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Maybe one day America can celebrate having real justice instead of a sham two tier system.


Former New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez was sentenced Wednesday to 11 years in prison following his conviction on bribery and corruption charges after taking cash, a Mercedes Benz and gold bars as bribes in exchange for helping three businessmen and the Egyptian government.

The sentencing marks a dramatic fall for the lawmaker born to Cuban emigres who got his start in politics in Union City, New Jersey, and became one of the most powerful senators as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Menendez was convicted last year of 16 felony counts for the long-running corruption scheme, making him the first US senator charged and convicted of acting as an agent of a foreign government.

“The public cannot be led to the belief that you can get away with bribery, fraud and betrayal,” said District Judge Sidney Stein.

“I don’t know what led you to this – greed was certainly part of it,” Stein added. “But that can’t be it, I don’t think that explains everything. Hubris was part of it, I don’t know. You’ll have to try to figure that out yourself over time.”

Menendez teared up as he spoke in court. “You have before you a chastened man,” he told the judge.

“Other than family, I have lost everything I ever cared about,” he added. “For someone who spent his entire life in public service, every day I’m awake is a punishment.”

Adam Fee, Menendez’s attorney, argued in court that the former senator deserved credit for his decades in public service.

“For nearly 50 years he’s been tireless servant of his community, his state and his country,” Fee said. “Despite his decades of service he is known more widely as ‘Gold Bar Bob.’”
>>1378633 (OP)
1 eyed insurrectionist terrorist traitor leader got a tRump pardon after 1 yr in jail. Shame of a nation. But all Mendez has to do is start ass kissing the orange anus, and get a Pardon, then run a a republican. He'd fit right.
>>1378633 (OP)
He is a Democrat, thrown under the bus by fellow Democrats. How is this related to Republicans
>thrown under the bus
He did that himself idiot
>He did that to himself
I agree he did. But they found the gold back in 2022. Why only now does he get indicated and sentenced. Because he was protected by his fellow Democrats until he pissed them off, and they dropped him.
Why now? Because trials take a long time doofus.
This is bobs second rodeo, he is a Democrat after all and Democrats are famously corrupt.
He was already indicted for federal corruption about 10 years ago or so.
To be fair, those charges did get dropped after jury was unable to decide a verdict.

Ironically, nothing he did was worse than what Clarence Thomas has accepted. Thomas was just smart enough to not ask for everything in cash.
I wish republicans care about bribery this much for everyone, and not just the one time in a decade its a democrat.

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