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While all new presidential administrations bring a swath of fresh faces to government offices, President Donald Trump’s Office of Personnel Management will reportedly have a handful of wide-eyed Gen Zers taking top spots within the agency.

Among the new hires for the body overseeing federal hiring and firing is a 21-year-old and a 2024 high school graduate, Wired reported Tuesday, citing anonymous sources within the federal government. The 21-year-old will serve as a senior advisor to Scott Kupor, Trump’s pick for the director of OPM, and the newly graduated high schooler will directly report to the agency’s chief of staff Amanda Scales, according to the outlet. Wired did not name the two individuals out of sensitivity to their ages.

The incoming Trump administration is evidently not opposed to hiring young people. Karoline Leavitt, who made her debut as White House press secretary Tuesday, is the youngest person to hold the position, at 27.

The onslaught of unconventional new hires reflects Trump’s sweeping approach to hirings, firings, and freezes that has so far shuffled at least 240 government employees. These changes are complementary to Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency Services, which replaced the Obama-era U.S. Digital Services. DOGE’s goal is to overhaul federal bureaucracy through cost-cutting, and eliminating what the administration sees as unnecessary roles.

New hires with ties to Musk
The fresh blood at OPM have more in common than just their new place of work; some also count themselves as former employees of Musk’s numerous tech companies. Scales reportedly recently worked for xAI, Musk’s AI firm that developed the chatbox Grok for X. The recent high school graduate working under Scales had a summer gig at Musk’s neurotechnology company Neuralink—in addition to work as a bike mechanic and camp counselor—according to an online resume and high school student-published magazine, Wired reported. The 21-year-old senior advisor did not previously work for a Musk-owned company, but reportedly listed on his resume a job at data analytics firm Palantir, co-founded by Peter Thiel, a member of the PayPal Mafia alongside Musk.

Overlaps between Musk’s former employees and up-and-coming government personage extend beyond OPM. Steve Davis, Musk’s chief cost-cutter at X, might now be an advisor to Musk on cuts made through his DOGE Service, Fortune reported earlier this month.

OPM did not respond to Fortune’s request for comment.

OPM’s ‘Fork in the Road’

Musk’s fingerprints on the federal government’s hiring and firing is growing more evident. The White House is offering a buyout to employees if they tender their resignation by Feb. 6, it said in a memo sent Tuesday.

The memo, titled “Fork in the Road,” bears strong resemblance to the email Musk sent to X, then Twitter, employees in 2022 following his purchase of the social media app. The message, which also had the “Fork in the Road” subject line, asked workers to commit to a “hardcore” work culture or take a buyout. During Musk’s transition as company owner, he was responsible for eliminating 6,500 of 8,000 positions at the company, trimming its headcount by 80%.

“This will mean working long hours at high intensity,” Musk said in his 2022 email. “Only exceptional performance will constitute a passing grade.”
OPM’s Tuesday memo used similar language, saying it would update its performance standards and “reward and promote those that exceed expectations.”

“The federal workforce should be comprised of employees who are reliable, loyal, trustworthy, and who strive for excellence in their daily work,” it said. “Employees will be subject to enhanced standards of suitability and conduct as we move forward.”

In August, Trump praised Musk for allegedly firing workers who complain about their jobs. “You’re the greatest…I mean, I look at what you do,” Trump said in an interview on X. “You just walk in and you just say, ‘You wanna quit?’ They go on strike, I won’t mention the name of the company, but they go on strike and you say, ‘That’s OK, you’re all gone…Every one of you is gone.'”
>During Musk’s transition as company owner, he was responsible for eliminating 6,500 of 8,000 positions at the company, trimming its headcount by 80%.
And see how well that worked out for them. Bots at all time high, user growth stagnating, advertisers leaving in droves, little to no moderation (and what little moderation they have seems to be dedicated to hitting anyone who criticizes lord musk-sama) and you can't even use the fucking thing without an account.
>>1378810 (OP)
>Wired did not name the two individuals out of sensitivity to their ages.
21 and most likely 19? Grown adults? Why do Americans infantilize everyone under 30?
Puritans and moralists.
You are mad the left is no longer in control of Twitter, huh
>>1378810 (OP)
based. I was on /pol/ and there was a thread up of people getting jobs in govt management. They were posting proofs as well. It's finally happening. We're finally getting //ourguys// into government finally.
I'm mad I can't fuckin lurk twitter anymore without some shady third party site that tosses ads at me every five secoonds. And in terms of content, it's mostly just ragebait farmers and bots, both with checkmarks that pushes them to the front of the line.
Too many damn helicopter parents in America. There's like 1 out of 10 families that has an idiot child who can't be trusted, so that family think the other 9 out of 10 can't trust their children to be on their own either.
Twitter is fine. You just don't like the content anymore because it is no longer curated by the left wing fact checkers. And Elon firing the DEI hires, fact checker, and the unnecessary fat in the company did not make Twitter close down. It is still alive and kicking
>Why do Americans infantilize everyone under 30?
Which is why certain Americans that are over 30 but are childish voted in a manchild that appointed a retarded autistic manbaby >>1378810 (OP)
>Twitter is fine
go back
So they’re just DEI hiring exclusively retards now?
>Wired did not name the two individuals out of sensitivity to their ages.
They're undoubtedly connected to the rich and powerful.
uh actually x is objectively better a platform now then ever. you're just a retard whose mad he lost one of his echo chambers and people can actually have an opinion that isn't a far-left talking point.
esl. bonus points if you can figure out which part of the english language you butchered
you're an uneducated npc, its hilarious you think you know proper english you fucking nitwit
well, that's too bad. i guess you'll keep giving yourself away as a bottom shelf shill who barely even knows english. if you pay me i can tutor you anon
asking an american to tutor you is like going to a drug deal for counseling. who the fuck would want that? Its a sign of low IQ when all you can do is complain about muh grammar ESL but keep showing yourself off as an incompetent retard.
don't get mad at me because you don't understand our grammatical rules, you stupid faggot. i guess you like being outed as esl
you mad you're proving yourself a low IQ ape with a keyboard?
you are simply adorable esl anon, i could eat you up. maybe one day you'll learn
it's actually because they're either jewish, or indian, and people would notice too much if their names were mentioned

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