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A Mint Hill man who was pardoned for his conviction from the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol attack was also arrested last fall on child pornography charges.

According to the federal court documents, the FBI and Mint Hill Police carried out a search warrant in November 2023 for the home of David Daniel related to the Jan. 6 allegations. During the search on assault and trespassing charges, agents also recovered his iPhone and several other electronic devices.

Federal investigators were made aware that Mint Hill PD had an open case regarding an alleged sexual assault of a minor. The minor, who was under the age of 12, accused Daniel of taking pictures of her while naked between 2015 and 2019, forcing her to shower with him and performing sexual acts.

A federal search warrant authorized reviewing the electronics seized from the local investigation. The federal affidavit says the contents of a laptop were consistent with the minor’s statements during the forensic interview.

Furthermore, there was an open statutory rape investigation in Forsyth County. During a review of the iPhone seized, the records indicate sexual images of a second minor were observed.

Daniel was charged and arrested on Sept. 20, 2024, on possession of child pornography and sexual exploitation of a minor related to sexual assault and trafficking of child pornography.

On Jan. 8, 2025, Daniel pleaded guilty to the Jan. 6 charge of assaulting or resisting a police officer. The conviction carried a maximum of eight years in prison; however, President Donald Trump’s sweeping pardons quickly cleared the vast majority of the Capitol offenders.

Khalif Rhodes says Daniel’s attorney could argue the pornography charges should be dropped since the images would have never been found if not for the Capitol breach investigation.
Additional cases:
>>1378390 (OP)
wow conservatives were always the pedos wooahh let me act so shocked woooah
Dems and libs have and always will have far more chomos. Simple as.
>>1378390 (OP)
>President Biden pardoned two Chinese spies and the relative of a high-ranking member of the Chinese Communist Party who was caught with tens of thousands of images of child pornography on his computer last month in a prisoner swap between the two countries that was made public Thursday when the three received clemencies.
>wahbout this nypost article!?!??1
thank you for your input, murdoch shill.
Democrats should be deported to outer space
Biden exiled the guy from the US for life in exchange for American political prisoners.

Meanwhile, this pedophile can potentially go free, in the US itself, because he can argue they would've never found out he was a pedophile if he wasn't arrested for 1/6.
Oh now he gives a shit about political prisoners? I guess he sort of learned his lesson after trading THE MERCHANT OF DEATH for a fucking WNBA nigger that hates America, while leaving behind 11 Americans in Russian prison.
>B-b-but Biden-
I care more about the pedophile who, right now, can go free because Trump might've just made the actual cp he got convicted on fruit of the poisonous tree.
And no fucks given to the Chinese spy that also had cp.
Exiled from the US for the rest of his life. China's problem now.
Again, no fucks given. It's okay when your guy lets out a criminal.
>>1378390 (OP)
I know this makes the rage bait leftards confused and angry, but he wasn't pardoned for that crime, he was pardoned for the Capitol riot, so this entire thread is retarded but the left already knows that, they are just pretending to be retarded.. right??
The problem is, they only were able to arrest him on child pornography charges because they were searching his house for the 1/6 charges. Therefore his lawyer could get the evidence thrown out of court because it was only obtained due to a search that now no longer has basis.
Aka Republicans are certified pedophiles
Nice armchair legal theory that won't hold up in court. I know your programmed to repeat it like it's going to happen but it's not and I'm willing to bet on it.
Imagine defending a pedophile just because he's on your side
No, he's going to jail for having cp.
I believe the leftards are the only people in this thread trying to develop a legal defense for him.
I'm telling you again, your crackpot legal Theory isn't going to hold up, I'm sure his lawyer knows that and isn't even going to try it
Sometimes you gotta pop out and show niggas
Fruit of the poisonous tree anon. Trump's pardon covers anything relating to January 6th. Lawyers of the 1/6ers are already arguing this extends to any crimes (or at least any evidence) that were uncovered by searches that happened because of them being there. That other 1/6er who got busted for having illegal guns is using the same defense.
Biden pardoned more
So it's okay that you pardoned a pedophile?
I for one as a federal employee am glad that tRump released these violent far right insurrectionist traitor terrorists. It has made my job much easier to surveill them as they meet with other such like minded terrorists, and round them all up for further incarceration
This was Biden's 4D chess plan all along
>Fruit of the poisonous tree anon
A presidential pardon doesn't make the investigation that originally took place illegal, but you know that

