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In poland there will officially be no pension for the self-employed.... half a year ago they hid a document ready for publication. until investigative journalists leaked it, and then it magically reappeared 24 hours later. and social security contributions have to be paid. For nothing.


This is kinda the same boat most of Europe is in now
>>1378828 (OP)
Poland is one of the last places of pure Aryan race. This is why their main exports are pickles and body odor N'yuck N'yuck
>Not mongolmutts
kek. Paste the article text in English kiddo.
>>1378828 (OP)
Reform UK's Nigel Farage, and beloved of the white right in Britain (mainly because Reform is their last gasp hope of any kind of political credibility post-EDL: and they were the last gasp hope of the BNP: and they were the last gasp hope of the NF) trusts Indians more than Poles.
Nice Parliamentary pension you'll have once you're no longer an MP, Nige. That annual $226,300 should come in handy once you take that final trip on Marine One in early 2029, Trump.
>>1378828 (OP)
same will happen to spain, pensions are a government ponzi scheme, worst of all is everyone is forced to pay taxes for it

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