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An opinion poll indicated that 85% of Greenlanders do not wish their Arctic island - a semi-autonomous Danish territory - to become a part of the United States, with nearly half saying they see interest by U.S. President Donald Trump as a threat.
Trump said earlier this month that Greenland was vital to U.S. security and Denmark should give up control of the strategically important island.
The survey by pollster Verian, commissioned by the Danish newspaper Berlingske and Greenlandic daily Sermitsiaq, showed only 6% of Greenlanders are in favour of their island becoming part of the U.S., with 9% undecided.

The poll showed that 45% viewed Trump's interest in Greenland as a threat, with 43% saying they see it as an opportunity, leaving 13% undecided.
Greenland enjoys many of the same welfare benefits as Denmark such as universal healthcare and free education.
Only 8% of those polled said they would be willing to change their Danish citizenship to American, 55% said they would prefer to be Danish citizens, and 37% were undecided.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said on Tuesday she had given full backing to the principle of maintaining respect for international borders, following meetings with French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and NATO chief Secretary-General Mark Rutte.
"I am pleased if the survey is an expression that many Greenlanders would like to see a continued close cooperation with Denmark. Probably in a different form than what we know today, because everything changes over time," she told Berlingske in response to the poll.

Denmark said on Monday it would spend 14.6 billion crowns ($2.04 billion) on boosting its military presence in the Arctic.
Greenland - with a land mass larger than Mexico and a population of 57,000 - was granted broad self-governing autonomy in 2009, including the right to declare independence from Denmark through a referendum.
Greenland Prime Minister Mute Egede, who has stepped up a push for independence, has repeatedly said the island is not for sale and that it is up to its people to decide their future.
The U.S. military has a permanent presence at the Pituffik Space Base in northwestern Greenland, a strategic location for its ballistic missile early-warning system, as the shortest route from Europe to North America runs via the island.
($1 = 7.1545 Danish crowns)
>>1378833 (OP)
Like they'll have a say.
lol this
Talking with danes on /pol/ this last week have been funny. They unironically believe they have a choice, or that the rest of NATO is going to launch nukes at us to protect it.
This is a geopolitical snuggle struggle.
Nukes. Maybe not.

But you really won't be able to take it, and your economy won't survive the attempts. Look at the outcome of the last few attempts made for military expansion if you need a pointer.

Also, you need to worry about a lot more than NATO. Ofc, that'll be easily repurposed against you as it is the russians, But there's a decent handfull of treaties and on top of that, there's a dencent amount that will get involved on principle. Not including the supply of UUV's china will literally give greenland just to fuck with you - I'm so looking forwards to your aircraft carriers going to the sea floor as they try to compete in the game of drone swarms - then there's a(n impressive) queue of countries that you've given great excuses to, who, whilst you're moving right will be stupid not to move in from the left.

And they're the ones you'd want to worry about, with nukes, they've already mapped the holes in space fence ready, and have hollowed out container vessels already moving through panama in preperation. They're just wating for the excuses. Leaving yourself weakened and fragmented will probably be enough.
NATO isn't going to fight us because we give them financial aid and make up more than half of the military might of NATO. If we fall, so does our sphere of influence, which protects cuck countries like Canada and Greenland.
China isn't a threat. Every piece of technology they flout, they originally stole from us, including the facial recognition software they use to keep track of social credit scores.
Making drones fly in a preprogrammed pattern, so that they make the shape of a dragon, isn't indicative of technological supremacy. It's dumb shit that a highschooler can do in his spare time.
If you want to know what our drones can do, look at the UAP footage that began showing up around military bases and aircraft carriers. Those are ours.
>NATO isn't going to fight us
They won't want to. Push them. See what happens.

>China isn't a threat
As evidenced by how butthurt y'all getting with regards to crippling their ability to advance.

>Every piece of technology they flout, they originally stole from us,
There is significant example, yes. Pretty much anything you've got that they wanted, they alread taken. But they are building their own, and have began to surpass what they stole.
Much in the same way everything you have is an enhancment of the things you stole from europe, and what you learned from. Only you stole primitive mechanics, and they stole precision mechanics.

>isn't indicative of technological supremacy. It's dumb shit that a highschooler can do in his spare time.
No. That was indicated when they kicked in your backdoors and took everything, then improved upon it. And started producing in numbers.
Yes, drawing dragons with drones is a highschool project, that's not the peak of their abilities. The most important being the scale to which they can manufacture incredibly cheap drones. Look at the ukraine for how this has changed the shape of warfare, and they can produce the largest numbers in the shortest amount of time. Consider a fair selection of UUV's are essentially self-guided torpedo, it's unlikely they'll be used to draw dragons, and it's even more unlikely a carrier group will survive many waves.

And that's just below the surface.

