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What Los Angeles fire victims can expect from their insurance adjuster

Even with flames still burning in parts of Los Angeles County, total insured losses from the wildfires this month are already estimated at more than $30 billion, according to Goldman Sachs.

The massive amount of damage dwarfs the previous record of $12 billion in insured losses caused by Northern California's Camp Fire in 2018.

With over 15,000 structures already destroyed in the Palisades, Eaton and spate of smaller fires, according to state officials, some public insurance claim adjusters are warning that it may take years for claims to be resolved, and in some instances, homeowners may not have the coverage they thought they had.

A recent study from the University of Colorado Boulder of a 2021 wildfire in the state found that three-quarters of those who lost their homes were not fully covered for total losses.

As thousands of homeowners in Southern California file insurance claims to start the recovery process, they are meeting the one person who will determine how much the insurance company should pay for their loss -- the insurance adjuster.

Each claimant is assigned an adjuster by the insurance company. It is the adjuster's job to assess the damage, and in the case of the LA wildfires, prioritize the destroyed and severely damaged homes over those with minor damage.
•say, ALL CAPPER?(you sound a little like the ALL CAPPER, but maybe you're off your schizophrenic meds). But I'll bite! Since I'm off my meds too! I still stand by my suggestion that Miriam Adelson buy up the Pallisades, and the rich Israelis retire there. Louis B Mayer was the "Kohen Gadol" of the new west coast Israel. The Europeans had already genocide the local Commifornia tribes(Chumash: Lived along the coast of southern California and fished and hunted whales and sea lions ,Cahuilla: Lived in southern California and ate snakes and lizards". So all Louie B had to do was build some sheds on the tribal burial grounds.(1 day though, the abos will get their revenge when the whole thing slides into the Pacific.) Louie B had 1 big advantage over Miriam, though, as he didn't have to contend with terrorist 1st nationers blowing up Judy Garland, and her tender little bubbas(how Louie B liked to squeeze then...or so it's been rumored).

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