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A bill to add a carving of President Donald Trump to Mount Rushmore has been introduced by a MAGA politician.

Florida Representative Anna Paulina Luna announced the bill Tuesday calling for Trump to be added to the South Dakota monument with the message: "Let's get carving."

Newsweek has contacted the White House and Luna for comment via email outside of regular working hours.

The proposal is the latest attempt to commemorate the Republican following his return to the White House, signaling that Trump's staunch supporters continue to show strong support for the president in his second term.

Luna, who represents Florida's 13th Congressional District, introduced a bill calling for a carving of Trump to be included on the Mount Rushmore National Memorial alongside former Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

The bill is unlikely to receive the bipartisan support needed to pass Congress.

North Carolina Representative Addison McDowell introduced a bill last week to rename Washington Dulles International Airport after Trump.

Tennessee Representative Andy Ogles also introduced a long-shot bill to amend the Constitution to allow Trump to run for a third term.

Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor who carved the Mount Rushmore memorial, selected the four presidents because they represented the "most important events" in U.S. history, according to the National Park Service.
In August 2024, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested that Trump's predecessor Joe Biden could be added to Mount Rushmore while citing his achievements during his time in office. The suggestion was widely mocked and criticized by MAGA figures.

In 2020, Trump denied reports that his team reached out to then-South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem's office to inquire about the process for adding another president to Mount Rushmore, but added that it sounded like "a good idea."

What People Are Saying
Representative Anna Paulina Luna posted on X, formerly Twitter: "I've officially introduced legislation to put President Trump's face on Mount Rushmore. His remarkable accomplishments for our country and the success he will continue to deliver deserve the highest recognition and honor on this iconic national monument. Let's get carving!"

Republican voter Mark Valley replied to Luna on X: "This is silly. I'm a Republican, but Trump's first term wasn't impressive. He hasn't done much to earn praise, let alone consideration for Mount Rushmore. This is when our movement feels weird."

Kayleigh McEnany, former Trump White House press secretary, said during a Monday appearance on Fox News' Outnumbered: "I'm fascinated by this because that would be some sweet irony after President Joe Biden stopped the fireworks display from Mount Rushmore. So if you did like the 250th anniversary of the country at Mount Rushmore with President Trump's face, it would be epic."

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in an August 2024 interview with CBS News' Sunday Morning: "[Biden is] such a consequential president of the United States, a Mount Rushmore kind of president of the United States. You got Teddy Roosevelt up there, and he's wonderful. I don't say take him down. But you can add Biden."
Donald Trump denied Mount Rushmore reports in an August 2020 post on X: "This is Fake News by the failing New York Times & bad ratings CNN. Never suggested it although, based on all of the many things accomplished during the first 3 1/2 years, perhaps more than any other presidency, sounds like a good idea to me!"

What Happens Next

If Luna's Mount Rushmore proposal goes to a vote, it would need near-unanimous support from House Republicans to clear the lower chamber. The bill would then require the unlikely support of several Senate Democrats.
someone is definitely carving a dick on his head
>>1378534 (OP)
You think this will lower grocery prices? I'm skeptical.
I like Trump, but they should probably wait for the end of his presidency before putting his face on Mount Rushmore.
It will raise the national prestige and motivation to work if people work harder from it then productivity rises and prices go down
every day you're more of a faggot
A that's homophobic as fuck.
this isn't happening and it's not /news/
I'm sure he meant it in a nice way. What he was probably trying to say is that you like sucking cock and can't go 10 minutes without having a dick in your mouth.
>Newsweek isn't news
Trump is not being added to Mount Rushmore. The source story plainly states that. It is a bill introduced by a legislator from another state with no standing or connection to the monument.
Why would that matter? And what's the bill supposedly about then?
Fuck. Yeah.
Newsweek isn't news
Nah not really. Also I'm glad I won't have the regret of voting for a mixed black Indian Jamaican mystery meat abomination on my deathbed. Thank God.
you can't vote, you're not american
Fucking nothing. It's a waste of time designed to get the writer some points from Trump and a headline.
Sounds to me more like the writer is getting points from lefties having melties
The face would have to be placed under permanent 24/7 protection to prevent deFACEment.
>>1378534 (OP)
Of course its a woman that would support something so useless. Why do we accept this DEI shit with brainless women being put into these positions just because they're republikikes?
Hate to break it to people. As leaderships go he is near bottom.

Putin is better.
President Xi is better.
Trudeau is better.
Shittiest opinion on 4chan right now
^^^shills above me are still really mad that a mystery mutt who faked her birth certificate and sucked her way to the top wasn't voted into the highest office. Incredible
Is there anymore room on the mountain?

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