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the tranny who directed the game and who worked there for 18 years got fired and the studio is rumored to be shutting down
how many times are you going to make this shit thread op? you won't get promoted if you're this uninspired
We must ban video games for western civilization to heal.
>>1377637 (OP)
This game was a DEI turdball it's entire development. Not surprised it's release flopped.
Go wokies go brokies
>>1377637 (OP)
>meanwhile a certain games company is worth $3 billion, and has an official forum whice does nothing about MxM shipping thus implicitly condones homosexuality
What say you, OP?
Remember, it's only le epic go woke go broke when the thing is bad.
>Gundam makes its most recent series star lesbians and the sales hit record highs
>Baldur's Gate 3 has a diverse, gay as hell cast and made billions as one of the highest rated games in the last 10 years
>Cyberpunk lets you be trans and gay and become incredibly popular and sales went up immensely after they actually fixed the game
Veilguard's problems aren't the lgbt elements, it's the complete fucking ignoring of your previous game choices, uncertain tone and audience, and railroading of player choice.
n*rmies buy whatever slop is advertised to them, yes, but they would have made more money if they didn't poz every game they made
stop spamming your narrative nerd
why don't you stop spamming your narratives in video games and movies, why would a disabled black 40 year old lesbian be fighting on the front lines in ww2 or be a medieval noble, and why do you screech, shit and piss yourself in rage and cry about "racism" when someone points this out, it's just retarded
>n*rmies buy whatever slop is advertised to them, yes, but they would have made more money if they didn't poz every game they made
This is why we need Trump to step up and exercise some control. This shit is an assault on /ourculture/ and must be fought like any other propaganda from enemy nations. We must place heavy bans and regulations across media because the normies are too stupid to be responsible. Wokeslop like Baldur's Gate and Cyberpunk either self-center and drop their DEI practices or lose out the American market. Tranime shit needs a blanket ban as it is corrosive to our western values. Every piece of media tells a message, and must be made to tell /ourmessage/. We will take back this nation and make America great again, no matter how much globalists leftist moan and throw shit at the walls.
i don't play video games faggot. now stop spamming
>normies are too stupid to be responsible.
Why you see so many fat retards in America, because they lack the intelligence and self-control to avoid junk food. Games are the junk food of the mind. They could be doing something actually productive, like getting a job or joining a local militia, but instead they sit inside their basements rotting their brains with leftist slop and bloating their bodies with fake food.
you can stop talking to yourself now
Why do some people always write "our thing" as one word with a slash before and after it, like /ourthing/? Is there a boomer meme or some shit I'm not getting?
It's old school /pol/speak, kinda like how they'll put ((())) around a word to mean Jew.
These fascist larpers are the biggest gamers. I bet they'd love a game where a tranny with a BBC rapes them, and they seek revenge and hunt them down. If I designed it, I'd call it "BBC hunting in TRANSyveinia" it would make a fortune.
That same $3 billion game company knew what they were doing with a trailer for two characters performing an erotically charged tango. By two women. And people not only continue to play that game, but more are doing so. More $ in that company's coffers.
'Poz' is good. 'Poz' works, to sort of quote a movie.
You can stop being schizo now.
every time companies decide to push out israeli propaganda I'll make this thread, commie boi
is this english, crackhead bot?
lesbians are hot and not woke. BG3 literally lets you beat homosexuals and trannies to death and rewards you for killing them
cyberpunk was a bait and switch that severely damaged the cdprojectred brand
veilguard was shit because it was woke and designed by trannies. same reason why concord failed. no one likes troons
The Real Video Game Awards had victors that are woke by conservative standards.

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