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President Donald Trump barreled through as Fox News host Sean Hannity tried repeatedly — five times — to cut in and get Trump to talk about the economy.

On Wednesday night’s edition of Fox News Channel’s Hannity, Trump sat for an exclusive interview just days after being inaugurated to a second term — based largely on economic factors according to many analysts.

But every time Hannity said he wanted to “get to the economy” Trump refused and kept talking about whatever subject he wanted to. Finally, Hannity said he wanted to broach the subject before he ran out of time, pointing to Trump’s aides off-camera, and Trump told him “I don’t care.”
TRUMP: And then there’d be a little patch, a little tiny patch of green, beautiful green. And I said, why — how come all this land has these little patches? They said, that’s all that we’re allowed to farm because we have no water. I said, are you having a drought? No, they’ve turned off the water. They turned off the spigot from up north in order to protect the Delta smelt.

HANNITY: Let me move on to the economy.

TRUMP: And by the way, I don’t really believe it’s the Delta smelt, because nobody could do that.

HANNITY: Just — well —

TRUMP: It’s not endangered either. They have it in other locations, et cetera.

TRUMP: Well, they voted for me.

HANNITY: Joe Biden said he would not do it. Let me move on to the economy. This is so important.

TRUMP: But — Excuse me.

HANNITY: It was such a big — yes.

TRUMP: I was very clear about it.

HANNITY: Very clear.

TRUMP: I said I was going to release him. And probably very quickly. And they voted for me and I won in a landslide. And that was only one of the many reasons.

HANNITY: And Joe said he would not do preemptive pardons back in 2020. Chuck Schumer said it. Schiff said it. They all said it. The media said it.

TRUMP: The precedent that he said on pardons is amazing. That’s a much bigger story, but people don’t like talking about it. He pardoned everybody, but he didn’t pardon himself. And remember this, those people that he pardoned are now mandated because they got a pardon to testify and they can’t take the feds.

HANNITY: Should Congress investigate that

TRUMP: I think we’ll let Congress decide.

HANNITY: Would you want the attorney general to investigate it?

TRUMP: You know, I was always against that with presidents and Hillary Clinton. I could have had Hillary Clinton a big number done on her.

HANNITY: Have you changed your mind?
TRUMP: And I didn’t want to — well, I went through four years of hell by this scum that we had to deal with. I went through four years of hell. I spent millions of dollars in legal fees and I won, but I did it the hard way. It’s really hard to say that they shouldn’t have to go through it also. It is very hard to say that.

Joe Biden — remember this, Joe Biden got very bad advice because like he has in everything.

HANNITY: Hunter’s —

TRUMP: He got bad advice on Ukraine. He got bad advice that war should have never started. He got bad advice on Israel. He got bad advice on the way he got out of Afghanistan. We should have gotten out with strength and dignity, not like a bunch of losers. Joe Biden has very bad advisers. Somebody advised Joe Biden to give pardons to everybody but him. They wanted to take care —

HANNITY: Let me get to the economy.

TRUMP: Yes. But, Sean —

HANNITY: I’m running out of time.

TRUMP: — they wanted to — I don’t care.

HANNITY: They’re yelling at me every time.

TRUMP: This is more important because —

HANNITY: I agree.

TRUMP: — right now the economy is going to do great.

HANNITY: I want to know about the economy —

TRUMP: You know, I’m here. So, the — but you have to understand he had bad advisers on almost everything. It’s like in the old days when the secretary of state said he never made a correct decision on foreign policy. Joe Biden got very bad advice.

HANNITY: You’ve been through two would-be assassins.
>I don’t care
Sums you up, Trump.
This term is about political revenge, not policy.
Trumps first press conference if his term.
Focused, and razor sharp. Makes Biden look like the fumbling old man he his.
Demshits hate this.
>focused and razor sharp
>refuses to talk about the actual economy and things he'll do to improve anything
I see you didnt watch it
Cry more, shillbaby. You need a waahmbulance?
thats what he ran on against hillary, too
What economy? These illegal immigrant trannys are killing us and illegally voting, did ja hear bout that? Find another 1/2 witted homosexual, so you both can be partners & make a whole wit
You burned that shill really good anon. I can smell the burnt butthurt from here, all the way from Mumbai.
Trump deserves at least some revenge tbh.The guy was robbed of an entire election in 2020 and everyone just kept passing it off as the safest and most secure election ever
>>1376864 (OP)
Wow a habitual liar on a tv network that openly admitted to being fake news.
dude he said before all 3 elections even started that if he lost it was from a stolen election with fucking zero evidence behind it. you were lied to.
He wasn't robbed anon, he just couldn't believe he lost after all the setup the GOP did for him. Biden won because more people came out to vote than ever before, and when turnout is high democrats usually win. The takeaway is that more American voters are democrats, but democrats don't always vote either due to personal apathy/laziness or voter suppression. It's pretty infuriating to see on election day when 20m democrats failed to show up, because republicans never miss an opportunity to vote.
What did he say about Elon and the computer voting systems in Pennsylvania again?
It was disappointing that Trump lost in 2020, but in hindsight it’s probably for the best, because if he got his second term in 2020 then his presidency probably would have been as tepid as his first. He really had to get fucked over hard and almost killed in order to truly understand just how corrupt the system he’s dealing with really is. I don’t think he’d be going as hard as he is otherwise.
Accurate. Trumps doing a lot of things that need to be done. During his latest press interview, he was calm, collected, and straight to the point. Didn't beat around the bush. He's got pretty massive support right now, even with the media doing their standard smear campaign vs, 9 in 10 Republicans and close to half of Democrats support mass deportations of immigrants living in the country illegally... Their opinions differ on exactly how it should happen, but the overall support is there.
stop talking to yourself
>>1376864 (OP)
Yeah, because he doesn't have a fucking plan. He never did.
You're never getting those cheaper groceries.
Take your psych meds

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