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A prominent figure in American politics, Patel is an Indian-origin lawyer, who has been at the helm of many key positions in the US government.

Ever since Trump's nomination, Patel has been in the spotlight, and everyone is eagerly waiting to see how he adds to the President's 'America First' agenda. His speech, “My name is Kash Patel, and I ain’t going anywhere,” at the inauguration ceremony emphasizing his commitment to values and principles that define the American dream has grabbed the attention of the world.

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As all eyes are on Kash Patel, let’s take a look at his early life.

Kash Patel has roots back in India. He was born on February 25, 1980, to Gujarati parents in New York. He graduated from the University of Richmond. After that, he earned a Juris Doctor from Pace University School of Law. Patel, who began his career in law as a public defender, and has handled multiple sensitive cases ranging from murder, narco-trafficking, to complex financial crimes in jury trials in state and federal courts.

Is Kash Patel married?

There is no credible information about Kash Patel being married although there have been rumors of a secret Hindu ceremony.
Are you scared yet Rabbi?
>>1377418 (OP)
This is news?
How often does one go from being a public defender to being a federal cop, let alone the top one?
Biden appointed men that came to the white house everyday dressed as women
And? I mean I know Patel did stuff in between that. It's interesting though. Bro has those crazy eyes in nearly every pic I see of him.
Wizard KRAZY eye KASH is gonna find J Edgars secret room where he kept his dresses at FBI national hq.
Nepotism or corruption.
In the blink of an eye he went from public defender to the head of the FBI
>>1377418 (OP)
But who is he really?
Some Indian dude that snuck into the USA, probably with the help of Modi, and is now sucking up to the right people to get into a position of power, probably so he can help Modi.
Its not crazy eyes its stupid Indian eyes. You get used to seeing it when you work in IT
>>1377418 (OP)
>faggot FBI director
Great, another controlled Hoover.
Why would rabbis be scared? They're about to get everything they ever wanted.
It would be dirty in there after 60 years
Even he doesn't know.

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