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It might have seemed an unlikely statement for a speaker at a World Economic Forum (WEF) panel discussing the development of artificial intelligence, but Bolor-Erdene Battsengel opened her contribution by talking about her livestock. “I come from a herder community, I still own 300 sheep,” the 32-year-old former Mongolian government official said on Monday at the annual WEF meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

Battsengel is the founder of AI Academy Asia, which aims to train 500 teachers to provide AI education to rural communities in Mongolia, and will hold its official launch event on January 27.

The future is now Nomads
>>1377535 (OP)
>>1377535 (OP)
Do you work for Google, OP?
I want to live under the Mongolian sky's, on the steppes, in my yurt, drinking yak's milk kefir, and having sex with my Mongian waifu, and raising some little 1/2 Mongoloid babies. A gal can dream, can't he?
You just made me want to learn Mongolian!
What will they use it for?

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