, humility and kindness is resonating with people. I'm grateful for that. I'm saddened by the level of vitriol that it has evoked in others, and the intensity of it has been disheartening. I've heard from many people who are grateful that someone was willing to speak on their behalf, and also others feeling emboldened to do the same, and I'm grateful for that.

I'm not comfortable with the — I don't know how to describe it — but I'm perfectly happy to be in conversation with people who disagree with me. The level of attack has been sobering and disheartening.

TIME: Are you hoping to inspire others to push back against President Trump's policies?

BISHOP BUDDE: I would love to have people present another alternative, yes, and to bring compassion and breadth into our public discourse.

TIME: Trump called you a "Radical left hard line Trump hater." What's your response to that?

BISHOP BUDDE: I don't hate President Trump. I strive not to hate anyone and I dare say that I am not of the 'radical left' either, whatever that means. That is not who I am.
TIME: He said you're not very good at your job.

BISHOP BUDDE: That is for other people to judge, and so he is certainly entitled to his opinion.

TIME: And he said you should apologize. Will you apologize?

BISHOP BUDDE: I am not going to apologize for asking for mercy for others.

TIME: Have you received threats? Do you feel in danger?

BISHOP BUDDE: The real people who are in danger are those who are fearful of being deported. The real people who are in danger are the young people who feel they cannot be themselves and be safe and who are prone to all kinds of both external attacks and suicidal responses to them. So I think we should keep our eyes on the people who are really vulnerable in our society. I have a lot of support and a lot of safety around me, so no, I'm not feeling personally at risk. Although people have said they do wish me dead, and that's a little heartbreaking. It was a pretty mild sermon. It certainly wasn't a fire and brimstone sermon. It was as respectful and as universal as I could with the exception of making someone who has been entrusted with such enormous influence and power to have mercy on those who are most vulnerable.

TIME: Anything else?

BISHOP BUDDE: I think it's all of us, you know. I think it's not about me. It's about the kind of country we are called to be. And that's what I did my best to try and speak to, to present an alternative to the culture of contempt, and to say that we can bring multiple perspectives into a common space and do so with dignity and respect. And that we need that, and the culture of contempt is threatening to destroy us. And I'm getting a little bit of a taste of that this week.
>>1376849 (OP)
she should be thrown into a prison cell with the illegals they just caught, most of them are gang members with an extensive criminal record or violent serial rapists.
She wants to protect predators she should learn what its like to be a victim she is directly revictimizing them by saying criminals deserve protections and victims do not.
Most of them are law abiding citizens who happen to not have documentation. Conservatives are crazy people trying to lock up Christians just because they're brown.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1YhpsuxODY&t=0s [Embed]
gang member
17 arrests
interpol wanted suspect
serial rapist
violent rape with a gun

Ya that whole they're just law abiding citizens sthick won't work if 1/10 are murderers/rapists people don't give a damn about the other 9 they'll just want the whole batch gone.
Ok fox news fear mongering, how about statistics saying they commit even less crime than documented citizens?
are you uneducated or just blind? I'm saying people don't care as long as that 1/10 exist and its a social class they don't identify with.
So deport documented Americans then since they're even worse, got it.
>>1376849 (OP)
>Episcopal Bishop
There's no point in even caring about being rebuked by the mouth of literal Satan.
Episcopals aren't even human.
Neil Gorsuch BTFO
Gorsuch was raised as a Catholic.
If they could they would, i'm of the opinion if america wanted to not be a laughing stock they should force every american to work customer service for at minimum 500 hours across their 18-30 years of age. Anyone who can't handle customer service deserves to have their citizenship revoked, then drawn and quartered
And now he is... ?
Based Bishop
All the talk of empathy and feelings and forgiveness is the most anti-Christian thing imaginable. Christ who be God and the Return and who is all the Lion, Lamb, and Land in one is the flames of VENGEANCE made manifest to purge the Earth of SIN. There is no mercy for He is a God of WAR as much as peace.
lol no
>>1376849 (OP)
>how about statistics saying they commit even less crime than documented citizens?
They're complete nonsense with no verifiable data, all based on voluntarily admissions.

What about the fact that with the catch and release policy, more than 90% of them don't show up to their second hearing and disappear? Doesn't that mean that they're criminals?
>anon doesn't know illegal immigration is a civil misdemeanor and not a felony
so you have one guy?

I can pull up like, 20 white citizen rapists if you want.
>>1376849 (OP)
>How dare this bishop actually preach the religion she's a part of
reminder the bible literally advocates for taking in the needy and migrants.
>>1376849 (OP)
Absolute Christ-focused chad. All trump can do is have a tantrum knowing he's wrong.
That bishop is a man. A tranny is telling tRump & JD that they're going to hell. I LOVE IT!( tRump may have been an atheist, but all these old evil people start thinking about the big black eternal nothingness ahead if them, and start trying to make deals with GOD) Just this time GOD, and I really am trying to help my family out when I pass on(other people's families are suckers& losers)
>reddit atheists lecturing Christians on Christianity
Mmmmm, no. You have no standing or context to even begin approaching this subject.

