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Anonymous Bank teller in Georgia and one(...) 01/29/25(Wed)10:16:55 No. 1378465 A former Gwinnett County bank employee is facing charges for his part in a fraud scheme that cost a bank more than $2.5 million. In October, an employee at Fifth Third Bank on Holcomb Bridge Rd. called 911 to report that another employee, 33-year-old Fedrick Jeffries, had been stealing money from the bank and opening fraudulent accounts. Investigators learned that between May and October 2024, Jeffries had opened five checking accounts and gotten an unsecured loan of $24,500. Cont'd: >>
Anonymous 01/29/25(Wed)11:19:22 No. 1378493 Man in Maryland convicted in $20 million fraud case involving life insurance. >>
Anonymous 01/30/25(Thu)11:01:38 No. 1378882 Manager of car dealership in Las Vegas accused of embezzling over $1.6 million >>
Anonymous 01/30/25(Thu)11:38:04 No. 1378894 >>1378465 (OP) Paste the full, unadulterated article text>>1378493 This should be a separate thread with the article text>>1378882 This should also be a separate thread also with the article text>>
Anonymous 01/30/25(Thu)21:01:25 No. 1379108 Vice President of community center in Wisconsin allegedly stole over $600k and spent the money on gambling and other personal expenses. >>
Anonymous 02/20/25(Thu)02:20:05 No. 1385705 Lk
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