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:first of all this is news and second of all I have been blocked from /v/ permantently for no reason

here goes:

Mass Effect

Bioware FIRED their Dragon Age team and start to create a new Mass Effect game


Gary McKay said "we dont need a studio full of people anymore"
"we will concentrate only on mass effect"

It is unknown how many person Bioware has at this point

Corinne Busche, a female, directed the whole dragon age game, which was not all that well received by gamers, and she left the studio and afterwards rest of the dragon age team was fired by Gary

Mass Effect will be created by males:
Mike Gambler, Preston Wattamaniuk, Derek Watts, Parrish Leyy, Dong Schwarzeh
>>1378897 (OP)
Oh yeah I was just reading this. They fired all the writers and several producers that tried to make DA into gay propaganda shit
I enjoyed Mass Effect 2 and 3. Never played that Andromeda game. Hopefully they just focus on making a good game without all the super excessive politics shit that seems to comes from "diversity hiring" when the diversity is invariably a bunch of crazy woke people that can't seem to produce a quality product. All the games had a sort of left-leaning moral tint in a lot of the quests, which never bothered me at all. Modern progressives are just fucking unbearable.
Gaming is healing
Just please. Ffs, hire some actual talent. Especially writers.
>A black man and Latino woman in the game Halo: Fireteam Raven
So why is Eugene Jarvis - he of Defender fame - and his game company Raw Thrills not bankrupt by now because of a game released several years ago? He & his company are bringing out another game this year, so there's certain retards' opinions proved wrong. Then there's this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igVWVRRrcz0 [Embed]
The comment by brutalastartes says it all.
As they made white rightards seethe with certain ads for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, is this a dig at the Gamergraters?
Even before 15th May, id Software's about to destroy a whole demon horde of retards & their even more wrong opinions as the Saw Shield does, when DOOM: The Dark Ages becomes a massive hit, just as their previous game did.
Go Woke, Get Mega-Rich.
Eugene Jarvis & his Raw Thrills laughed all the way to the bank with a Halo-related game.
To me, having a hispanic or a black person or a masculine woman or gay person featured in a game is not "woke". Though race and gender swapping established characters for political reasons is weird. Having thinly veiled self-sucking progressive moralizing about modern political race and gender issues in your entertainment media is what makes it woke. It's overdone and obnoxious, and it's everywhere in entertainment right now. The preachiness and having it shoehorned into everything is what makes it obnoxious.
It's also the adversarial tone. "If you don't believe everything I do, you're literally Hitler and the scum of the earth."
Ah, 'Woke' = anything you don't like. Gotcha, snowflakes.
Or you can just ignore what you don't like. The fact you're so obsessed with certain things says so much about you.
Meanwhile, id Software has that in it's forthcoming game - just as certain other games do - that snowflakes don't like. Just ignore them.
But a new game on 15th May is still going to prove said snowflakes' opinions wrong when id's coffers start filling up.
>all the super excessive politics shit that seems to comes from "diversity hiring" when the diversity is invariably a bunch of crazy woke people that can't seem to produce a quality product.
Pretty much this. I don't even think the problem is hiring a diverse staff, I don't think that has anything to do with it. I think the problem is shifting the focus of your product design away from a compelling quality product, and instead trying to produce something that just makes a poster board of whatever minority of the month they feel like parading around.
Good post
>You can just ignore it

Yes, that's the issue. It's almost ubiquitous at this point and it invades every hobby and subculture. Also, I gave you my definition, you passive aggressive pussy. It isn't academically defined term; it's also not a non-issue because different people have different objections to the same phenomenon.
Still being snowflakes about things you consider 'Woke'. You can prevent being snowflakes by simply not having opinions about certain things. Rise above it.
I don't have opinions about that which you consider 'Woke', so what's your excuse?
I think it's weird that you believe having a negative opinion about this issue is weakness and not having an opinion about it is honorable or strong. I also don't think you're being serious; I also think you're ESL so it's hard to tell.
>I think
>I also think
You can think?
Damn. Sick burn, bro.
based truth

The latest DA game has a scene where someone gets misgendered and then mansplains about being non binary.

What the fuck does that have to do with a fantasy video game story?

Significantly more than 50% of the players of games like dragon age are straight males. They're not appealing to their audience. There's no reason for a misgendering scene to be found in a fantasy rpg. It doesn't help connect to audiences. It doesn't serve to improve the story. It's purely trying to pander to an extremely small portion of the population who happen to be very loud.
Don't buy the game then. Quit whining like a bitch about games you don't play.
top fucking kek, vidya is healing
>vidya is healing
With id Software including in their latest game a warrior woman who is on Doom Slayer's side. And Valen, a black man.

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