Strange world we are living in where leftists brainstorm unfounded and untested legal theories in order to save a pedophile from a conviction because they think it will one-up the chuds if they save a pedo
>Strange world we are living in where leftists brainstorm unfounded and untested legal theories in order to save a pedophile from a conviction because they think it will one-up the chuds if they save a pedo

Anon he isn't even the first one to try this "well anything from the january 6th raid is out" legal defense. The guy who got busted for gun possession is also trying it.
>Carolyn Stewart, an attorney who represents Brown, said Tuesday that she is preparing to argue that Brown’s Florida conviction is covered by Trump’s pardon because the search that turned up his weapons resulted from the January 6 probe. Stewart contends that his conviction was, in the words of Trump’s pardon declaration, “related” to the events of January 6.
>“It should relate,” Stewart said, “because everything was the fruit of the poisonous tree.” Stewart said she is unsure how that argument will fare in court and noted that she is also hoping Trump will issue an additional pardon specifically clearing Brown, who remains imprisoned in the Florida matter.

Shockingly, when you don't review by case by case basis and give out a massive blanket pardon, it results in shit like this.
>federal pardon having an effect on a state level charges
Lmao. This is what happens when libshits and motherjones presume they understand US law
State charges can't use searches the police had no legal right to perform as evidence anon. And if Trump's executive order is interpreted as is, he just basically gave this guy a get out of jail free card for the child porn they found on his computer.
>State charges can't use searches the police had no legal right to perform as evidence anon
This is irrelevant to the fact that a federal pardon cannot undo state charges anon. This is the bigger issue you seem to be ignoring anon.

>And if Trump's executive order is interpreted as is, he just basically gave this guy a get out of jail free card for the child porn they found on his computer.

Neither EO's nor federal pardons work that way anon. Is the State of Florida wants to charge him with child porn possession, a federal pardon will not stop it from happening, because thats not how federal pardons work.

So while the FBI might not be able to use the evidence, the Mint Hill Police absolutely can.

Confirmed for being another law-illiterate libshit.
How can they charge him for child porn possession if they can't enter the child porn they seized from him as evidence? They were only able to obtain it because he was raided by the feds for 1/6. The evidence of the cp was from the federal review of his possessions. Now he's been pardoned of those federal charges, his federal record is expunged. From a legal point of view, that raid is no longer valid.

BTW, he's not even the only pedo caught up in this. There was another one in Houston who got released from prison because of his 1/6 conviction despite the fact they were about to press charges against him for soliciting a minor. Now they can't find him.
Good post. I was wondering which think tank these tards got their nonsense from
maybe one day you'll learn not to project so hard
>>How can they charge him for child porn possession if they can't enter the child porn they seized from him as evidence?
You're not going to get anywhere with deliberately retarded shills, especially those who approve of kid fucking
>the police had no legal right to perform
They did tho. A pardon does not make the original investigation illegal, you know this anon.
You are literally not thinking for yourself and repeating mother Jones rage bait as if it's a Nostradamus prediction of the future.
>they can't enter the child porn they seized from him as evidence
Can they not or are you making this up. Because this sounds made up and you have no proof except your made up fantasies
daniel got a weird case, why is he around
Mother Jones is garbage and your garbage for believing it.
Shrimple as that.

Every dollar of their profit margin is from dumb rubes like you
>How can they charge him for child porn possession if they can't enter the child porn they seized from him as evidence?
They can. All you're doing is confirming you don't understand how federal pardons work.

> From a legal point of view, that raid is no longer valid.
Thats not how it works. The raid is still valid, the charges are just "undone" and expunged. At worst, this means they can't bring federal charges for CP possession against him, only the state can. But the state most definitely can, because the raid was and is still legal and the evidence collected therein is perfectly admissible- on a state level. State and Federal charges run concurrently yet independently of each other.

>There was another one in Houston who got released from prison because of his 1/6 conviction despite the fact they were about to press charges against him for soliciting a minor.
Not to worry, since federal pardons AGAIN do not have anything to do with state offenses, Texas can still charge him when they find him.

