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About 50 survivors of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau will return to the site on Monday to remember the day it was finally liberated on 27 January 1945.

They will be joined by heads of state including King Charles and other European royalty, Emmanuel Macron of France and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

But it will be the survivors - most in their late 80s and 90s - not the dignitaries, whose voices will be heard during the commemorations at the camp, where 1.1 million people were murdered, most of them Jews.

Their message is to tell the world what happened here and ensure that it never happens again.

"Every soul on this earth has the right to live," says Jona Laks, who is now 94 and arrived with her twin and elder sisters in 1944. "Auschwitz was a laboratory for killing people. This was its task and it proved itself: few survived Auschwitz."

Not everyone was liberated. European men, homosexual ones, were kept in concentration camps by those in power after the war. Even today, Zionist Jews contribute to the torture and death of European gays through psychological operations and biological warfare.
IDF sodomize Palestinian queers because the IDF secretly admires the nazis use their techniques on Palestinians, including children. Truly evil nation, abetter by an evil empire
Abetted by an even eviler empire. No empire was ever benign.
>>1377687 (OP)
>where 1.1 million people were murdered
Wow! That's thousands of tons of bodies! Why haven't we been able to find any?
Anon do you know what cremation is?
Is cremation when you violate the law of conservation of matter, completely removing all evidence and any trace, transformation, or impact of literal mountains of organic matter?
>You say your grandfather's remains are in this urn? Impossible. A human being could never fit in such a tiny container. It simply disobeys the law of conservation of matter.
Wow! Where are the remains of those million people magically cremated in four small fucking ovens that somehow outperformed the current cremation overs by a factor of thousands?
>anon doesn't know how a cremation oven works
ok, where are the urns, or the auschwitz equivalent?
yeah yeah, along with the magic gas chamber, the magic hyperspeed ovens created everything. German overtechnology sure is amazing.
See anon, when you don't care what happens to dust, it suddenly becomes really easy to dispose of.
Well, here's one example.
I count 7 dead bodies from the period of most deadly war in human history.
That's not very convincing lol
Good thing we have actual forensic examinations lmao.
that's 15 people, you'd need 400000 trucks like that to fit in with the fake narrative.
>Despite this, in a later statement they said they had discovered no mass graves.

>The existence of mass graves was known about from witness testimony, but the failure to provide persuasive physical evidence led some to question whether it could really be true that hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed here.

>Although they lasted only a few days, those post-war investigations remained the most complete studies of the camp until I began my work at Treblinka in 2010.

When your own source has to admit the stories are full of shit. No wonder it's completely illegal to search for mass grave, you wouldn't find any.
It also cites how they can find bone fragments in the ground to this day lmao. They realized they dug up the mass graves and burned them on pyres.

Read the whole article next time you fucking retard.
Most people with working brains can realize just how fucking imbecilic the purported fanfic of what happened there.
>we can literally find bone fragments in the ground scattered around this concentration camp
>heh, only a moron would fall for that. Obviously those bone fragments just spawned there like a video game resource
>Despite this, in a later statement they said they had discovered no mass graves.
>The existence of mass graves was known about from witness testimony, but the failure to provide persuasive physical evidence led some to question whether it could really be true that hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed here.

So it's nothing?
hey retard maybe you should try setting yourself on fire. I could use some charcoal for grilling steak.
why so angry? if the holocaust actually happened then surely there would be physical evidence for it?
americans are complicit they helped and pardoned the scientists involved in human experimentation inexchange for the data
>It also cites how they can find bone fragments in the ground to this day lmao.
How many? Are they human?
so what you're saying is if hypothetically someone kidnapped you and threw you into an acid pit then grinded your remains into bonemeal and sniffed it. you didn't have anything happen to you right?
Yes you fucking retard.
> Colls and her team conducted four excavations at Treblinka II. The first two revealed a strange find — a fossilized shark tooth, and sand.
> After digging three small test trenches to confirm each mass grave, Colls and her team reburied the remains.
Ah, so they dug a “test trench” and then re-buried what they found.
Sorry like but if you want people to believe your big lie then the evidence needs to be big and observable by people other than a single grave digger who claimed to find evidence but refused to show it to anyone
>Anon doesn't know how human remains are supposed to be treated
Jews have their own ethnostate. As a white person I want an ethnostate too. The argument given against it is “last time that happened you did a holocaust”. That’s a big claim with disastrous consequences for any white person who wants ethnostate like Jews have, and I think that if this blood libel is going to be lorded over white people then there ought to be some evidence for it, ya know?
You know other than the survivors, the photo evidence, the official orders and reports on it from the nazis themselves, the actual fucking camps...

Like fuck man, at this point you might as well deny the civil war happened. After all, I don't SEE any evidence of any fighting.
Thanks for making this the 2nd worst board
Of which thousands were found to be lying (human flesh lambs, death rollercoasters, tiger and shark cages, electric floor, death masturbation machines and so on. The gas chambers are literally the last lie left standing.)
>photo evidence
which have been proven countless times to be photo manipulations
>official orders
which do not carry anything to collaborate the stories
obtained under torture and duress
This >>1378085
Why are we finding bone fragments when their should be skeletal bodies morphed together cause you know they rounded them up into one spot
If you go to Russia near Volgograd digging in the dirt you will discover German and Russian bodies with Helmets and such so why can’t the same be done for the camps it’s a small area relative to the battlefield
>photo manipulations
>from the fucking 1940s
And I'm sure all those Nazis were hanged were actually lying when they confessed and those camps were actually daycare facilities.
Because they had most of the bodies burned on pyres you idiot.
That’s literally why they would be morphed together
So aggressive for no reason and not even the same person your arguing with yah loser.
Could you provide a explanation then because the dude above is raging mad maybe his Grandpa was turned into a urn.

So could someone answer my question then and another thing shouldn’t the ground of those camps be either really toxic or fertile.
> So could someone answer my question then and another thing shouldn’t the ground of those camps be either really toxic or fertile.
Yes if the Holocaust had happened then this would be the case.
>local anon STILL does not understand how cremation works
>local retard thinks you can magically burn hundred of thousands of corpses and leave little to no trace with extreme ease.
dang, if only germany put half as much effort on the war as they did disappearing corpses.
>>1377687 (OP)
somehow I doubt the numbers tattooed on the survivor's arms will have any logical consistency.
>Impossible. A human being could never fit in such a tiny container.
cremated remains are ashes + ground bones and often there's a lot of inconsistency, loss of mass and poor quality control. The bones are still recognizable after cremation.
>Coping so hard you deny photos can't be manipulated
Even a fucking retard like you should have heard of Stalin's famous set of pictures.
it happened and it was epic, we need a sequel
i can't wait for the part where the nazis lose and their leader self immolates
zero jews died during WWII
The holocaust never happened. :3
As the adage goes, if homosexuals cease to exist, then so does Nazism.
As the kike said, if nazism cease to exist, then so does Homosexuality.

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