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Trump’s ‘Golden Age’ vs. the ‘Gilded Age’: An examination


President Donald Trump, with his usual bombast, has declared that his second term will be a new “golden age” for the country.

Some critics have argued the US actually seems to be in something like the Gilded Age, the period in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, after Reconstruction and before the Progressive era, when robber barons and industrialists built great fortunes but inequality grew.

For a better sense of the Gilded Age — which takes its name from Mark Twain and Charles Dudley’s novel “The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today” — I talked to Richard White, a Stanford history professor emeritus and author of “The Republic for Which It Stands,” which examines US history from Reconstruction through the Gilded Age. The book is part of the multivolume series Oxford History of the US.
>>1377343 (OP)
Welcome back Allcaps.
I reply but I 2 hi, time 4 shut-i
say, ALL CAPS CHAMBER of COMMERCE CASH CACHER, at least gilded age Robber Barrons like Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Carnegie, et al, built useless edifices with their $ that they robbed from the poors( haha, put your name and something snd the pigeons shit on it, what a legacy). Soon to be trillionaires like Bezos & Herr Musk take steal our $ and build big toy rocket ships and want to visit Martians. Imagine if Rockefeller had built 200 spruce gooses like Howard Hughes had, and they all blowed up. And most of these gilded ghouls don't even spend, but save to see how much they can accumulate.
Also the tech mofos want to live 4ever & like Musk, pay guinea pigs to brane experiment on so they can transfer their consciousness to an AI. Imagine a fucking autie AI Musk, geewhiz h Christian. Their bodies will still be rotting(ahhhh).
Already legislators are trying to change 2 term limit for POTUS. We will burn it all down, ALL CAPPING CO-CAPTAIN of CONTAGIOUS CONFLICT
Spruce goose. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hughes_H-4_Hercules

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