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Google reclassifies U.S. as ‘sensitive country’ alongside China, Russia after Trump’s ‘Gulf of America’ comments

>>1378399 (OP)
Cool sorry, go tell your friends on reddit about it
Nah. You can though, and you should, since you're obsessed with it.
wow sick comeback
>>1378399 (OP)
> Those changes include renaming the Gulf of Mexico as the “Gulf of America” and renaming Mount Denali as Mount McKinley.
Article’s wrong, it’s not “Mount Denali”, it’s just “Denali”, because the word “Denali” already includes the Eskimo word for “Mount”. What a retard!
>What a retard!
Well it was written by a CNBC employee
I don't like my country having an abo name like "Canada". I want it changed "The Great W̶h̶i̶t̶e̶ North"
Great Indian North more like
>>1378399 (OP)
No ones surprised that Republicunts are all whiny snowflakes
>>1378399 (OP)
Google as an American country getting away with this is clear proof America isn't a sensitive country.
Not for long. Trump is building a camp in Guantanamo just for all of his opponents, and no leftist judges or laws will stop him from doing whatever he wants there.
How I got a easy (you) with one simple trick.
/v/ schizo b8

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