You lost and they're getting deported, sorry. Womp womp.
>I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me,” says the LORD Almighty. - Malachi 3:5
>The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked. - Psalm 146:9
>Do not take advantage of a hired worker who is poor and needy, whether that worker is a fellow Israelite or a foreigner residing in one of your towns. - Deuteronomy 24:14
>Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt. - Exodus 23:9
>Do not deprive the foreigner or the fatherless of justice, or take the cloak of the widow as a pledge - Deuteronomy 24:17

Bible seems pretty clear about it lmao.
illegals aren't given protections under us courts you retard. its not much different from feral animals.
>white rapists exist so its fine that black hispanic and latino rapists exists they shouldn't be procecuted let them do their thing.
nice diversion attempt
amazing how you seem to be under the impression human rights don't exist.
Democrats literally did lock up Christians for organizing a prayer in front of an abortion clinic and kept them imprisoned for over three years. And probably would have kept them forever if Trump hadn’t won and pardoned them recently.
Source on either of those things?



The protesters were prosecuted under the FACE Act and many were given unfair lenghtly sentences
You are aware juries found that they were physically blocking people and chaining doors closed.
And you think that warrants being in prison for three years?
If it's necessary to get them to stop, yes.
Literally given immense chances to stop blocking access to medical facilities. If you commit a misdemeanor once, you'll get off with a slap on the wrist. If you keep doing so, over and over, despite it being repeatedly made clear you're breaking the law, yeah no shit you're gonna get a few years of prison time.
Well it’s not. And there’s a glaring hypocrisy at play here where the FACE Act says that it protects both abortion clinics and pro-life pregnancy centers and churches, but Democrats have ignored radical pro-abortion Antifa-like groups from firebombing pro-life clinics. Democrats won’t do anything about that, but the moment a pro-lifer steps even slightly out of line, they want to destroy their lives.
>pro-life clinics
The fuck would a pro-life abortion clinic be?

Literally the only clinics that are getting firebombed are pro-choice ones lmao. partially because, you know, a pro-life abortion clinic doesn't exist.




Here’s the first few stories that pop up when I search “pro life clinic firebombed”. I can do it, you can too.
>The fuck would a pro-life abortion(sic) clinic be?
A Christian conversion/propaganda center, basically. They don't help, they only shame.
So they never caught the people who did it, and this is somehow the dems fault?
Yes, because they never tried.
Do you know they're not trying or did they just not find someone?

You can't just claim "oh they never tried". If there's no leads, there's no leads.
>>1376849 (OP)
>Episcopal Bishop
So not a real bishop.
>episcopalian butthurt
Also a heretic.
Stfu papist scum.
Only christians who understand the word of god are evangelicals and traditional catholics.
I think there's a difference between Christians barging into a medical clinic to block access versus regular everyday people being snatched from their church or school as Trump is doing.
That's a bishop actually, not a reddit atheist.
By “everyday people” you’re not referring to all the illegal immigrants who broke into this country over the past 4 years are you?
>regular everyday people being snatched
Illegal immigrants with a criminal record? Good. They have to go back.
Borders are fake imaginary lines, as Trump recently said about the border with Canada. No such law effectively then exists to be broken by crossing one.
Lol, that’s not going to stop the US from enforcing it’s fake imaginary lines anyway. You’re like all those retarded criminals being arrested who thought yelling out “I can’t breathe!” was a get out of jail free card right after George Floyd died. Still getting arrested. Still going back.
My preacher said some words of wisdom on this so-called snake that I'd like to share here:

>Do not commit the sin of empathy.

>This snake is God's enemy and yours too. She hates God and His people. You need to properly hate in response.

>She is not merely deceived but is a deceiver. God has no mercy and no forgiveness for the weak, craven, and sinful, and neither should you. For it is a sin to have empathy.
>>1376849 (OP)
What a chad.

What a douche.
>God has no mercy and no forgiveness for the weak, craven, and sinful
do Christians really in 2025? Do they just not read the Bible?
>Do not commit the sin of empathy.

Actually beyond parody holy shit.
warhammer 40k
"Hell is paved with good intentions" is a saying older than your family tree, you absolute fucking retard.
see the actual fucking bible >>1376994

By your logic jesus should've let that woman get stoned to death for adultery.
>only quotes the old testament for maximum loxism
fuck off kike
Not in the bible and younger than it.
>"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in" Matthew 25:35
>"John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.” - Luke 3:11
>“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me." - Matthew 25:41-43
>reddit atheists doubling down on not understanding Christianity and lecturing Christians

Lmao indeed. Do you feel euphoric in this moment, getting BTFO?

