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Texan doctor was indicted in 2023 by the Biden DOJ for leaking anonymized medical records from the Texas Children's Hosptial proving that children were receiving transgender surgeries despite the hospital publicly stating that they do not do that.
Following the resignation of Biden appointee U.S. Attorney Alamdar Hamdani, the federal prosecutor agreed to drop all charges against the doctor.
DOJ drops charges against Texas doc who blew whistle on kids’ secret sex-change surgeries

The federal case against a Texas doctor accused of illegally leaking that a Houston hospital was secretly performing transgender surgeries on kids was dropped Friday — weeks before trial was set to begin.

US District Judge David Hittner signed off on prosecutors’ request to throw out all four felony counts accusing Dr. Eithan Haim, 34, of accessing patient records from Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH) under false pretenses and providing them to conservative journalist Christopher Rufo in 2023.

Rufo then published a report in City Journal showing the hospital was performing so-called “gender-affirming” procedures on kids at least through May 2023, despite announcing it had stopped offering surgeries and puberty blockers a year earlier.

The initial announcement followed Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issuing an opinion in February 2022 declaring sex change procedures in kids a form of child abuse.

The dismissal request “with prejudice” was made in a single-page joint motion filed by the feds with Haim’s consent.

The motion didn’t offer any explanation for why prosecutors wanted to drop the case with trial set to begin on Feb. 10.

Haim faced up to ten years behind bars if convicted and sentenced to the maximum on all counts.

Judge Hittner approved the request in an order issued later Friday.
Haim’s legal team said the dismissal “fully vindicates” their client and noted that the feds can not ever revive the case against the doctor.

“The United States has finally agreed to drop the case against Dr. Haim, and the Court just granted dismissal,” said defense attorney Marcella Burke said.

“The fight against the evils he exposed continues, but this dismissal represents a repudiation of the weaponization of federal law enforcement and the first step in accountability for the misdeeds we have all witnessed in this case.”

Prosecutors claimed that Haim — a surgeon who performed part of his residency at TCH — accessed medical records after he stopped treating patients there in 2021.

But Haim’s lawyers argued in court papers last year that prosecutors had records proving that he’d actually continued treating patients at TCH into 2023 and never illegally accessed patient information.

Haim has maintained that he was simply blowing the whistle on the hospital breaking Texas law.

The Southern District of Texas US Attorney’s office didn’t immediately return a request for comment Friday afternoon.
>>1377197 (OP)
If you actually look into the case, everything they were doing was legal when he stole the data. The records he leaked also didn't have anything about surgery, only "transitional care", which can mean anything from therapy to puberty blockers.

