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LA real estate agent reveals No. 1 reason why Pacific Palisades residents won’t return

After making a shocking prediction that up to 70% of Pacific Palisades residents won’t return to rebuild and live in their homes, former "Million Dollar Listing" real estate agent Josh Altman is explaining exactly why.

"They're not going to not return because they don't want to return. Of course they want to go back there… They're not going to return because it's simple math," Altman said on "FOX Business Live," Friday.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5y6kAwm7uIs [Embed] EFN WALL
>>1377569 (OP)
say, ALL CAPS CO-CAPITALIST CARCINOGEN, the Carpet-bagging Corporate Capitalist ghoul developers
have already moved in and are offering traumatized petite bourgeoisie Commiefornia fire victims pennies on the dollar for their burned out properties. Why is America like this? I have a dream, and that dream is the phoenix of a socialist utopia arising from the ashes of a burnt out USA. Let's hope our guy keeps up the "good" work, and puts conditions on traumatized petite bourgeoisie, so that even they begin to doubt the American capitalist ̶d̶r̶e̶a̶m̶ nightmare.

Instead of President tRump making Egypt, etc, taking what's left of the Palestinians so Kushner can build condos on the beach there for rich American Jews to retire there(first, the Israelis have to remove the dead baby blood), why doesn't tRump's buddy, Miriam Adelson, buy up the Pallisades, and the rich Israelis retire there? Louis B Mayer already made Hollywooo sacred Jewish land.
Convincing a Trump supporter that Trump didn't get anyone to fold is like playing chess with a pigeon, they'll knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around like they won.
Jared is in Serbia building a new Trump Tower rn
Jared is more concerned with the one in Saudi Arabia
There will never be a tRump tower in the Gaza strip(aka Palestine). BOOM!

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