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Amid inflation concerns surrounding President Donald Trump’s proposed trade policy, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said the positive effect that increased tariffs could have on national security could outweigh other impacts.

Dimon explained that tariffs can be used as “an economic tool” or “an economic weapon,” in an interview with CNBC at the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland this week.

“If it’s a little inflationary but good for national security, so be it, get over it” Dimon advised.

Before Trump took office, he posted on his social media platform Truth Social that on Jan. 20, the day he took office, that he would charge a 25% tariff on all products coming into the United States from Canada and Mexico.

“The Tariff will remain in effect until such time as Drugs, in particular Fentanyl, and all Illegal Aliens stop this Invasion of our Country,” he said in the post.

Trump has yet to sign such an executive order, telling reporters that he will wait until Feb.1 to impose the tariffs. According to his advisers, he is still confident about the tariffs and does not plan to pull back, NBC News reported.

The American First Trade Policy aims to limit the country’s international dependence by promoting investment and productivity within the U.S. borders.

Dimon in his remarks said tariffs are ultimatums meant to bring foreign leaders to the table to settle trade disputes.

“We’re going to find out,” Dimon said, surrounding Trump’s intentions.

Additionally, Trump is contemplating a tariff on Chinese goods for China’s alleged role in supplying fentanyl.

“We’re talking about a tariff of 10% on China based on the fact that they’re sending fentanyl to Mexico and Canada,” Trump told reporters.

While inflation has cooled since peaking in 2022, talk of tariffs has led to concerns among economists as the cost of consumer goods remains high.
“Tariffs are particularly ill-timed given the persistence of inflation following the pandemic-induced price shock,” Joe Brusuelas, chief economist at RSM US told The Wall Street Journal.

JPMorgan did not immediately to Fortune’s request for comment.
inb4 in other news US oil prices rose 45% in 2026 due to shortage cause by the canada tariffs. Us citizens are struggling to afford gas to drive to work which environmentalists say has had a hugely positive impact on the environment.
>>1376874 (OP)
>democrats cause record inflation in four years and openly lied about the numbers despite us being able to do simple math
>world sleeps

>tariffs might cause inflation in some categories, but overall might leave USA in a better condition due to USA no longer holding the hand of every Euro or Latin country

I'd rather have the tariff inflation and have some positive than hyper inflation and a government that just seems to not care about us.
Who was lying? We said it was caused by price gouging. Do you think Trump's tariffs are price gouging too? Seems like deflection.
You're not american
>>1376874 (OP)
So the prices of milk, eggs, gas etc increase, to the extent that you can't afford such? You voted in that which ensured it happens.
So be it, get over it.
It's The Economy, Stupid. And you're too stupid to vote for a normal sane politician. But then, what you voted for isn't a politician that is too stupid, so you can't blame anyone else but yourselves for what happens to you.
>milk, eggs,
domestic, unaffected by tariffs.

>gas etc
US was a net exporter of petroleum only five years ago.
You know what milk and eggs is affected by? The recent strain of bird flu going around. But with the help of the CDC-
...oh wait, their communications are paused by executive order.
Well, with the help of the FDA-
...oh, they're paused too? Ok...
So with the NIH doing research into ways to-
...oh all their research is currently on hold? Really?

...uh oh.
Hyperinflation in Germany caused a locally made loaf of bread to cost billions of marks
Megainflation in Zimbabwe caused the dollar there - which around independence was worth slightly more than the US Dollar - to be replaced by the US Dollar, Pounds Sterling, Euro, South African Rand and even Chinese Yuan. Even a ten trillion Z$ bill is worthless, so they trust foreign currency more.
Inflation affects everything. Enjoy your locally produced produce costing far more than before, Trumptards. You voted in that thing, it's you that'll suffer. Quite the pyrrhic victory: owning yourselves to 'own the libs'.
>Hitler analogy
Into the trash, tranny
...where did anon mention hitler? German hyperinflation was in the 1920s, before he came into power.
>id rather have the tariff inflation and have some positive than hyper inflation and a government that just seems to not care about us.
Thinking the Republicans care about the plebs haaaaaaaaaaaheeeeeeee. Musk, Bezo, etc will throw you a bone, after they get their tax breaks and build even bigger toy spaceships. How do we as a society end up with such clueless wonders such as you?
Biden, pelosi type democrats at least make sure there's a scrap of meat on the bone, even White Nat. Musk throws us the bone.
This is true. But the Democrats then stick the bone up your ass and tell you it's a pleasurable experience. The Republicans stick the bone in your mouth, and tell you that you'll get use to it
>has no concept of 20th century history
>Hyperinflation affected the German Papiermark, the currency of the Weimar Republic, between 1921 and 1923, primarily in 1923
Thanks for proving yourself wrong, retard
The US shouldn't trade with anti-freedom countries, if prices go up by a few % so be it
>that computer you're using
>does all of its components say 'Made in USA' on them? If so, prove it
>that smart TV you're using. if it says 'Made in China' on it...!
>MAGAtards made to suffer because of inflation that financially destroys them
MAGAtards' opinions destroyed. They've brought this upon themselves. Proved they're as retarded as their orange cult leader. So be it.
Can't even see Trump ordering Dell of Texas and Apple to make computers that say 'Made in USA' because even the raw materials have to be imported, mainly from China. Enjoy your higher prices and unaffordable 'US Made' products to 'own the libs'.
I have Dell laptops that say 'Made in Ireland' and 'Made in Poland' on them. LGR's Clint Basinger in North Carolina has an early IBM PC that says 'Made in Scotland' on it. This is a global society and there's nothing not even Trump can do about it, least of all you.
...oh, and every second you're using that computer to say 'The US shouldn't trade with anti-freedom countries', which has components which say 'Made in China' on them, that's where it all falls apart for MAGAtards. Hypocrites don't have the right to have opinions. Not until you use computers that say 'Made in USA' with locally sourced raw materials and nowhere else, and can prove it.
We'll take it by force. The economy will be roaring again once we conquer Greenland.
yeah the CARES ACT had nothing to do with that inflation.
you're not american
>Overall, a plurality of the poll’s respondents said they were opposed to the U.S. trying to gain ownership of Greenland and control of the Panama Canal. A majority also said they were opposed to the U.S. trying to attain Canada.