The info he leaked was a nothingburger, as always.
> everything they were doing was legal when he stole the data
The doctor wasn’t exposing that they were doing something illegal, he exposed that they were lying about what they were doing. It’s not technically illegal to lie, but the public still has a right to know the truth.
>It never happened, ignore the leaked medical records
Except the headline is misleading; none of the data he leaked said anything about surgeries. The data itself was from 2022, which was before 2023 when the statement where they "lied" was made.
Records never said anything about surgery though. Just transitional care, which can literally be as simple as therapy.
>; none of the data he leaked said anything about surgeries
So you must have seen this data?
Here I found the excerpt from the original dude who published this article
>Last week, I worked with a whistleblower to expose the child sex-change program at Texas Children’s Hospital. Executives had promised to stop such procedures, but, as the medical records demonstrate, this was not done—doctors secretly continued to provide puberty blockers and other hormones to children between the ages of 11 and 17.
Yeah not sex change, just sex mutilation procedurs
>They lied about not doing surgery!
>Ok so maybe they didn't do surgery... but they did do puberty blockers!
>...between the ages of 11 and 17, and this was before they were ordered to stop, but-
Yeah yeah keep coping. There's a reason the dude who made the article took it down. Even he realized he was full of shit and opening himself up to a libel lawsuit.
Sorry are you arguing that puberty blockers aren't a standard part of a medical sex change procedure or that 11-17 year olds aren't kids?
I'm arguing they were doing what they were within the law to do and no surgeries were involved like you keep screeching about.
Honestly the surgery part doesn't matter to me. Children shouldn't get hormones for sex change.
Plenty of boys are gender dysphoric in the sense that they don't think they are Chad enough, some commit suicide, male children kill themselves more often then female children, but nobody gives them t to improve their self image.
Why are troons treated differently?
Children should have hormones or puberty blockers. If they are unhappy they need therapy or coping mechanism, not something that alters their physiology
You aren't changing my mind on this.
>Children should have hormones
Well you already backtracked on the surgery part, the lying part, and now you're just moving on to "...well I just don't like it!"
Relevant thread: >>>/wsg/5780390
Miserable adults who were tricked by their peers into gender conversion as minors
>We need to care about the 1% of the 1% now!
I want to make an omelette, OP. Eggs is $10 a dozen Herr in Texass. I don't care bout no fag kids
I like how the left constantly talks about how we should be sympathetic to minorities until it's a minority that goes against their messages.
>Look at the 1% of this 1% minority who didn't like it!
Chances are like half of that 1% goes back to transitioning anyways lol.
All this sorrow caused by the radical left tricking people into thinking their bodies were the cause of their unhappiness in life
>6 members online
I'm pretty sure we've had more republicans regretting their vote in the last week than people regretting their choice to transition in the last 20 years.
Its the best they got
Why are you tourist shill faggots so obsessed with reddit?
Maybe you should just go back, instead of complaining about your old sitemates here?
I wonder if the other 55994 members already killed themselves out of regret. It's pretty sad, honestly
>>1377197 (OP)
it's just a little hormone therapy
it's not like they're chopping anything off, like they do with circumcision completely legally and openly, which you kikes never complain about
>I'm pretty sure we've had more republicans regretting their vote in the last week
The 77 million people who voted for trump are probably pretty happy he's doing literally everything he said he would during his campaigning. Anything that hasn't been done yet is pretty much because he's been so busy doing nothing but enacting other campaign promises 24/7 since he got inaugurated
retarded leftist tranny caught lying against. I hope you get thrown into prison with a trans male and violently violated anally.
he promised me he'd destroy social media companies by stripping safe harbor protections from sites that ban users for political reasons. I've yet to see reddit die yet so i am not happy. he openly talk about that in a pre-election speech video
any time I see a troon when trying to look at porn, because troons keep fucking posting their shit under female solo/lesbian porn, it makes me not care if trump holocausts them
You deserve to be put in front of a shooting gallery, lying tranny
It doesn't matter what kind of mental gymnastics the liberals want to play. The bottom line is that any doctor or healthcare professional that participates in this shit needs to lose their license and go to prison
maybe you need to stop looking up tranny porn
although with how much you keep bringing them up, its fine if you have a fetish
just take it back to r*ddit
>he promised me he'd destroy social media companies by stripping safe harbor protections from sites that ban users for political reasons
When was this?
>There's a reason the dude who made the article took it down.
What the fuck are you talking about, how do you think I found that? I googled the dudes name and some keywords and went to the article posted on his website named after him https://christopherrufo.com/p/texas-childrens-hospital-whistleblower

Are you a fucking retard, a liar, or a schizo? It's hard to tell
2022 it seems like.
Pretty sure he did this, at least the first item, which promised an EO on the first day
nah, israel needs to stop fucking spamming that shit everywhere. like 90% of /gif/ is tranny porn, you israeli faggot
jews made you have a tranny fetish too? boo hoo
i've yet to see him repeal section 230 safe harbors protection i want to see reddit burn to the ground.
I don't have a tranny fetish. I am in favor of trump putting all trannies into a death camp. you must have a troon fetish since you want them to not be killed
Safe harbor isn't even mentioned on that page tho
Also, not only is safe harbor not mentioned on that page, the item he said he would do day one, he did day one.
You literally don't even think for yourself do you
>FIRST, within hours of my inauguration, I will sign an executive order banning any federal department or agency from colluding with any organization, business, or person, to censor, limit, categorize, or impede the lawful speech of American citizens. I will then ban federal money from being used to label domestic speech as “mis-” or “dis-information”. And I will begin the process of identifying and firing every federal bureaucrat who has engaged in domestic censorship—directly or indirectly—whether they are the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Health and Human Services, the FBI, the DOJ, no matter who they are.
you have a tranny fetish and we all know because you never shut the fuck up about them. please stop posting forever
he's talking about section 230 which is safe harbor protections.
"THIRD, upon my inauguration as president, I will ask Congress to send a bill to my desk revising Section 230 to get big online platforms out of censorship business. From now on, digital platforms should only qualify for immunity protection under Section 230 if they meet high standards of neutrality, transparency, fairness, and non-discrimination. We should require these platforms to INCREASE their efforts to take down UNLAWFUL content, such as child exploitation and promoting terrorism, while dramatically curtailing their power to arbitrarily restrict lawful speech."