>Actually beyond parody holy shit.
This is what is meant be "atheists doubling down on not understanding Christianity"

Jesus was not the "hey man you gotta accept everyone as they are man" hippie you think he was, this is what is referenced by "the sin of empathy".

The fact that he would help sinners does not mean he approves of their sins or lifestyles. "Go and sin no more" doesn't mean 'keep on keeping on duuuuuude', it means you're worthy of saving and you need to act like it and be better.
See >>1377199

Even the fucking pope is calling you out.
>Jesus was not the "hey man you gotta accept everyone as they are man" hippie you think he was, this is what is referenced by "the sin of empathy".
Literally all she said was have mercy on the downtrodden, which lines up perfectly with jesus' teachings.
>see the actual fucking bible
Atheists don't understand the bible and are not authorities on the bible. Every point you think you're making is wrong and misrepresenting the text and you're making yourself into an even greater fool with every post.

Again, Jesus was not a hippie. If you're gonna whine while quoting Matthew, you should read the rest of Matthew and not just cherry pick the parts you think help your 'le euphoric' argument

>"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household” (Matthew 10:34-36)

What does this mean you think? Jesus says its okay to be gay and you have to tolerate sin because otherwise you'd be mean and thats bad?
>Literally all she said was have mercy on the downtrodden
Having mercy on the downtrodden does not mean the downtrodden should be assisted to continue sinning. You're literally misinterpreting the bible for political reasons, just like she is.

>which lines up perfectly with jesus' teachings.
Again, atheioids are not authorities on Jesus' teachings. You are wrong on all levels.
So atheists do what the pope says now?
The Vatican itself disagrees with you.
Just admit you lost, atheist. Appealing to authority you don't believe in isn't going to work here, anymore than cherry picking bible quotes you don't fully understand.

It's okay though, you can be better.
The current Pope is a satanic faggot though.
>Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.
>Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme,
>Local retard quotes part of matthew where jesus talks about his teachings may divide out of context and makes it seem like jesus loves killing sinners

The irony.
>Fake Christians ITT
Please try not to act too surprised when you're rejected from the gates of heaven.
>atheioid again misrepresents bible quote by thinking Jesus wanted to kill sinners

I like how you think Jesus helping people but still wanting them to stop sinning means they have to be killed. Says a lot about you and your particular brand of retardation.

What does "Go and sin no more" mean to you, Mr Euphoric?
>atheioid still trying to pull rank on Christians despite getting BTFO for misinterpreting the bible
You're not being very euphoric :/
That passage isn't even about sinners lol. That's how I know you didn't read it.
>That passage isn't even about sinners
It absolutely is. What do you think it's about, Mr Euphoric?

>That's how I know you didn't read it.
Cherry picking quotes isn't reading the bible anon. What do you think that passage means? Please share with the class.
Considering it's literally just Jesus talking to his apostles about spreading his word... yeah you didn't read it.
>Considering it's literally just Jesus talking to his apostles about spreading his word
Lmao, look at this idiot.

That specific passage is about how God forgives sins and gives people who truly want it a new start. "Go and sin no more" means that being saved necessitates not repeating the same sins you committed before. He didn't tell the adulterous women to 'keep it up', he told her he wasn't judging her but she to stop her sinful ways.

Go to bed atheiod, adults are talking.
Not go forth and sin no more retard, the original one you posted.

BTW jesus was quite specific about what to do with strangers in need of help, like say, immigrants, but clearly you don't care about that either.
>"not that one that I got caught misinterpreting, the other one I got caught misinterpreting"
You can't even name the passages of the bible you're referencing you plebeian lmao

>BTW jesus was quite specific about what to do with strangers in need of help
He was, he was also quite specific about needing to not continue on the path of sin and helping people to overcome sin. Helping them in no way shape or form means supporting or abetting/aiding their sin. Helping the adulterous woman didn't mean he supported her adultery.

The fact that you refuse to understand this is probably because you SparkNote'd the bible and think you understand it better than people who actually read and believe in it.