Also. China isn't the only punks that you need to concern of. There's plenty with capacity, just waiting for an opening. You've delivered enough incentive to ensure an opportunity will be capitlised upon.
>Push them. See what happens.
We already are. They won't do anything. Which is why this argument is pointless.
>As evidenced by how butthurt y'all getting with regards to crippling their ability to advance.
They thought the experimental plane in the newest Top Gun movie was real.
Their critical infrastructure is made out of recycled corn cobs and covered with plaster to make it look like concrete.
They fill fields full of rebar in the vain hope of fooling our satellites into thinking they are fields full of crops.
They are desperately seeking to avoid another revolution after losing the mandate of heaven. That is why they lie about and steal their achievements, even though their own people eat fake rice, fake eggs and use oil from sewers for cooking.
Whatever advancements you think they've made do not exist. They merely steal and bluff their way through geopolitics, using the tools we developed. They hardly qualify as human.
>Consider a fair selection of UUV's are essentially self-guided torpedo
We've had these for half a century.
The drones Ukraine enjoys are our military surplus combined with IEDs and/or mortars attached to them.
We literally wrote and published books online how to make this shit at home. That's how the Taliban learned how to make black powder explosives in the desert using nothing but camel spit and urine.
China, Russia et al. won't do shit because they know we will drop the sun on their head if they try.
The only thing more enjoyable to an American is the prospect of conquering foreign nations.
War is our bread and our sport. That is why we will take Greenland.
>That is why we will take Greenland.
Keep telling yourself that.
Ima GREENIE gibs all 56k of us 10M each = 560M and we all move to Denmark. Cheep buy for tRump, and the US can have the big mudball(all that ice is melting). PS: There is very little rare earths or minerals or gold etc here.
>They won't want to. Push them. See what happens.
They fold like a lawn chair because without the US, NATO has no teeth

>Keep telling yourself that.
What are you gonna do to stop us Chang, make more posts on /news/? Lmao
>Every piece of technology they flout, they originally stole from us
Just like the Japanese. But chyyNa isn't an American satellite like Japan was in the '50. And the chyyNese out jew the jew. Your Rah Rah is the whimper if a dying empire, fat burger man.
>>1378833 (OP)
>Greenlanders overwhelmingly oppose joining United States
Why do you hate democracy, Trump?
>>1378833 (OP)
This is literally the dumbest obsession trump has had. Greenland has already given the US full mining access and military real estate for bases. What does he hope to gain other than sowing distrust among our allies?
>>1378833 (OP)
Anon, freedom is non negotiable.
>>1378833 (OP)
>fake ass political poll created to generate this exact result
this isn't news. this is propaganda. The polls said Kamala would win with a majority vote, and then after the election all the polls revealed that they knew the polls were cooked.
Why are you angry?
Actually propaganda is when you go to a foreign nation and bribe a bunch of homeless people to make a photo op implying public support for you to annex said foreign nation.
>>1378833 (OP)
why do americans think the world want to join them? its a country of the worst people, the most expensive living standards and one of the most dangerous in the world. It stopped being the land of opportunities decades ago its a literal debt pit of narcissists.
Sure you're better then the mexican slums but thats setting such an embarrassingly low standard
nato isn't going to let you retards stay still you dipshit the majority of countries are looking for an excuse to starve out the US
he's a retard with the napoleon complex part, He's trying to tariff canada then buy us when canada is literally subsidizing the US by selling our products mainly electricity and crude oil at a discount from what it'd cost to drill it in his own country.
>expensive living
Highest PPP and household income in the world
>most dangerous
Not even close lol
Better question is why are you lying
>one of the most dangerous in the world
Like El Salvador? It was the murder Capitol of the world until a new president took over and incarcerated every gang member and cartel worker.

Now it has the world's highest incarceration rate at 1% and is one of the safest countries in the western hemisphere with the president enjoying over 90% approval.

I honestly hope trump does the same and orders that every repeat offender be sent to a prison in another country on their next arrest where the US can pay pennies on the dollar to house then until they die naturally.
9th highest cost of living with a minimum wage of 6$ usd in some states retard.
Among first world countries US is easily close to the top. and because you go muh NYC reported decrease of crime you have a decrease in crime because you literally have had policies ignoring crimes and releasing criminals the same day.
Your country is a cesspit of stupidity and retards
I think that's a pipe dream tbh, I think trump's a retard since he thinks a trade deficit because americans are lazy fatasses who pay on credit is a subsidy. But he's got his work cut out for him since democrats are literally defending illegal child raping criminals.
If he calls in the military and enstate martial law I could see that happening in his term but i think he has too many domestic traitors to push through completely.
>a minimum wage of 6$
less than 1% of the population earn that, at least do real research before commenting bullshit
>Your country is a cesspit of stupidity and retards
yeah that's why all the best universities in the planet are all here and have the highest done clinical trials and cohorts. get a grip
It's just a shame that you're neither rich or smart and can be easily replaced!
>best universities on the planet
Which ones?
stanford, ivy league, caltech, mit
>ivy league
That's actually a group comprised of 8 of the worlds top universities
I'm going to enjoy watching you starve and freeze to death on your way to conquer greenland and canada lol.
You're a country of inapt retards that got boosted into relevance by being a war profiteer.
Yes you're also the country with one of the lowest average IQ among first world countries while having a significantly higher then average cost spent on education per capita.
>>1378833 (OP)
>believing an opinion poll
US has the means to be entirely self sufficient. You can't starve us of anything
Most countries can be self sufficient if they wanted to, but I wouldn't expect US out of all countries to be self sufficient when they're too cheap to pay its own labourers well and have to rely on undocumented migrants to harvest their own food right now lol

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