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Trump administration to cancel student visas of pro-Palestinian protesters


>You can't post with that subject.

Mods can you just tell me instead of banning me? I can't read your minds. What's wrong with the subject? It's the direct headline from the article.
Trump was always pro-Israel. Just ask Jared.
>>1378583 (OP)
You can't use the word "admin" or "administration" in the subject field (unless you're a mod)
I swear I tried that, but maybe I'm going crazy.
He literally exempted payments to Israel in his 'everything' freeze.
Right wing shills on this board claim to hate Jews with a mouthful of Israeli cock
tRump, like J'Biden, is an honorary Zionist. tRump is hoping Palestinian freedom fighters blow something big in the US, so he can create internment camps for university students, especially students of color. BURN BABY BURN, I VOTED FOR tRump so he could bring about the Civil war

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