>On the question of Panama, only 33 percent of Americans said the U.S. should try to regain control of the canal, while 42 percent were opposed.

>The ratings were even lower on the issue of Greenland — just 28 percent said the U.S. should try to conquer the island, while nearly one in two respondents (47 percent) were opposed to the idea.

His core base like the idea, and they are as American as apple pie.
This country was built on war. Everything you see is conquered land. You think we're going to listen to some libtard globohomos telling us what we can and can't do? We took the west and Hawaii by force. Fuck you.
>CNN doing the lib "why did you tell Trump to fuck off" civility to a Danish politician reacting to invasion threat
This is why I love trump. He always makes the funniest news.
>anti-war Trumpists
Hypocrisy. It's a hell of a drug.
>American as apple pie
Yeah. About that:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4Rm5oTIGu4 [Embed]
Retarded opinions need to be destroyed. And hypocrites don't have the right to have opinions.
>third of Americans want to take Greenland by force
Who are these freaks? I thought the official line was that Trump is just trolling or playing hardball.
>Majority opposed
Yeah, but the ones who want it are Trump's core base, and aside from the rich, they're the only voices who really matter.
To be fair, think a lot of the rich would like it as well. In modern times, it's typically the rich, who are the most insulated and benefit the most from land acquisition. The more rich they are, the more pro-imperialism. Commoners are the ones who pay the blood price. Even if they do lose, the rich typically make it out okay due to their golden parachutes.
Do you think chickens and cows feed or house themselves? Farmers use all kinds of resources, if they're importing even one thing and the tariffs hit it, it will affect milk or egg prices.
I literally cannot wait for the anti-tax Democrats to appear. Fuckers never found a tax they didn't like until tariffs became a rallying cry for Fagocraps.
How many of these new anti-tax Demoqueers have the braincells to connect the dots and realize that taxes are a net drain and drag people down?
I'm betting zero.
They hate the idea of someone being a billionaire because it implies that they are worthless. It's dumb jealousy. I can't wait for them to fucking blow their brains when Trump and Elon become the first trillionaires, while they're still flipping burgers for 7.25 as the debt piles up because they were stupid enough to fall for the leftist scam that is college. But in their bones, they know that they're worth less than the burgers they flip, they know they deserve their station in life, to die a pauper for being a fucking failure, and they lash out in self-hatred and base jealousy at the best of us as they smear shit and burn everything to the ground. Thank God I will never be a leftist, and thank God for Donald Trump.
You get paid to post empty slogans on a dead board
>>1376874 (OP)
>democrats cause record inflation
>but overall might leave USA in a better condition due to USA no longer holding the hand of every Euro or Latin country
Very nope.
Based Trump btfoing all of those retarded Jew infested agencies
So how exactly do we do anything about this bird flu issue?
Hundrednaires are always the biggest dick lickers for billionaires. It’s sad.
>Trump is pro-Israel and pro-Jew
Based Trump btfoing all those retards such as >>1377163
>Trump is pro-Israel and pro-Jew
Haven't you people been saying this for like 9 years now like it's so me sort of gotcha that nobody was aware of when they voted for him?
But big shot Mr Jew, My Lil Egbert wants eggs NOW, and I have to decide between the rent and eggs
>You can fool most of the people some of the time, which is just long enough to be voted president of the US
>just enough were conned by an orange retard, thus those who were conned are themselves retards
>it's so me
Yes, it's so you
Why do Proud Boys types still like to pretend otherwise?
>hehehe having trouble cleaning up after our messes Democraps?
>but overall might leave USA in a better condition due to USA no longer holding the hand of every Euro or Latin country
Anon we're just going to pay more for everything.
People don't have to put money in this mans pocket. See what happens.

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