You should maybe do some research on how Federal and State powers work, your libshit brand of legal-illiteracy is making you look like a fool.
you're a pedophile apologist, are you proud?
I'm saving this thread. When the dude gets convicted I'm going to post news about it just so I can call all the leftards in this thread a retard lmao
Anon I'm not defending the scumbag. I'm pointing out the legal loophole that's going to let an pedophile get off scot-free.

Pardon means he's absolved of any guilt relating to 1/6. No 1/6 charges means no reason for the police to raid his house. No raid of his house means no child porn discovery. Evidence has to have a source where it was obtained legitimately. If he's no longer considered as having committed a federal crime, they had no reason to raid his house and thus anything they found there is now invalid.
Hey retard, nobody is here brainstorming ways to get a pedophile off the hook for cp except the leftards.

He's going to jail for cp, and not a single one of your armchair legal theories will protect him no matter how much mother Jones you read
>Now, as Trump lifts the criminal convictions on those who participated in the violent riots, Daniel could see his federal child sex abuse charges waivered in tandem with the pardoning of his January 6 assault charges.

>During a frantic search of his home in November 2023, following the January 6 assault charges, FBI and Mint Hill police officers recovered his iPhone and multiple other electronic devices which allegedly held child sex abuse images of Daniel and a female minor, younger than 12, taken between 2015 and 2019, according to federal court documents seen by Queen City News.

you guys are literal comic book villains, congrats
I'm going to make fun of you when he gets convicted lmao
why, he's your fellow trumpfag.
>you guys are literal comic book villains, congrats
You guys have a 60% chance of being mentally ill thinking everything is a comic book supervillain story.

I'm going to quote your post when this guy gets convicted and I'm going to laugh at you and call you retarded
>the raid is still valid, the charges are just "undone" and expunged
Except now he didn't commit a crime. Therefore anything seized during the raid now has no legal backing. He can, at the very least, use this as a defense. I hope it doesn't work, but I don't like that it has a chance of working.

>Texas can still charge him when they find him.
IF they find him. He could be in fucking Europe by now. Thanks for letting him out.
>Anon I'm not defending the scumbag.
Yes you are.

>I'm pointing out the legal loophole that's going to let an pedophile get off scot-free.
No you're not, because it's not a loophole and you don't understand the law.

>Pardon means he's absolved of any guilt relating to 1/6. No 1/6 charges means no reason for the police to raid his house. No raid of his house means no child porn discovery. Evidence has to have a source where it was obtained legitimately. If he's no longer considered as having committed a federal crime, they had no reason to raid his house and thus anything they found there is now invalid.
How many different people have to tell you you're wrong before you admit you're wrong? none of what you said is even remotely factual in regards to how charges and evidence are handled. There is nothing stopping the state from charging him with CP possession for a perfectly legal raid that gained perfectly legal admissible evidence. The Pardon does not suddenly make the raid illegal or the evidence inadmissible.

This will be repeated to you endlessly until you admit you're wrong. Stop begging the question to defend a pedo.
i'd rather be mentally ill than a literal pedophile who rapes girls under 12. you might want to rearrange your priorities
Anon, he's being convicted and no amount of you coping with imagining fictitious legal theories to protect him is going to work out.
trump pardoned a pedophile and you're sitting here playing mental gymnastics. you are scum

>Except now he didn't commit a crime.
Except he did- possession of child porn.

> Therefore anything seized during the raid now has no legal backing
Repeating this doesn't make it true, because it's false anon. Federal pardons don't work that way. You just keep demonstrating how little you understand of the law and how it works. Are you even from the US?

>IF they find him. He could be in fucking Europe by now. Thanks for letting him out.
Not to worry, just pretend he's one of the undocumented immigrants you people let out and roam freely.
>but he's a pedo!
That's never stopped you before! Don't pretend you aren't a MAP supporter, libshit anon.
>Yes you are
He's also mentally ill. Keep that in mind, keep your replies short and to the point he's not worth the effort of speaking to as if he were a logical reasonable person
Anon, he's going to be convicted of crimes against children. He was not pardoned for that, and no amount of mother Jones propaganda will change that
scream all you want, your orange daddy pardoned a kidfucker
The kidfucker is going to be convicted of his crimes against children and nothing you do will change that, because he was not pardoned for those crimes.
a minoooooooooooor
>abandoned all original arguments
I accept your concession. We'll be here to mock you when he gets convicted on state charges for CP possession.
why does anyone pretend the jan 6 protest was bad? even if they were trying to kill politicians, which they weren't, so fucking what? politicians literally aren't people
also yeah, a lot of these guys are probably going to get off on fruit of the poisonous tree. in the case of the pedo, its like a drug addict, they just gotta wait and he will start pedoing again
you're mocking us because your partner in crime is a pedophile? interesting
>Libshit MAP supporter thinks he's not next
Lmao, count your days LGBTQ+'er
your ability to ignore the literal pedophiles in your ranks is impressive, but we can all see your head in the sand
This man is going to jail for his crimes against children and no matter how angry you get imagining ways he will be let off the hook, it's not going to happen
>you're angry that a trumpfag is going to jail for pedophilia because... you're a leftist!
Well, yah. You're brainstorming every possible legal defense he could use, because it would make you feel good if you were able to claim a pedo escaped child abuse charges because of trump

