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>>1377313 (OP)
Egg prices are high because a lot of chickens have been culled due to bird-flu outbreaks. Unless you can explain why Trump is responsible for bird-flu, the the president doesn’t deserve this blame.
He said he'd solve it. Yet here we are, another broken Trump Promise
You’re not a serious person.
Trump isn't a serious president.
Doesn't like cats which prevent bird-flu type outbreaks.
Trump isn't responsible for the flu itself. However, he's also blocked the CDC or FDA from doing any public communications, which means no recalls, bans, or any kind of investigation into how to stop this, and the NIH from doing any kind of research grants or proposals, which means no ways of researching proper treatment or prevention methods either. He's effectively crippled our ability to actually address the problem, which looks like is going to extend this problem for a lot longer than it should've been.
>explain why trump is bad at handling diseases
Have you been in a coma?
Why don't they simply vaccinate the birds against this bird flu?
Sorry, we don't do vaccines anymore.

...no, seriously. All medical trials by the NIH are suspended. We can't make research or test any new vaccines to deal with this.
Bird flu is fake like covid. Viruses don’t exist. Germ theory is a leftist delusion.
Good. Fuck vax.
Why do stuff go viral then? Now, bacteria is real. I ate some 3 week old eggs because they was all I could afford as I has to pay my rent to my liegelord, and I got the salmonella bactetia. My wifey got it too, and was in our communal toilet so long, I had to street poo like they do in injun land. I look at my poo under my sons microscope, and sure enuff. There was little salmon shaped critters in there. bacteria is a lot bigger than viruses, so easy to se
The only satisfaction I take in the upcoming pandemic is that it'll probably kill you retards.
Bacteria get quite large. There's a big orange one in the Whitehouse now. It causes severe diarrhea of the mouth.
Naw, they just be doin' the toilet trot dance like I was doing. I'd get some adult diapers like our president wears, as they are very form fitting and hardly noticeable, but all I can afford is paper towels shaped into a diaper. Looks like I gotta big turd in my pants
>He said he'd solve it.
Give the guy a chance. He's gotta break some eggs to make an omelet
>Why don't they simply vaccinate the birds against this bird flu?
they literally do vaccinate chickens while still in the egg.

also it is disastrous and creates super viruses that kill all unvaxxed chicken.

if anything, they should not vaccinate chicken at all.
>also it is disastrous and creates super viruses that kill all unvaxxed chicken.
So just vaccinate all the chicken then retard. Alternative is bird flu fucking them over anyways.
>Trump ordered Operation Warp Speed
>Trump said 'I got the Pfizer'
>1.3 million antivaxxtards weren't able to see their orange contraritard inaugurated barely a week ago. The reason why he's still alive to this day at 78 to have been inaugurated and not one of that 1.3 million dead because they said 'Fuck vax' too: most of them younger than 78
>the fact he took the vax proves Trumptard antivaxxtards' opinions wrong
Hypocrisy. It's a hell of a drug.
Trump saved my life
cult member detected above me
>>1377313 (OP)
he has only been president for 5 days, retardo. this is biden's fault
Your right. Shit. What have I been doing with my life...
>not even a week into the presidency
Notice how you didn't have this sense of urgency in the last four years.
urgent retardation isn't very useful
The problem will fix itself once bird flu mutates to become human-human transmissible and wipe out 50% of the population.
>Trump isn't a serious president.
Fuck u, TDSer, tRump killed 1M excess Americans during Covfefe. That's how serious he is.
Does he even have a plan? Does he have concepts of a plan? Does he have concepts of concepts?
Egg prices were high because of the bird flu during Biden's term too, and you retards still blamed him for it. You don't get to pull this shit now.
>>1377313 (OP)
aren't these banned in the US?
>aren't these banned in the US?
>Kinder eggs
So much for 'Freedom'
They get to lie 100% of the time, that's the new southern strategy. We just have to hate on them relentlessly
Biden didn't eliminate/pause any methods to deal with the problem though.
Yep, and it's starting to make the rounds in cows now. That's not even considering the likelihood of it starting the next pandemic.
50% mortality rate in humans btw.
Did Biden? Because he did fuck all except make everything worse the entire time his handlers ran the presidency.
Factually wrong
A plurality of american voters disagree with you fagwad
>buh buh buh BIDEN!!!
BDS. also trump promised he'd lower the prices, did he lie? Is Trump a liar?
>also trump promised he'd lower the prices
And he's working on it. You leftists are such dogshit that you're trying to use this as an angle, the fact that Trump didn't magically cure FOUR years of fuck-ups by Biden in less than a week. The double-standards are incredible. You won't hold any accountability for the man who ass-raped our economy, instead want to bitch at the doctor for not sewing up the rectum wounds fast enough.
Oh he's working on it huh? Mind telling us what exactly he's doing?
>ass obsession
thanks for reminding us your main job is to shill for russia
What, trump cut wasted funding, Too lieing officals how covered up the covid truth , censored conservatives on social media. The plain truth is if nothing was don herd amunity would have save more lifes than all the vacines, People starved, people stayed home geting drunk, wife beating was at an all time high. Now hows blaming trump fore the cost of eggs, His policies haven't evin started to take effect so how is this trumps responsibility. Im thinking when gas is 2 dollars a gallon All food will be cheaper just like last time, evin eggs. Remember 1 percent inflation last time? How was President? Im Thinking, President trump.
A plurality of American voters can barely even form a coherent sentence, either from not having teeth or an IQ below 50 is up in the air.
yeah, we call those democrats
because they only care about making trump look bad, they don't care about government actually working
>because they only care about making trump look bad, they don't care about government actually working
This x 1000. They'd rather see the entire nation burn than give any positive credit to Orange Man. Trump could cure cancer and they'll find a way to hate it.
Energy policy executive orders have been made, with effects on the way.
>Trump could cure cancer and they'll find a way to hate it
So vaccines are bad?
>Donald Trump Backing mRNA Vaccine Project Gets Backlash
Either this one is good, therefore the one he got 'The Pfizer' is good (also Operation Warp Speed), thus antivaxxrtards don't have thge right to have opinions about the covid vaccine, or this vaccine for cancer is bad.
Hypocrisy. It's a hell of a drug.
Rightardism. Not even once.
Did the Russian invasion of Ukraine end yet?

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