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At her daily press briefing on Tuesday, Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum largely shrugged off Google’s move, noting that Trump’s order only applies to the US continental shelf, suggesting that her country would not abide by it.
“The Gulf of Mexico is still the Gulf of Mexico,” she said.
Sheinbaum responded with ridicule at the time. At a press conference, she presented a 1607 map that labeled parts of North America as “Mexican America,” and dryly proposed that the gulf should be renamed as such.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSdxvbTwuko [Embed]

Isn't she lovely
Life and love are the same
>>1378683 (OP)
>sheinbaum last name
Mexico is nothing but a drug cartel controlled 3rd world country, who cares

1st nation abo names, like gulf of Connecticut, or the exterminated peoples of that area, like the gulf of Commanche.But then, tRump would be very confused, " You mean North Dakota and Oklahoma are Indian names ". WOW, you just blew my mind JD!

The name “Canada” comes from the Huron-Iroquois word “kanata,” meaning “village” or “settlement.” Since I'm 1/10 th Huron, and 90 % Mongolian, I want my country renamed HUNGolia.
>who cares
Since you're not an American, hence, not one of Mexico's drug clients, I understand your indifference.
>>1378683 (OP)
There's your opinion - and your EO - destroyed, you orange retard.
This. The single largest employer in Mexico is the drug cartel.
I literally do not care what the elected figurehead of the drug cartels thinks about it.
Then why do you drugs from us, hombre?
I don't buy drugs because I don't live in a tent behind Starbucks
nope, it's still called Gulf of Mexico on google maps.

shill harder, lefties. no one is buying your fake outrage
Who are the "lefties" in this situation?

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