in reality he is getting convicted and you have no control over that. He's going to jail, you may hate that fact but it's true.
>Except he did- possession of child porn.
I know he did. You know he did. The cops know he did. The problem is the actual evidence to convict him is now in a legal grey area where it was only found because of a charge that has now been overturned. If Trump actually reviewed the fucking case instead of giving a blanket pardon, we wouldn't be having this conversation. But now the actual federal case against him that obtained the evidence of him being a pedophile doesn't exist, therefore the cops, from a legal point of view, obtained the evidence from nowhere.

I'm only saying what his defense attorney is going to argue in court. I pray to god the judge doesn't side with him, but if he does, Trump let a pedophile get off with no punishment.
And just one Trumptard chomo is too many.
>Trump associating with Jeffrey Epstein
>Musk having 'Kung Fu Practise' at Epstein's place: and we know what 'Kung Fu Practise' is code for
If one Trumptard chomo is too much and more destroys MAGAtards, then not only do all rightard hypocrites not have the right to have opinions, by being enablers by association, all rightards don't have the right to exist. No Exceptions.
no matter what, you can't spin your insurrection pedophile ally into a win anon
His attorney and you can argue whatever you'd like in your legal defense on his behalf, but he is going to be convicted of child abuse material and nothing you say will change that
It is a win. A man is being shown leniency for the crime of doubting a fraudulent rigged election, and that same man is still going to be convicted of his crimes against children.

None of your theoretical legal arguments will change these simple facts.
Says the left-wing faggot who was tearing out his hair when Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty for shooting a child rapist that was chasing him.
don't hurt any children anon
I fucking hope so.
it was fruit of the poisonous tree the whole way down because no one should have been arrested for jan 6th.
you sure don't seem upset that trump pardoned a pedophile who
biden also pardoned a pedophile and dems rallied for that pedo kyle killed. no one should have been arrested for jan 6th
i don't really care about your opinion since you're a pedophile apologist. godspeed you face swift punishment if you commit vile acts against minors
Says the enabler of a chomo that pardons a chomo now tearing his hair out that he's been called out for being a chomo supporter, therefore is himself a chomo.
If one MAGAtard is a chomo, all are. No Exceptions. That includes you. That includes your orange Chomo-in-Chief.
>If one MAGAtard is a chomo, all are. No Exceptions.
Well then by that logic if one dem is a chomo, all are... Pay no attention to the Biden sniffing the 10 year old on national television!
cool, so you want hunter biden to be hanged too?
changing the subject already, pedophile apologist? i wonder why
hunter is a pedo. so do you want hunter also prosecuted?
don't hurt any children anon
like hunter biden did?
things you daydream about aren't reality. the pedophile trump pardoned is real though
the hunter pics had several of him fucking a child
thanks for proving you're a dumb gullible polfag
/pol/ was nuked because of that shit
people went to jail because /pol was the one who hacked his icloud account
>Hey guys, come look at this CHILD PORN
>Having trouble telling what it is? Well, that's because it is AN IMAGE DEPICTING A CHILD BEING RAPED
You know if you keep insisting something is a real picture of someone having sex with a child, the mods aren't going to take chances.
>nooooo the pics aren't real
at least polfags will all die alone. too bad they're a cancer on society until then
Too bad Hunter Biden was pardoned for it
polfags want news to be /pol/ lite so bad
Oh man that's right.
Biden literally pardoned a pedo for the crime of child abuse. Hunter is protected from criminal charges directly because his father's pardon has pardoned him for that crime already.

