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Because Albania could use more criminals
The "East Europeans" came here to Toronto, and get welfare, and steal my bike, and stand outside local Walmart with sign saying,"Please help to feed my children by giving". The more tech savy ones have a QR code to scan and donate, since very few people carry cash anymore. It's been calculated that one of these "refugee" families make 100k a yr each. This is why the kerchiefed women sneak out to the back of the Walmart to get into the family BMW. I talked to one woman, and she set me up with her daughter, whom i married, and now I make her and our little 3yr old dance and I turn my organ grinder and we make 200k a yr. Incels need to talk to these ladies outside Walmarts, $$$$$(and garlic scented pussy)
I smelled a gyppers vagina ONCE, after paying her $25 US for a BJ, and it smelled strongly of cabbage. I changed my mind about paying an extra $25 to put my penis in her. She was about 50 yrs old though, and we'll used, so she may have had a cabbage stuffed up her vagina, as it was winter and she wanted to keep it unfrozen for dinner that night.
>>1377863 (OP)
Here’s one: two Albanians are driving down the road when they come across a police checkpoint on the road. The Albanians stop their car and the police officer comes to the window and tells them, “we’re looking for two child rapists,” the one Albanian looks to the other Albanian then both look back to the officer and say, “we’ll do it.”

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