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Legacy of Failure continues, unmarred


The White House on Wednesday formally rescinded a controversial memo that had ordered a freeze on federal grants and loans to give agencies time to review programs for their compliance with President Donald Trump's agenda, NBC News reported.

The freeze, which had been set to take effect late Tuesday afternoon, was paused by a federal judge until Monday to give her time to consider arguments by nonprofit groups challenging its legality.

The memo ordering the freeze had been issued by the Office of Management and Budget. It immediately sparked confusion about which programs would be affected and was suspected of causing Medicaid reimbursement portals to go offline for all 50 states on Tuesday.

Acting OMB Director Matthew Vaeth, in a new memo issued Wednesday, wrote, "OMB Memorandum M-25-13 is rescinded. If you have any questions about implementing the President's Executive Orders, please contact your agency General Counsel."

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told reporters Wednesday, "As you know, Donald Trump just rescinded his horrible OMB freeze," and called on Trump to "rescind Russell Vought's nomination" for director of OMB.

"Russell Vought is the chief cook and bottle washer," Schumer said. "We believe they'll come back and try to do this in other ways. Russell Vought sat in my office and said he was going to do it."

"We don't believe they'll stop," Schumer said. "This has been their goal, to hurt what they're basically doing is being lawless, to hurt families, to help their billionaire friends. And so they're going to keep at it. We're going to keep at it. I don't think this would have happened except for the outcry throughout America."
>>1378567 (OP)
Thank god.
Lol the story just got updated 20 minutes ago, don’t know what it said before but now the headline’s “White House says Trump funding freeze remains in effect despite rescinding OMB memo” get fucked dood.
Ok, so bad. We're losing again.
He had a hundred EOs sitting on his desk on Day One and maybe three of them are legally binding.

Don't pay any attention to anything he says. Just watch as he goes golfing or builds a new tower in Serbia or something. MAGAts take everything as a win no matter what.
>Ok, so bad. We're losing again.
I want to see the memo that retracts the memo that retracts the memo, then I want to see that memo get retracted too.
How many of Biden’s executive orders were thrown out? I’m just wondering what the precedence is for an executive order not being executed on is. Because it seems unusual that an executive order would get overturned so easily.
Leave your Biden derangement syndrome out of this.
Well if none of Biden’s executive orders could be undone while he was in office, how do you think that bodes with Trump’s.
>b-but whatabout previous president
What does that have to do with the current president?
>Can’t follow a logical premise laid out before him.
You’re not a clever fellow are you?
The one for student loan debt got shot down by the supreme court iirc.
So dei hires are deliberately fucking up EOs in a desperate scramble to get it rescinded and keep their jobs. Just like when they tried to pretend a miscarriage was the same thing as an abortion and that women who had miscarriages would be arrested.

>inb4 some dumbass finds an article about a junkie ODing and killing her baby in the process and tries to falsely conflate shit like that with something like an ectopic pregnancy.
Is that true? I heard it went to the Supreme Court at some point. But there’s also lots of stories out there about forgiven loans that makes me think his EO was never blocked. Maybe the courts didn’t rule on it.
we're going to be hearing a whole lot of excuses from you faggots aren't we
>logical premise
Where is the logic in blaming Biden for shit Trump does?
>Just like when they tried to pretend a miscarriage was the same thing as an abortion and that women who had miscarriages would be arrested.
This did happen though. Several times.
>https://www.propublica.org/article/josseli-barnica-death-miscarriage-texas-abortion-ban (this one wasn't arrested. She died because the hospital deemed it a crime to treat her)
Where did I blame Biden for anything? The guy’s out of office and doesn’t matter now. You’re too blinded by rage to understand what’s being said right now.
Facts. The word your looking for is facts. Like the fact that CNN recently lost millions of dollars in a defamation lawsuit. The American people are sick of democrats and their incessant, hysterical lies.
>This is NOT a rescission of the federal funding freeze.

>It is simply a rescission of the OMB memo.

>Why? To end any confusion created by the court's injunction.

>The President's EO's on federal funding remain in full force and effect, and will be rigorously implemented.
the word i'm looking for is faggot, a descriptor of you
Most presidents won't draft an EO unless it's been gone over by lawyers. It's pointless to sign one that won't be valid.

Trump just spouts insane crap 24/7 and doesn't care if it's legal. This is not even a question. If you cannot see the difference between Trump and every other president, then there is no hope for you
Cool. So despite the fact that I predicted one of you would conflate a woman killing her baby with stupid behavior, a crime people are arrested for all the time, you still walked right into it.

And you posted the story about straight up medical malpractice where a poor woman who was looking forward to being a mother was misdiagnosed.

Thanks for proving my point.
do you like being evil
Democrats are hysterical liars, I say. hysterical HYSTERICAL! HYSTERICAL11!!@ I SAAAY@1
Retard actually read the articles. None of them partook in any criminal behavior, and the one that died to malpractice was because the doctors considered giving her assistance during an active miscarriage was a crime.