Lmao. Every accusation from the left is an admission it's true
>trump pardoned a pedo, but what about the lie we came up with?
hunter raped over 80 kids and biden pardoned him
>if one dem is a chomo, all are..
...and as one MAGAtard is a chomo, thus the orange enabler is a chomo, and the supporter of that chomo is a chomo: you. I'm not. By your logic, pay no attention to the chomo enabler that just pardoned a chomo. Turnabout's fair play. If you don't say 'Trump's a chomo', you're a chomo too. I say Trump's a chomo for pardoning a chomo, so what's your excuse for not saying the same? Because you're a chomo enabler, therefore you're a chomo. I'm not. That's the difference.
Don't want to be seen as a chomo, say 'Trump's a chomo' in this thread. Otherwise, you're a chomo.
Thinking I'm a Biden supporter? I didn't vote four years ago. Your move.
Well, as you know, trump pardoned a man for the crime of doubting a rigged election, and that man is still standing trial for pedophilia, whereas Biden pardoned a man, his son, for every crime including pedophilia.

Every accusation from you people
It's an admission
sure is a lot of right wing damage control in this thread
biden pardoned his son for raping a young girl
seems that way
>Trump pardoning a pedo
>not saying 'Trump's a chomo' to clear yourself of guilt by association: being a Trump voter/supporter
>I didn't vote four years ago
Every accusation is an admission indeed.
who said Biden's my guy? i don't have a guy, because i can't support any president that pardons child pornographers. But you seem really eager to defend one for some reason
No matter what you say or do, the conservative from the article is going to be convicted of child abuse crimes, because he was not pardoned for them.
Meanwhile, hunter Biden *was* pardoned for child abuse crimes and will never see a conviction
hunter was pardoned for molesting kids. I voted for trump because harris wants to ban guns and trump is deporting illegals. also jan 6 was based
Here is an idea. Everyone with half a braincell...leave your political parties and vote green. We should have a green candidate who will genocide red and blue extremists. This is the best solution
relax op
>I voted for trump
Thus you're a supporter of a pedo enabler. I didn't vote four years ago, so unless you admit that Trump's a chomo, you're guilty by association due to being a Trump voter/supporter, therefore you're a chomo too
As I didn't vote four years ago, no matter what you say or do, unless you say 'Trump's a chomo' you're also a chomo.
you never voted since you aren't American
Good post
>you never voted
You can think that, sure, but your opinions are wrong. I've voted in the past, and I haven't voted in the past. I didn't vote four years ago.
>you aren't American
But you clearly are a 'patriotic' MAGAtard or you'd say that Trump is a chomo. Not saying that proves you're an apologist for a pedo enabler: Trump. Thus all Trumptards are chomos. Including you. All of you are. No Exceptions.
hunter raped kids, trump didn't. you aren't American
you're a MAGAtard, you voted for a pedo enabler. Trump & Musk associated with Epstein, thus are pedos. The longer you refuse to say 'Trump is a chomo', it further proves all MAGAtards are chomos. Including you. All MAGAtards are. No Exceptions.
you aren't American, you can't vote. hunter rapes kids
Is Biden a pedo? Yes or no.
it's funny how republicans don't care about punishing pedophilia and it's all just an act
>Donald Trump & Elon Musk associated with Epstein, thus are pedos
>Joe Biden didn't associate with Epstein
>Donald Trump is POTUS as of just over a week ago
Is Donald Trump a chomo? Yes or No?
This man is going to be convicted of crimes against children and there is not a single theory you or your left wing radical buddies can come up with that will stop that.
>still not saying 'Trump is a chomo'
The chomo that is >>1378907 is already convicted of supporting crimes against children by the Epstein-associating Donald Trump & Elon Musk, and there's nothing you or your right wing reactionary chomo chums can come up that will prevent you from being branded chomos.
I asked you first.
gotta remember that right wingers actually like it when children get raped so long as the child molester is a straight white man who cries out 'in the name of jesus!' as he rapes the child
Is no one going to mention Joe Biden pardoned a child murderer named Adrien Peeler?


Why are all Democrats apologists for child murder? Is it because the child was black?
It's so weird how everyone on /news/ is a schizo of some flavor. Am I going to develop schizophrenia now that I'm coming here?

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