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fucking 39 minutes, top kek
tRump gave the Columbian president 50M as a bribe, and Don Jr gets 1 kilo of pure cocaine in the deal. Great deal for tRump, as it makes him look look like a deal artist
>>1377609 (OP)
>Colombia will send its presidential plane to Honduras to pick up Colombians after the country refused to accept migrant deportation flights from the United States, causing President Trump to enact tariffs and other retaliatory measures on Sunday.

>Colombian President Gustavo Petro has arranged for the presidential plane to facilitate the “dignified return of Colombian nationals who were to arrive in the country today in the morning hours, coming in from deportation flights,” read a statement released on Sunday.

Top fucking kek. Peak comedy. Trump is literally cleaning up Biden's problems lmao
>>1377609 (OP)
Amazing how there's three separate posts on this and yet the Colombian president didn't actually agree to take any further flights. Just pick up the guys who were already set to be taken there.

Maybe wait until after he gives the OK for us to fly people back there before we celebrate guys.
>yet the Colombian president didn't actually agree to take any further flights. Just pick up the guys who were already set to be taken there.
So you think he's been slapped with tariffs and "other regulatory measures" (not sure what those are but okay), now hes willing to send his presidential airplane to pick up the first wave of people, but you don't think he's going to agree now that anything further?

These's tariffs in whatever these measures are obviously have some sort of impact or power of persuasion, the dude sending his presidential jet to pick them all up.

I agree that I haven't read anything saying the president agreed to receive anymore, but it sounds like the dudes back at the negotiating table and willing to work something out
From the onset he said they were fine with taking the deportees, just they wanted them treated better by the US. Sending his own presidential jet is more in line with his original request than giving into Trump's, since they're already out of the US and were originally authorized to go into Colombia in the first place.

Again, I'd hold back until the flights to Colombia actually resume. It could just as easily be that these guys get picked up because they already arranged their deportation and then any further ones are rejected.
we should send them in worse conditions. send them naked in dog cages.
illegals do not deserve human dignity
You've got a really good eye for international relations anon. This'll really help convince them to want to work with us.
Who cares? Fuck them. They take advantage of us. They're our enemies. They should fear us. Dems have spent decades undermining relationships with the guys who would actually have our back, like Russia, while holding up parasitic relationships like NATO. The Euros, Japs, and Southerners are ready to knife us in the back. Enough is enough. It is time the world learns not to tread on the most powerful country in history.
Why are there so many Russia simps on 4chan?
>guys who would actually have our back, like Russia
Stop anon i can only lol so hard.
because it's a propaganda hub masquerading as an image board as of ~2015
Because Russia is the number one exporter of irony-pilled ethnonationalism, much like they were the beating heart of crazy leftists back during the Cold War.
He's not wrong. Russia would love to have US support in conquering Europe, and Russia would probably help America conquer Canada and Mexico.
>>1377609 (OP)
>Released statement calling Trump a white slaver and hit us with retaliatory tariffs
Counted your chickens before they hatched OP.
stop samefagging you colossal faggot
BREAKING: President Trump has announced he is increasing the number of African-American sex tourists to Columbia in response to the socialist president refusing to accept his citizens.
We should invade them and make them our colonies so they can pay us back what they owe.
cool, they can just lose 20% of their GDP. I'm sure their president won't be killed by cartels
the only thing 3rd worlders understand is force. if they want to fuck around they can find out what it is like to starve
20% of colombia's GDP is based on trade with the US. he knows if he doesn't back down he will end up getting hanged by his citizens. its tough talk while cucking out and offering up his plane
>Two people replied to each other
>And I wasn't involved!!??
Shut the fuck up schizo
White House says US-Colombia agreement in place after back-and-forth over tariffs, immigration
by Tara Suter - 01/26/25 11:02 PM ET

“The Government of Colombia has agreed to all of President Trump’s terms, including the unrestricted acceptance of all illegal aliens from Colombia returned from the United States, including on U.S. military aircraft, without limitation or delay,” White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement emailed to The Hill late Sunday.
>Believing the Trump White House on face value

Watch as magically the next deportation flights don't use military planes. We absolutely backed down first.
Who the fuck cares if they fly in on a military plane or get shot over by catapults or short range ballistic missiles, the only people I see complaining about military flights ad nauseum are the leftfags on this board
So why waste the fucking money then? If you need more planes, go buy commercial aircraft instead of using military planes that cost a shit-ton more to operate for the same results and don't risk angering every nation we fly them to.
>If you need more planes, go buy commercial aircraft instead of using military planes
So what, buy a whole fleet of commerical planes and then have them idle once the career criminal illegal aliens have been deported?
1. You're never going to be 100% free of deportation flights.
2. If the issue is you don't have enough planes at the moment, getting more commercial ones that you can sell later is much better than the massive waste of money that these military flights are. Seriously, one type of plane Trump's been using for these costs 4x as much to fuel as a regular one. It's actually more cost efficient to just buy more of the normal planes to help with the surplus than it is to use the military planes.
>Erm ackchually I just crunched the numbers and you can’t—
Shut up nerd. We are men of action now. And we will use every and all options available to deport illegals out of the country. Your side created this problem. Your side didn’t do jack-shit to fix it. You don’t get to dictate to us now how we’re gonna fix it.
To be fair, you do not actually understand the dynamics of the situation enough to make this decision, nobody does outside of top level government officials.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt though and assume that that your armchair analysis is correct for the sake of argument

you can't just go to Enterprise Rent a Car and leave with an airplane. You can't walk into a Boeing dealership and lease an airplane for a year and fly off the lot with it. There are logistics involved and logistics take time.

My point is, It could very well be the case that they are resourcing additional flights at lower cost, but acquisition takes time, and these military planes may not be the long term solution, only the short term stop gap
>There are logistics involved and logistics take time.
Even in this case, I could at least see the justifications in using the c-17s. They're more expensive but only by 50k per trip, so you could justify it a bit as just needing planes now.

It's the c-130es that are the real problem. They cost 4x as much to fuel as a normal plane and have the same, if not less passenger space. We could've easily just used all c-17s instead, it's not like we have a shortage of them. but instead we're wasting money on those big fucking things.
What does Russia have do with a Trump v Colombia thread?
Once again I'm asking for some smart guy to come up with an anonymous way to verify that posters are American. I saw one guy on the internet use latency to give an approximate location. Since the speed of light is ~300M m/s, and network infrastructure causes delay, they cause approximate where someone is just by how long it takes to receive a response. Impossible to bypass with a VPN because that just adds latency.
>they can approximate where someone
I'd love this too so that the resident board schizo stops calling everyone Russian or non American. Shit I also support random IDs so that he stops thinking everyone who disagrees with him online is one person

I doubt a latency-centric solution would be reliable given the unreliability of cellular networks and the variation on edge network infra.. someone in Russia using a endpoint in a tier 1 backbone could easily get low latency, which obviously would rule out the standard Ivan, but not any motivated state actors.
the shill's gears sure are grindin. he can always go back to pol
See 1377646
So glad we didn't sign that stupid fucking loser ass border bill. Now we get to actually solve the problem instead of some shitty half-assed "compromise" bipartisan legislation.

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