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I understand why nobody wants to accept a plain full of criminals. So what's the solution now? Do we do what el Salvador did and just throw imprison every single gang leader and criminal? Nayib Bukele tried that and el Salvador went from being the murder Capitol of the world to having one of the lowest crime rates in the western hemisphere, and Nayib has 90%+ approval rate by doing this.
Colombia turns away two US military flights with deported migrants, official says

WASHINGTON/BOGOTA Jan 26 (Reuters) - Colombia on Sunday turned away two U.S. military aircraft with migrants being deported as part of President Donald Trump's immigration crackdown, a U.S. official said, in at least the second case of a Latin American nation refusing U.S. military deportation flights.
Colombian President Gustavo Petro condemned the practice, suggesting it treated migrants like criminals. In a post on social media platform X, Petro said Colombia would welcome home deported migrants on civilian planes, saying they should be treated with dignity and respect.
Colombia's decision follows one by Mexico, which also refused a request last week to let a U.S. military aircraft land with migrants.
"The U.S. cannot treat Colombian migrants as criminals," Petro wrote, noting that there were 15,660 Americans without proper immigration status in Colombia.
Petro's comments add to the growing chorus of discontent in Latin America as Trump's week-old administration starts mobilizing for mass deportations

Brazil's foreign ministry late on Saturday condemned "degrading treatment" of Brazilians after migrants were handcuffed on a commercial deportation flight.
The plane, which was carrying 88 Brazilian passengers, 16 U.S. security agents, and eight crew members, had been originally scheduled to arrive in Belo Horizonte in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais.
There, Brazilian officials ordered the removal of the handcuffs, and President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva designated a Brazilian Air Force (FAB) flight to complete their journey, the government said in a statement Saturday.
The commercial charter flight was the second this year from the U.S. carrying undocumented migrants deported back to Brazil and the first since Trump's inauguration, according to Brazil's federal police.
Officials from the U.S. State Department, Pentagon, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement did not immediately reply to requests for comment.
The use of U.S. military aircraft to carry out deportation flights is part of the Pentagon's response to Trump's national emergency declaration on immigration on Monday.
In the past, U.S. military aircraft have been used to relocate individuals from one country to another, like during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.
This has been the first time in recent memory that U.S. military aircraft were used to fly migrants out of the country, one U.S. official said.
U.S. military aircraft carried out two similar flights, each with about 80 migrants, to Guatemala on Friday.

Um, Biden isn't pesident anymore, sweaty. This is /news/, not /his/
>Um, Biden isn't pesident anymore, sweaty
We are all aware that Biden is no longer president and trump is picking up the pieces anon.
Biden really screwed the pooch this time.

That is the headline of this thread. Have your DEI assistant read it to you
Article is about something that occurred entirely under Trump. Headline is about Biden.
I think you were purposefully acting like a literal retard here.
The issue is that Biden let in 12 million criminals from countries that don't even want them within their own borders, not that trump is trying to fix this problem

But you knew this already, you people lol. Gaslight, deflect, deny, and act retarded
you are a paid shill and everyone knows you're not american
>I think you were purposefully
You seem to be having difficulties with the nuances of the English language, anon
In no way was the anon hinting that this is/was tRump's fault, just that it's his fault, since under amendment of the constitution, 178.4,(amended by HS Truman in 1945) the buck stops at the desk of the current POTUS. No "gaslighting" intended. I realize that some EAASLers, and some intellectual challenged individuals have difficulties with a complex language like English.
You are schizophrenic and know I'm right which is why you are resorting to ad homs
I'm so glad there is no popular support left for you people in this entire country outside of a handful of radical leftist States
Ha, ha, anyway, why should Mexico, etc take a planefull of illegals(not criminals, since illegally sneaking into the US is not a crime like theft or rape but is a civil crime, like jaywalking) when those said "criminals come from the Honduras, etc. Why would America accept ,"criminals" from Russia? >>1377562 (OP)
>I understand why nobody wants to accept a plain
"plain", yup. EAASLer, or intellectually handicapped (aka, MAGA). I'd say MAGAT , since the fascist fantasy of internment camps is a tell.
>since under amendment of the constitution, 178.4,(amended by HS Truman in 1945) the buck stops at the desk of the current POTUS
I'm well aware. I have no doubts that Trump will clean up Biden's mess one way or another
The ones on the plane are the ones that not only illegally crossed, but continued to commit crimes in the US.

I have no doubt Mexico doesn't want them, Mexico has no reason to take them. Neither do we. They came here illegally and then continued to commit illegal acts
>I have no doubts that Trump will clean up Biden's mess
Lol, "the buck definitely stops" at tRump's POTUS desk

The ones on the plane are the ones that not only illegally crossed, but continued to commit crimes in the US. So you're conflating illegally crossing with actual misdemeanor and/or grand larceny crimes like shop lifting, rape?

>>I have no doubt Mexico doesn't want them, Mexico has no reason to take them. Neither do we. They came here illegally and then continued to commit illegal acts