"Go and sin no more" also applies to fags, and illegal immigrants who refuse to "render unto caesar", but I'm sure you'll try to misrepresent that too with your yee yee ass atheoid sparknotes understanding of the bible.
>jesus would've hated illegal immigrants
This is how you know you're just using it to justify your own beliefs. Go to church retard.
>>1376849 (OP)
That alone showcases she is in rebelion agaisnt God.
Going on about 'lgbt children' confirms it. Also 'lgbt children' just means kids that were brainwashed by gender ideologues, its child abuse, another reason to cleanse the schools and media from that nonsense.
As to migrants, lets not confuse non ending illegal mass migration with migration respecting the country's laws.
Being taken by foreigners is a punishment for idolatry in the bible. So no wonder the entire idolatrous western world is being overrun.
>>1376849 (OP)
Perfect example why women shouldn't be allowed to preach, Paul was right.
Have you? God will always accept the penitent with open arms but those that willfully live in sin in defiance of his teachings receive no mercy until they repent.
You would've stoned the adulteress to death and stoned jesus for defending her.
The same passage where Jesus explicitly said "go, and sin no more" right?
yeah I remember the part where jesus said "oh and if you ever catch that bitch cheating again, kill her."
It's funny to see people twist themselves into pretzels trying to claim the Imperium isn't heavily Catholic/Christian coded.
The entire parable is about man punishing each other for sin, it doesn't mean that we must accept sin or that God will ultimately offer salvation to those that are unrepentant in their sin. Non-Christians use that passage as an excuse to promote the tolerance of sin when the "go, and sin no more" condition says the opposite.
People say this???
You'd be one of the retards trying to stone her to death.
Jesus said she shouldn't be stoned and that she shouldn't sin, you're saying that Jesus said her adultery was okay when that is patently untrue. Go and sin no more, anon and you too can receive salvation.
So what's the issue with asking Trump to show mercy on those children then?
You don't show mercy by allowing them to continue to break the law. Jesus didn't say "continue to commit adultery" or "change the laws to make adultery easier" Mercy in this case is returning them to their countries of origin without any repercussions.
Amazing how Jesus said to clothe the stranger and feed the hungry, but I guess that only applies to... well, you don't even do that for natives either.
>returning to their country
American Christians believe in the prosperity gospel. Basically, if you're rich and powerful, it's because you have the favor of god. If you're sick and poor, it's because you have sinned or will sin. It's basically divine right for the modern era.
The roman Catholic Church helps more poor people in the world than any single government entity. I'm not even religious either.
And Trump is trying to stop that by allowing ICE to raid churches lol.
>A lot of devils in here trying to manipulate people with the word of the Bible so that evil has a backdoor into this country.
We’ve had four years of unrestrained criminals, drugs, and child sex trafficking coming across the southern border. The atrocities at the border have gone on for long enough. It is righteous and good to stop this evil from happening, and don’t let the boo-hoos of some Spanish people tell you otherwise.
He said clothe and feed through personal charity, not encourage people to break the law by housing those that enter the country illegally. You can be compassionate to illegal immigrants while still not enabling them.
>I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.
This was given as a reason why people would go to hell anon.
"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, render unto God what is God's".
You're still expected to obey the law.
And the Bible also affirms a country's right to enforce their own borders, your point?
Jesus was pretty fucking clear about how to treat strangers in your house, and nothing about modern migrants situations.
Jesus also stated not to throw pearls before swine, otherwise they will trample things which are precious to you.

This whole "jesus would've accepted the third world" angle is evangelical cope.
Jesus was also pretty clear about following the law of the land unless it otherwise goes against your Christian principles and not to reward those that sin. Again, you can be compassionate without accepting lawbreakers. For instance, if a robber enters your house you are not compelled to offer them all your possessions.
That's not what pearls before swine means lol.

Jesus was killed under the law of the land lmao.
A stranger you've let into your house is much different than a stranger who barged their way into your house against your wishes without an invitation and refuses to leave, potentially using your house as a base of criminal operations tho.
Yeah the migrant mowing your lawn for you at below minimum wage is really invading your house.
So that means we shouldn't follow his words or those of the apostles?
IDK you tell me. Your jesus headcanon is he said obey all laws of the land at all times, yet he himself violated the law and was crucified for it. That means he's either a liar or a hypocrite in your eyes.
>he himself violated the law and was crucified for it
He didn't violate the law. He was accused of violating the law by the pharisees and the sadducees who were having their power undermined by a carpenter who was performing miracles.
>>1376849 (OP)
>Bishop who confronted Trump in church sermon REFUSES to apologize!
but... I'm outraged!!!!
Oh? Then why was he executed?

Perhaps he should've been put before a fair trial instead... which you love denying to migrants too.
>Yeah the migrant mowing your lawn for you at below minimum wage is really invading your house
I dont have a migrant mowing my lawn.
The "house" in this conversation is America, but you already knew that, you're just acting like you're an idiot because you know I'm right in the analogy
ahh yes the magical human rights that americans and UN love to preach about but never enforce
She used her church as an advertisement, fore her political goals, To humiliate our president. A deaply religous person, Called President trump, A champion of religous freedom. And defender of Amarican freedom. As a religous persion, Im ashamed by her conduct and actions, Very un Christian conduct, promoting unholy anti Christian beliefs.

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