I even found the example you're referring to (Britney Poolah) and deliberately left it out because I knew you were baiting it so you can shrug off responsibility just because she was addicted to meth.
Ignore this Demoncrat, as they are EVIL & HYSTERICAL HYSTERICAL I SAY!!1@
It’s stupid to assume that Trump’s EOs weren’t gone over by teams of lawyers as rigorously as any other presidents’. You libs have been gaslighting yourselves about Trump (as incompetent buffoon) for almost a decade. Turns out he's hypercompetent, extremely pissed, and now the majority of this country has given him a blank check to do whatever he needs to do to fix the problems. Oops! Good luck challenging any of his EOs though.
you're not american faggot
>t’s stupid to assume that Trump’s EOs weren’t gone over by teams of lawyers as rigorously as any other presidents’
Why'd his gender order definite say one's gender has to be defined "at conception", thus making everyone in the country either genderless or female?

Also the 14th amendment one, which literally anyone in the first year of law school could tell you is unconstitutional.
>conflate a woman killing her baby with stupid behavior, a crime people are arrested for all the time,
A woman getting an abortion isn't "killing her baby" or a crime. Using drugs and bringing a damaged to term only to die at birth should be a crime but then, if drugs weren't illegal, she might have got the help thet she needed . Why do reactionary rightoids get so HYSTERICAL OVER THESE ISSUES!!!1 of private bodily autonomy?
Good post
you're one of the dumbest shills in this place, you know that
It doesn't matter if drugs are illegal or not people can still seek help for drug abuse if they want to, you fucking retard.

I'm so glad you gaslighting fagwads don't have any power in government anymore after being voted out across the board
No, the orangratang is simple flinging his shit at the bars of the legal system and seeing what'll stick. Like a spaz pulling wires out of the TV do the next person can't use it. I approve...BURN IT ALL DOWN, OUR GUY!!1
Dems already started flipping Trump districts right after Trump actually came into power. Turns out everyone needed a reminder "oh, Trump actually is retarded and it wasn't just DNC propaganda" the minute he started doing things and immediately started fucking everything.

Jacob M Howard, the guy who literally wrote the 14th amendment said:
>This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of person.

Leftist have twisted the words of the constitution to mean something else, because leftist believe that the constitution is a “living document” that changes as our understanding of words and definitions change.

Trump is in the right with his 14th amendment EO and as soon as it reaches the Supreme Court, then we will have a finally ruling that birthright citizenship is not constitutional. It is only a matter of time.
You misunderstand me, HYSTERICAL anon. Make drugs legal, and then pregnant females can get clean ones, and the counseling to use sparingly, or stop until the baby is born
Should've put that in the fucking constitution then.
They couldn't have predicted the clown world we live in today.
>Turns out everyone needed a reminder "oh, Trump actually is retarded
No, the avg voter is mentally handicapped.Turns out that "You can fool most of the people most of the time". Quote by me, since the avg person appears intellectually challenged to me
The chaos is the point. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=000QjP3gz2E&pp=ygUidGhlIG1ham9yaXR5IHJlcG9ydCB3aXRoIHNhbSBzZWRlcg%3D%3D [Embed]
Well, if we go off this, how soon until gun ownership is made an exclusive property of the military, seeing as the founding fathers only put it in under the belief that the US wouldn't have a standing army?
What are you even saying? No one wants that.
You're the one saying to interpret the constitution based on wishes of the writers instead of what was put into the actual document.
>It was the wishes of the writers of the 2nd amendment that only the military get to keep and bare arms.
You’re an absolute libtard.
Sorry anon, second amendment was designed around the US having no standing army. Guess we either get rid of the US military or the second amendment, if we wanna go by original wishes instead of as written.
That’s a false dichotomy libtard. Citizens have the right to keep and bare arms, and at the same time we can have a standing army too.
>>1378567 (OP)
So, apparently the judge actually granted a full restraining order because Trumps press secretary described this in such a retarded way it made it clear they'd ignore the ruling anyway.

Bets on how long until Trump announces a new Press sec?
>“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty" - James Madison

Again, you wanna go by original wishes instead of as written. Defund the army now.
Hey, well I guess you’re right. In that case I for choosing the second amendment. We’ll disband the army right away and go back to using civilian militias, just as soon as we end birthright citizenship and deport all illegals first.
tRump's controllers objective is to traumatize federal workers, and as a byproduct of this, to traumatize vulnerable Americans.In the last 50 yrs, The federal government workforce has grown at the same rate as the American population, and has NOT increased in relation to said population. Musk's assets are definitely increasing though, in relationship to said population.
>Defunds the army
>Gets right-wing militias instead
You didn’t think that one through, did you?
>Gets a bunch of larpers who will probably wind up shooting each other
sounds about right.

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