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do yuros really?
>>1378668 (OP)
no one knows because you never paste the article text
not in the rules, tranny
Tough but fair.
If you're not gonna paste the article, avg. iq teen male, then at least gtt the headline correct. This future all fans model is 25 yrs old not faces 25 yrs in prison. If you're sn adult, but an EAASLer, don't post articles here. Stick to international. I'm only interested in this because I've reached out to this remarkable creature and inquired how much she charges o put some of her delectable fragrance in a bottle and mail it to me.
I've been ordering poo perfume for yrs, and the container is the most expensive thing to ship because of weight. I use Xtra thick slide seal baggies which I ship to the poo perfumer.
Evans was handed a 12-month community order.

Evans, who was said to have mental health problems, was also handed 15 rehabilitation sessions, 60 days alcohol abstinence monitoring and a two-year restraining order.

She must pay £100 compensation and £199 costs.

nothing about her getting 25 years for this. OP is a complete lying faggot nigger
>>1378668 (OP)
Indian proves his obsession with that area of the body. So much, Freud would have a field day with the OP.
Film at 11.
>>1378668 (OP)
meanwhile on /news/, r*dditor shitposts about an article that xhe didn't even read
only reddit user her is you
>only reddit user her is you
Get back to us when English is your first language, foreigner.
>oh no the last letter didn't send that means I win
you are a gay retard and an israeli shill
>nothing about her getting 25 years for this.
So glad to hear this. There is nothing wrong with her or us fellow queef huffers
>Ms Prytherch’s victim statement, read to the court, said: “I would like to feel safe in my home.”
hfc smdh

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