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US President Donald Trump has said Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has done a "very good job thus far" and that the pair have a "very good relationship".

Asked by the BBC on board Air Force One about his relationship with Sir Keir, Trump added that they would be having a call "over the next 24 hours".

Trump and the Labour leader have met on a number of occasions, including a visit by Sir Keir to Trump Tower in New York during the presidential campaign.

Tech billionaire and Trump ally Elon Musk, however, has been strongly critical of Sir Keir and has repeatedly called for his removal from office.

"I get along with him well. I like him a lot," Trump said of Sir Keir.

"He's liberal, which is a bit different from me, but I think he's a very good person and I think he's done a very good job thus far.
>>1377456 (OP)
>Elon Musk, however, has been strongly critical of Sir Keir
Herr Musk mag kein Curry auf seinen Chips
VP JD Weird is married to an Indian woman, don't forget Elol.
All the Indians in Britain. That Hindu temple in Neasden, the funding of it's construction mainly from Beatle George Harrison.
All those from India with H1B visas coming to America. Don't forget that, Donny.
If any foreign entity puts down a British Politician.

Know this.

I will probably support that very politician even more.

Elon didn't endorse Farage. Farage is better than I thought.

British Independence means Independent from foreign interference.

Our newspapers are full of shit.

People should be way ahead of me on that too.
>If any foreign entity puts down a British Politician.
>Know this.
>I will probably support that very politician even more
What will foreigners think when a politician has a very good relationship with a British politician who is left wing and an atheist? Those foreigners being Americans of the Religious Right who voted for said politician has a very good relationship with Starmer, who is left wing and an atheist: Trump.
You'd better not so much as think of putting down Sir Keir Starmer then, o US Christains. You'll have to agree with him that being left wing is superior (Starmergeddon on 4th July last year proved that, by UK voters destroying the Conservatives) and your deity doesn't exist.
>>1377456 (OP)
It seems that Trump will be wanting Starmer to be the first leader to have a state visit. Must value him a great deal. Previously it was Saudi Arabia. He clearly values them.
Cover of latest issue of Private Eye magazine
So you're saying the British will try to appease Trump like Neville Chamberlain did to Hitler?
Keir Starmer is possibly the only person standing in between the status quo and a Europe swept away by alt-right parties

UK will, or rather might, save Europe once again and they are not even in EU anymore, lmao
>British Independence means Independent from foreign interference
There are Brexshitards already damaged by their wrong opinions. Others can say to them 'Don't blame me, I voted Remain'. Those whose businesses etc are ruined because of Brexshit will thank Starmer for restoring relations with the EU. Reversing Brexshit.
And destroying Farage. Good
Trump uses that to color his skin
He may get killed before then. Plus I doubt he has the power to stop the momentum of Poland, Hungary, Norway, and Germany. France is already 50/50.

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