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Trump's first bill of his presidency, the Laken Riley act named after a Georgia nursing student who was violated and murdered, has passed and will be in effect shortly.

The act will orders federal officials to detain any illegal aliens accused of crimes. and allow state attorney generals to sue the federal government for immigration related crimes due to inaction.

can't wait for leftists to rant about how this is a bad thing
>can't wait for leftists to rant about how this is a bad thing
go back to bluesky, there are no leftists here
literally every post below yours is crying about trump with bait images
>can't wait for leftists to rant about how this is a bad thing
I can just read the article. Apparently, it's another unfunded mandate.
>>1378592 (OP)
>“In this bill, if a person is so much as accused of a crime, if someone wants to point a finger and accuse someone of shoplifting, they would be rounded up and put into a private detention camp and sent out for deportation without a day in court.”
This is the main problem. This bill effectively allows ICE to violate the entire process of asylum seeking if someone is so much as accused of shoplifting or theft.

It's easy to make knee jerk bills in response to a tragedy like Laken Riley's murder, but you're gonna see all kinds of rights violations under this. Even to actual citizens who solely committed the crime of being somewhere without a birth certificate on them.
Oh yeah. All these new abilities for ICE, none of the funding to actually enforce them.
>>1378592 (OP)
And he apparently wants to send them to Guantanamo Bay
Reminder ICE can and has fucked up and unlawfully imprisoned and threatened to deport US citizens before.
People who aren't supposed to be here aren't entitled to out rights. You can't point your finger at. someone who is supposed to be here.
Idiot sovereign citizen logic
Sneak into another country and see what the fuck happens.
I still get due process in any first world country numb nuts
>any first world country
Huh. Are the illegals coming from first world countries?
Retarded question
not to anon, he thinks that he should be allowed to torture non americans to death
>>1378592 (OP)
fucking based. that illegal piece of shit tried to rape her and then caved her head in with a rock and democrats and biden all said they loved and supported him
there is literally no problem with this bill. illegals are not people and do not deserve the right to a trial
don't care.
of course you don't, you're not american
unlike you and obongo, I am American and have an American birth certificate and have voted in every election except like 1 since I turned 18.
you're a faggot and a spawn of satan
turn your monitor on
you are one of the most low effort shills, why are you even employed still
you are literally shilling for israel
you're the trumpfag, not me faggot
yeah, israel hates trump, queer. all the dems in the US voted for harris
You will when you're locked up for "missing papers".

Illegal immigrants can be more colors than brown anon. How am I supposed to know you aren't some kind of Canadian border jumper? Off to Guantanamo until your family can dig up your birth certificate.
I have my birth certificate at my house, fagola
you can thank trudeau for that he's put parliament into hiatus until march while illegals are running all over. we're getting fcked over here by your retarded politics that got trudeau elected. yes i'm blaming the united states for trudeau's election.
doesnt change the fact most jews vote democrat
doesn't change the fact that you're wrong, israel loves trump and he is planning to commit war crimes to appease them
nah, israel loves the dems and voted for harris
you get paid to lie but that doesn't mean you're good at lying anon
the majority of jews voted for harris. jews prefer dems because they castrate kids

so you're here defending pedophiles and genocide tonight. what other evil shit do you root for shill anon
I'm not defending democrats, retardo. and the jews voted for harris
>it's not pedophilia if a republican fucks children
you guys are so comically evil that it makes life seem dreamlike
Cool so stay in that country then and stop stealing from mine you freeloading retarded nigger jew
biden and obongo and clinton all raped kids and ate their flesh
the shill has lost response privileges. sorry bud, you're not getting paid tonight because you're acting so retarded
why are you talking about yourself, paid israeli poster?
they must not teach shills what the highest form of flattery is

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