IF you have no doubt that Mexico/Columbia doesn't want illegals from say, Sweden, then why are you shilli
>>1377562 (OP)
easy, shoot the illegals in the US and blockade any country who won't accept their illegals back. no ships into or out of colombia or mexico. starve the fuckers. hell arm the cartels too
Really good way to make Colombia want to give in to our demands. Hope that 25% increase on the price of your morning coffee was worth it.
I don't drink coffee and third world nations like colombia, mexico, canada and yurop will do what we say or they will suffer the consequences. destroying colombia's economy and government wouldn't be hard and what is literally anyone going to do about it?
Yeah yeah keep going with that bravado. It'll really help when groceries cost twice as much.
Hi, MAGAT, fascist bigot scum larper. It's definitely getting darker in here. Why don't you kidnap a fine trad wife, and impregnate her. She won't be permitted an abortion, and President co- rapist in chief will give you a pardon. Otherwise, no womyn will get within 3 metres of you.Maybe you can find a light skinned illegal Latina, and offer to marry her for citizenship. Have a bath first, and brush your teeth, and go to the nearest Home Depot and ask the illegals outside if they have a sister(look for a light skinned illegal)
Too late , the US is already dark and getting darker. Le 56% is really le 75% today. Unlike the white incels, the cucarachas breed like cockroaches
It turns out that international law is very clear that you must accept the return of your own citizens.
they can protest the treatment but they must accept their citizens.
>>1377562 (OP)
the president of colombia has already cucked out and offered to use his personal plane to deport illegals back to colombia
>not /his/
/his/ doesn't allow talking about events that are less than 20+ years old
Trump wins again.

Must be real depressing to be a Democrat. All they've managed to do over the last 6 months is lose literally all control they had of everything, nobody believes their fake news narratives anymore, and trump is making America great again

Happy Liberation Day, faggots
So what happens when we try sending another bunch of migrants in a fuckass expensive military plane?

Seriously why are we wasting our money on 100x as expensive military flights to deport these guys. Just send them home on civilian liners.
Literally all we had to do was not send them in a military plane in handcuffs. Even if you argue "well, now they're footing the bill!" we already wasted hundreds of thousands on this stupid stunt.

If anything we should've just listened to them in the first place. Saves us even more money than these stupid military flights.
>Seriously why are we wasting our money on 100x as expensive military flights to deport these guys. Just send them home on civilian liners.
I mean honestly the optimal solution would have been for Biden not to let them in the first place, that would have been the least expensive fix

Considering your argument from a pragmatic standpoint, I'm not sure it makes sense when you think about the details. The people being deported are the ones who have been convicted of committed criminal acts since originally crossing the border... So I mean it's essentially plane full of convicted criminals, who are being unwillingly deported from the country.

I don't think civilian airliners are qualified to do that sort of thing, I mean it's pretty damn risky
>I don't think civilian airliners are qualified to do that sort of thing, I mean it's pretty damn risky
We literally did this for the exact same kind of deportation flights under Biden. It's standard procedure. Trump is the one who insisted on switching to much more expensive military flights to make a point.
>We literally did this for the exact same kind of deportation flights under Biden. It's standard procedure
Can you give me proof of this? And I'm not talking about one or two people being escorted by federal agents, I'm talking about a plane full of these people
Maybe trump can just pay Amazon to ship them back home.
U buttmangled or something, anon?
>Over the past year, ICE has averaged 29 repatriation flights per week.
These deportation flights are not only not something Trump invented, they aren't even something Trump personally authorized. They were already going when his term started.
That article doesn't really answer the question does it? Nobody is doubting that people have been deported using an airplane before. That article does not make a single mention of a commercial airline.
I don't mean commercial airlines. I mean commercial airPLANES. As in, not a big fuckass military planes, just normal planes. The problem is the actual plane type he's using, which uses up much more fuel and resources than the standard.
>I don't mean commercial airlines. I mean commercial airPLANES
Okay cool whatever the article did not address either one did it
I agree, we should just execute them via firing squad instead of wasting the fuel to fly them back
>fly them back commerical
if we do that they will just return
True, I was just trying to illustrate these flights themselves aren't a new thing. Here's a better look at the wasteful spending Trump's doing:
The worst part is the 800k number is an estimate; they haven't given proper costs. But we do know the average hourly costs of flying the planes they've been using, and if you add that up with the 12 hour durations of the flight, the numbers are insane. Meanwhile, normal charter flights from DHS are around 8k.
if we send them via normal flight they will just return. we should send them in the most painful and least dignified way possible. they aren't people. use the money that was going to go to blue cities, blue states and foreign aid
Apparently the type of plane you're flown in on actually affects your ability to try and jump the border again. MB, I didn't know about the permanent "no jumping!" debuff applied when you exit a military plane.
White House says US-Colombia agreement in place after back-and-forth over tariffs, immigration
by Tara Suter - 01/26/25 11:02 PM ET

“The Government of Colombia has agreed to all of President Trump’s terms, including the unrestricted acceptance of all illegal aliens from Colombia returned from the United States, including on U.S. military aircraft, without limitation or delay,” White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement emailed to The Hill late Sunday.
so how long till columbia builds a meat factory to toss em all into the grinder?
Honestly I'm hoping they do what el Salvador does and just imprison the criminals.
El Salvador went from being the murder Capitol of the world to one of the safest countries in the western hemisphere. Their president just started rounding up every gang member and career criminal and threw them all into prison. After doing so his approval rating was consistently over 90%. I hope Colombia weeds out the cartels in their society and make it a place Colombians want to live at, not flee from.
if you fly them in on civilian planes they are going to just skip the cops and go on the next plane to mexico to reenter the US. by putting them on military planes you are forcing the colombian government to deal with them
That's not how it works you fucking retard. Any relevant info to authorities would've been taken when they get arrested.
Are you implying that border crossing attempts will be at legal points of entry using legitimate identification documents?
Anon if they're being deported, what the fuck do you think happened?

They got caught. Anything relevant to if they try to jump again is recorded. Then they get sent back.
>Anon if they're being deported, what the fuck do you think happened?
They obviously crossed illegally somewhere that wasn't an authorized port of entry which requires legitimate identification.

Although I agree, now that trump closed biden's open border it's going to be *much* more difficult to pull that off again
Oh man I just read the news.
America is winning.
No matter how much you kick and scream that doesn't change the fact that America is winning, from sea to shining sea.

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