my god how are you so fucking stupid
"Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) of 1996 provides "safe harbor" protections for online service providers. These protections shield service providers from liability for content posted by their users. "

not going to read the rest of your bullshit you're too stupid to even google. can you read this now dipshit you fucking blindass donkey
illiterate retard doesn't even know what section 230 is but acts like a cunt lmao, you should just kill yourself for being such uneducated imbred loser.
>If you actually look into the case, everything they were doing was legal when he stole the data.
Then why did they need to lie about it?
>Records never said anything about surgery though.
Well technically...

>Another doctor at Texas Children’s, a Harvard-trained surgeon and assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine named Kristy Rialon, has also been involved in conducting transgender surgical procedures on minors. The records indicate that Rialon inserted and removed “non-biodegradable drug delivery implant[s]” for “gender dysphoria in pediatric patient[s]” throughout 2022 and 2023—including one procedure on an 11-year-old “female-to-male transgender person,” listed in records for three days after the hospital had announced that it had stopped performing “gender-affirming care.”

Granted this isn't chopping baby dicks off, but still involves surgery. Just saying.
Caught lying or caught being too retarded to read. Which one are you?
>he's talking about section 230 which is safe harbor protections.
Lol no, it's not mentioned once. The page linked only discusses the government private-public propaganda complex

You are imagining things. Go ahead and cite where it mentions safe harbor.
ctrl+f section 230
you're a fucking retard just kill yourself
so lets get this right you're such a retard you can't read beyond the first paragraph
you can't google what section 230 is.
hell you literally can't even ctrl+f.
how does it feel retard to come in acting like a pompous retard when you literally don't even know what he's talking about. Oh wait. Fuck your parents for birthing a stupid imbred like you.
> just a little hormone therapy

yah ok buddy, you mean hormones that are irreversible? or hormone blockers that are irreversible? there's been plenty documented cases that hormone blockers aren't reversible and a trans woman was unable to get bottom surgery because her balls never fucking dropped. Puberty doesn't just "start back up again" and the sheer idea of being put on blockers but a doctor sets you on a treatment plan to get on hormones asap and signed up for surgery. Kids are being given the same drugs to castrate SEX OFFENDERS. I'm a detransitioner and only took testosterone for 3.5-5 years, but that shit still affects me to this day. only thing that "reversed" was the size of my clit went back down (and you bet your top dollar it's still bigger than the average woman) and my tits grew a little bigger. still have health problems to this day about it. I know trans men who got top surgery at *16* and ended up detransitioning after 21.

you people and you're constant need to downplay the most heinous shit. CHILDREN DO NOT NEED TO BE ON "JUST A LITTLE HORMONE THERAPY"
okay, but what's more harmful, hormones or having the most sensitive part of the penis chopped off at infancy? answer carefully.
nice diversion, rape is fine because murder is worst. just ignore that neither should be happening. answer carefully how about you get your head check and take some critical thinking classes moron
so, you admit that circumcision is not only harmful, but more harmful than tranny shit? if so, why do you only talk about tranny shit, when circumcision is both more common and more harmful?
cause trannyshit is circumcision and in alot of cases arguably worst because of how untested it is. answer carefully are you justifying tranny castrating kids because its less worst then circumcision?
dude why are you in the replies repping the anti circumcision support? Just stop mutilating children. it's all mutilation, and it's all bad.
>Just stop mutilating children
Lmao. This. It's that simple, and the left can't understand it
agreed, it's not like people hate all trans people (I mean some do and that's fine and dandy), sane people just don't want ANY harm to children.

