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Boeing is working with Trump advisor Elon Musk on ways to deliver delayed, overbudget Air Force One replacements sooner, CEO Kelly Ortberg said Tuesday.

The pair of Boeing 747s that will serve as the next Air Force One aircraft are more than $2 billion over budget and years late, which the company has attributed to design changes, labor constraints and supply chain problems. President Donald Trump struck a deal for the aircraft during his first term, after threatening to “cancel order!” before he took office in 2017, complaining about high costs.

“We’ve been engaged with Elon” on the Air Force One program to eliminate costs and deliver the aircraft earlier, Ortberg said in an interview with CNBC’s Phil Lebeau on “Squawk on the Street” on Tuesday, after Boeing released full-year results and its 2025 outlook.

It is not clear whether the aircraft will be delivered before Trump’s current term is up. An Air Force spokesperson told CNBC that an updated delivery schedule from Boeing is expected in the spring.

Trump cut a cake adorned with a model of Air Force One — in a new paint scheme — with a sword at his Jan. 20 inaugural ball.

Musk, whose company SpaceX competes with Boeing’s space unit, has worked closely with Trump in recent months. The billionaire is also heading Trump’s commission that he tasked with reducing government spending.

Musk and the White House didn’t immediately comment.

“The president wants those planes sooner so we’re working with Elon to see what can we do to pull up the schedule of those programs,” Ortberg said.

Boeing in the last quarter took $1.7 billion in pretax charges in its defense and space unit, including for the Air Force One program. Ortberg, who became CEO in August, replaced the head of that business in September with an internal, interim leader.
I expect the Secret Service to pay a visit to them for threats on a sitting president's life because boeing is still having their planes just fall apart.
All the best aeronautical engineers have left, as Boing Boing gives most of the profits to shareholders now. Musk will have to take the credit for what inferior engineers and quality controllers do. This is the perfect example of America today, and its decline. damned clever chyyNamen....time to learn Mandarin. N'YUCKsoo N'YUCKsoo
>Boeing musk partnership for af1
Maybe trump won't need to be impeached or removed, af1 will just fall apart or nosedive midair and handle it for us.
>>1378845 (OP)
>Musk, whose company SpaceX competes with Boeing’s space unit, has worked closely with Trump in recent months. The billionaire is also heading Trump’s commission that he tasked with reducing government spending
"Sec. 3. DOGE Structure. (a) Reorganization and Renaming of the United States Digital Service. The United States Digital Service is hereby publicly renamed as the United States DOGE Service (USDS) and shall be established in the Executive Office of the President."
So the USDS is renamed USDS. Not 'DOGE'.
That's efficiency. Unlike what you're displaying here. Still, you could always get as a replacement an Airbus A330-243 MRTT. If it's good enough for King Charles III and Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, what's your excuse?
...oh, it's a 'foreign' plane? You can always complain via your own Lies... I mean Truth Social on your Chinese made iPhone, Trump.
Nice M-777 Howitzers you have there, US Army & Marines. BAe Systems - one of the biggest suppliers to the Department of Defense - say 'You're Welcome'. That's BAe. As in British Aerospace.
>Coping and seething this much
What does Elon's cum taste like?
Elon Musk has entered the chat
>>1378845 (OP)
So a mix between a 737 max and a cybertruck? Yes please
Sounds like a fucking deathtrap. Looking forward to the inaugural flight crashing and Musk geting put on trial for killing the leader of the free world with his stupidity.
It'll be OK
How so?
Lefties will have melties and the Neonazi socialists will literally implode.
That's an OK outcome.
>>1378845 (OP)
Hopefully that new Boeing plane crash with Trump and his puppet masters in it.
>Hopefully that new Boeing plane crash with Trump and his puppet masters in it
And that's what will make the likes of >>1379252 and its rightist neonazi magatard ilk have melties and implode. That's a more than OK outcome.

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