"don't teach my children religion, but teach them to hate their body's so much so we can put them on unresearched hormones and hormone suppressants to get them in line for The Surgery"
none of this explains why you (((people))) never speak out against circumcision unless pressured to like this
you don't actually care about children, you only hate child mutilators when they aren't on (((your side)))
>it's not like people hate all trans people
The majority of the human population hate them and want them killed. Even the liberals only barely tolerate them
But it's still a major violation of patient confidentiality.
Lol you don't know me boss, I am actively against all child mutilation; circumcision, piercings, tattoos, botox, transing, etc. sucks you can only lump people into groups to discriminate against and have pre-made opinions for.
they have gotten pretty fucking annoying. even when I thought I was a tranny, I never got along with em.
>mutilating kids in the name of some unhinged cult theory is bad
>reeeeee what about castration!!!!! what about that huh
retard logic, guess we should legalize rape since murders happen anyways.
what fucking side do you seriously think anyone here is a religious nut, YOU lost the popular vote everyone outside of your unhinged echochamber is against you.
Yes they made a statement in 2023 about activities at the hospital. The 2022 data came from the same hospital.
...so, he leaked old data to try and claim they're lying about what they're doing now?

The ban on trans care was later in 2022, and the statement they didn't do it anymore was in 2023. This is like trying to expose a company for using red-5 dye after the ban by showing they used it before the ban. It doesn't expose shit.
Stop trying to rewrite history. I dug up the original report, and the following is exactly what was reported: https://www.city-journal.org/article/sex-change-procedures-at-texas-childrens-hospital
>Last spring, executives at Texas Children’s Hospital announced that they would cease performing transgender medical procedures on children, citing potential legal and criminal liability. The hospital’s chief pediatrician, Catherine Gordon, an advocate for “gender-affirming therapy,” abruptly resigned.

>I have obtained exclusive whistleblower documents showing that, despite its public statements, the Houston-based children’s hospital—the largest in the United States—has secretly continued to perform transgender medical interventions, including the use of implantable puberty blockers, on minor children. (When reached via email, hospital spokeswoman Kelley Carville responded: “We have no comment.”)
Here's another relevant passage
>Another doctor at Texas Children’s, a Harvard-trained surgeon and assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine named Kristy Rialon, has also been involved in conducting transgender surgical procedures on minors. The records indicate that Rialon inserted and removed “non-biodegradable drug delivery implant[s]” for “gender dysphoria in pediatric patient[s]” throughout 2022 and 2023—including one procedure on an 11-year-old “female-to-male transgender person,” listed in records for three days after the hospital had announced that it had stopped performing “gender-affirming care.”
Records were from 2022, statement was made in 2023. There's a reason the original article got taken down retard. He was wrong.
>Records were from 2022, statement was made in 2023. There's a reason the original article got taken down retard. He was wrong
Literally everything you say is a lie. The records were taken in 2023, the same year as the statement.
The statement clearly states it was happening in 2023.

And the article is not taken down, I linked directly to it you retarded faggot
>the original article got taken down
Go fuck yourself, lying busted ass shill
Not mentioned in OP's article, but if you do some digging...
>While transgender care for minors was legal in 2022 when the records were sourced
>medical records from the Texas Children's Hosptial proving that children were receiving transgender surgeries despite the hospital publicly stating that they do not do that.
No mention of legality.
The hospital was lying to protect it's unethical practices.
So despite your lies, you admit the original article is in fact still up. You also admit that the hospital was doing it but lying about it to the public.
And now your new cope is trying to weasel into an argument about legality saying "well it was legal, they just wanted to lie to everyone and cover it up so it's call cool"
>While transgender care for minors was legal in 2022 when the records were sourced
>was legal in 2022
>when the records were sourced
Hospital never said they never did it retard. Only they stopped when Texas made it illegal. That's in the original article visible at the start of the thread.
>Hospital never said they never did it retard
"Last spring, executives at Texas Children’s Hospital announced that they would cease performing transgender medical procedures on children, citing potential legal and criminal liability. The hospital’s chief pediatrician, Catherine Gordon, an advocate for “gender-affirming therapy,” abruptly resigned"
Does the word "cease" mean anything to you?
>transgender care for minors was legal in 2022
Also looks like you lied again tho
"The initial announcement followed Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issuing an opinion in February 2022 declaring sex change procedures in kids a form of child abuse."
Yes. Cease means stop, they said they would stop in 2022. They did not and continued to do it in 2023 according to the whistleblower, I provided the direct citation of that.

You are literally wrong on everything you say lmao
>sourced in 2022
Let me package everything into a single post for you so you can cry more

>Rufo then published a report in City Journal showing the hospital was performing so-called “gender-affirming” procedures on kids at least through May 2023, despite announcing it had stopped offering surgeries and puberty blockers a year earlier.

>The initial announcement followed Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issuing an opinion in February 2022 declaring sex change procedures in kids a form of child abuse.

>Last spring, executives at Texas Children’s Hospital announced that they would cease performing transgender medical procedures on children, citing potential legal and criminal liability. The hospital’s chief pediatrician, Catherine Gordon, an advocate for “gender-affirming therapy,” abruptly resigned.

>I have obtained exclusive whistleblower documents showing that, despite its public statements, the Houston-based children’s hospital—the largest in the United States—has secretly continued to perform transgender medical interventions, including the use of implantable puberty blockers, on minor children. (When reached via email, hospital spokeswoman Kelley Carville responded: “We have no comment

>As an institution, Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH) has openly promoted “gender-affirming care” to its physicians in January of this year (2023)

>TCH and Baylor College of Medicine encouraged doctors to begin treatment with puberty blockers and hormones during adolescence, and then consider surgeries, including breast removal and genital reconstruction, in adulthood—though the presenters explained that some surgical procedures could be appropriate for “adolescents on [a] case-by-case basis.”
You keep lying about that because you either haven't read it or don't want to believe it. The "original article" you kept lying about saying it was taken down clearly states this happened through 2023, which is when the article was written
The left shills on news literally get btfo with facts all day every day on this board.
Leftshills are the single greatest source of misinformation in America.
what would you know about america faggot
Imagine being so far-left retarded that you're comparing a procedure that doesn't change a person's entire identity, upbringing, and basic biological fucking instincts to one that does.
And the reports on it indicate the records from sourced from 2022. He also apparently stopped working at the hospital in 2021, though he also claims he kept doing so until 2023.
Trump is making our country great again and there is nothing you anti American fagwads can do about it, the American voter has had enough of regressive leftwing fanaticism and lies.
Lie. But you know you are lying already.
See: >>1377519
You literally either don't read anything and make shit up, or you outright lie.
Typical for leftists.
you're not american
>>1377197 (OP)
There have been multiple instances of girls as young as 13 having their breasts permanently surgically removed.
>b-b-but that's not transition surgery, it's just surgery that's done because she's transitioning!
fuck off, I'm not playing a game of semantics with somebody who thinks girls can become boys.
many rightwingers, like Candace Owens and StoneToss (and most of /pol/) do complain about circumcision. MRAs aren't technically rightwing, but they also talk about circumcision and feminists call them misogynists for it.
right wingers are such whiny lying faggots. interesting how they never crusade against breast reduction even though it's the exact same surgery
>interesting how they never crusade against breast reduction even though it's the exact same surgery
If it's done because a woman is shamed for her body by leftists and troons it's abhorrent and it's mutilation
If it's done because she has breast cancer it's medically necessary
Continuing to lie I see, fagwad. Typical leftist faggot. Gaslight. Lie. Deflect. Distract. Deny.
He's right though
you clearly don't know any women
Lol. You literally have no argument at this point you've just been calling me unamerican and now incel lmao.

Yes, if a little girl has a mastectomy because she's body shamed by leftists and troons it's abhorrent.
i'm not arguing with some faggot who will die alone. enjoy pretending that you're american on this dead board
Frankly speaking it's far more hypocritical to be against circumcision and fine with child sex change surgery than the other way around. It's amazing to me that leftists don't get that.
frankly you're a faggot who should get a better job than being a 4chan shill
Lol you are so buttmangled now all you have left is schizoid imaginings that everyone who thinks different than you must be some sort of foreign provocateur or something.

I'm so glad you people got voted out of power in every branch of government
>it's not okay to cut a tip of skin off a penis
>it is okay to chop the entire cock off
you're not american
Keep telling yourself that, buttmangled demoshill. Maybe you will believe yourself at some point
I don't stop projecting, tranni boi. why don't we compromise and make it legal to kill troons?
those are some pretty sweet repetitive digits you got there anon, you have a license for them?

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